Precisely. You "win" your arguments by lying.What I said includes exaggerating what the other said to try to shame him into guilt. :lol:
Precisely. You "win" your arguments by lying.What I said includes exaggerating what the other said to try to shame him into guilt. :lol:
Precisely. You "win" your arguments by lying.
The core of this subject is the persecution complex society seems to be falling into Grumpy. Everyone is now a fukking victim . That's all this is about.I am liberal in some things and conservative on other issues I am who I am
and don't feel guilty about things. i am concerned about a number of social
issues but I don't personally attach guilt to my concerns.
I am white no problem
I am concerned about abusive men I have daughters and grand daughters.
I am concerned about not polluting but I don't feel guilt
Well the list goes on progressives are becoming more vocal about change
that is true and they are demanding we change as a society.
That is no different than the fight for labor rights or the battle for the woods from
logging or the right to abortions and other social issues of the day.
Where does all this guilt stuff come from people want change and they want
something done about a lot of things. Is it realistic we will solve all the issues
of the day, well NO but some are going to try some issues are valid some out
to lunch that is life
The core of this subject is the persecution complex society seems to be falling into Grumpy. Everyone is now a fukking victim . That's all this is about.
There is no sensible way you can get to that conclusion from me denying saying what you claimed I said. Seems you have issues with reasoning as well as reading comprehension. Stop being such a condescending little weasel.Don't worrie about it, dear. Stop being so insecure.
Quite honestly I'm surprised you pursue this thread as the content is as substantive as a turd laying in the road.There is no sensible way you can get to that conclusion from me denying saying what you claimed I said. Seems you have issues with reasoning as well as reading comprehension. Stop being such a condescending little weasel.
As counsel to weasels, I demand that you immediately cease and desist from defaming my clients!There is no sensible way you can get to that conclusion from me denying saying what you claimed I said. Seems you have issues with reasoning as well as reading comprehension. Stop being such a condescending little weasel.
Don't worrie about it, dear. Stop being so insecure.
When you can't come up with a good argument, the only way to win a argument is to try to shame someone into guilt :lol:
Dexter insecure? Yup, you are an idiot. You have now removed all doubt.
How about you come up with more than just touting the party line for the rightwing nutcases that see a muzzie conspiracy around every corner and arte so fu cking scared that they want to stop ALL immigration from the middle east. You know, like you do.
Pudney needs love can't you give him some o that good lovin ? You know kinda like the lovin you be giving Selfschlong?Calm down Gerryh, your talking like a mad man.
I'm just having a little fun.
I'm just provoking a little bit of thoughts.
It was stolen from an American site about electing Obama in 2008.Quite honestly I'm surprised you pursue this thread as the content is as substantive as a turd laying in the road.
It was stolen from an American site about electing Obama in 2008.
The first hint I saw was he should have changed blacks to Indigenous or natives "Progressives feel guilty blacks go to jail" like he did from USA to Canada in this one ; They feel guilty being born in Canada.
That is not a Canadian issue but an American one;
More than 1,300 black offenders are currently serving time in federal penitentiaries — many of them in Ontario, where 20 per cent of the federal prison population is black.
Canada's federal penitentiaries currently house 14,312 inmates.
African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population
Criminal Justice Fact Sheet | NAACP
And since he's tried to use an American diatribe as a Canadian feature, I will use an American response.....
Guilt is good, people! The only people who don't suffer guilt are sociopaths and serial killers. Guilt means you have a conscience. You have self-awareness, you have—in the case of America's history of racism—historical awareness. Just because things have gotten better in the present doesn't mean we can erase racism from our past or ignore its enduring legacy.
Critics of Obama supporters who use the phrase "guilty liberal" or "liberal guilt" in a condescending, above-it-all manner suggest there's something weak about feeling guilt; they paint a trivializing, Woody Allen caricature of it.
Actually, I think it requires a kind of strength, not weakness, to face the ugly truths of history and to react to them in an honest way. "Liberal guilt" isn't a reason one must automatically support a black candidate, but that doesn't mean that liberal guilt—better defined as an awareness of the need to contend with, and overcome, a racist past—shouldn't be a factor in politics.
Of course, it's not enough just to feel guilty or to act on guilt alone. But guilt can often spur us to deal with the enduring consequences of the injustices of the past and force us not to pretend there are none.
It's especially surprising to hear "guilt" being disparaged by conservatives, since they present themselves as moralists; they are quick to decry liberals for seeking to abolish guilt over various practices conservatives deem immoral. But was slavery not immoral? For those conservatives who make a fetish of "values": Was not the century of institutionalized racism and segregation that followed the end of slavery a perpetuation of "flawed values" that the nation should feel an enduring guilt over? For those conservatives who are forever speaking of the way they value history and memory more than liberals: Should we abolish the history and memory of slavery and racism just because they're no longer legally institutionalized?
What I don't understand is why there doesn't seem to be any conservative guilt over racism. Contemporary conservatives could learn from their revered godfather William F. Buckley Jr., who, early in his career at the National Review, wrote a pro-Jim Crow lead editorial—little remembered in liberal and other encomia to the man—titled "Why the South Must Prevail," in which he argued that segregation should persist even by illegal means because "the White community … for the time being … is the advanced race."
In praise of liberal guilt.
Well I must be bucking the trend I don't feel like a victim
It only looks that way during renovations.It's a damn shame what we turning this earth into.
Oh, great. More condos.It only looks that way during renovations.
Oh, great. More condos.
Excuse me!?!? They are now called sustainable living environments to help our sensitive guilty feeling bleeding harts cope.