Progressives is a guilt cult


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hey, it only took Canada 100 years to apologize to Ukrainians for xenophobia. 100 years from now we can say sorry to Muzzies.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
What preposterous BS that OP is. Why would I feel guilty about things I had nothing to do with? I'll feel guilt over only my own mistakes, and as soon as I understand I've made one I'll try to fix it. A lot of things make me sad and angry--residential schools, missing and murdered women, racism, sexism, priests diddling children, etc.--but I had no role in any of those horrors, though I'd immediately agree that we as a society are bound by duty and honour to try to fix them. I'm a university educated, English speaking, healthy white male, a child of great privilege for which I am duly grateful, and except for the work I did to get the university education I had no choice about any of those facts of life. I'll agree that my privileged position puts a certain burden of responsibility on me, but I'll make no apology for circumstances I had nothing to do with.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
What preposterous BS that OP is. Why would I feel guilty about things I had nothing to do with? I'll feel guilt over only my own mistakes, and as soon as I understand I've made one I'll try to fix it. A lot of things make me sad and angry--residential schools, missing and murdered women, racism, sexism, priests diddling children, etc.--but I had no role in any of those horrors, though I'd immediately agree that we as a society are bound by duty and honour to try to fix them. I'm a university educated, English speaking, healthy white male, a child of great privilege for which I am duly grateful, and except for the work I did to get the university education I had no choice about any of those facts of life. I'll agree that my privileged position puts a certain burden of responsibility on me, but I'll make no apology for circumstances I had nothing to do with.

You just posted in a thread that you feel guilty of being a human because we are a plague and not very nice to each other :lol:

In the larger picture, most days I think we're a plague on the planet and it would be better off without us. The geological record shows there have been five mass extinctions in the history of life on earth, and the evidence indicates we're causing a sixth one. The end result for all species is extinction anyway, the vast majority of species that have ever lived--99% by some estimates--are extinct, and eventually it'll happen to us too. But in the meantime, I think we should try to be nice to each other--and I mean everybody, all 7+ billion of us--and enjoy life while we have it.

Yes, humans can live in denial of their progressive guilt. :lol:

Yup, that's the usual run of excuses, evasions, and fallacies.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, dude.

With no offer of any good reason, explanation, or argument.

The real fallacy is that mutual respect can existe when one of the two groups is planning to attack and kill the other, and is having regular discussion about accomplishing that. It's pure progressive insanity :lol:

Once a group loses your trust, because there is good evidence that they conspire against you, they forfeit any respect owed to them.

Your arguing that a women needs to keep being a good wife even if the husband has plans to beat her everyday.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Not my first rodeo.

Your position is just a way to benefit from all the good things your forbears did without doing anything about the bad things they did. Seen it a hundred times.

Are you trying to guilt trip me :lol:

Here we have Tec trying to give me progressive guilt for the actions of my ancestry :lol:
Your not even offering a argument, to defend your position.
And now we see the difference between Tec and I.

If I'm not a progressive twit who subscribes to guilt about what my ancestor have done, I'm a racist a bigot.

The idea that I exclude a group of people from joining my country based on the fact they conspire to commit mass murder, is racist and bigoted.
The act of calling me racist and bigoted is a attempt to make me feel progressive guilt.

Case and point.

Now I remember why you never want to argu with me. :lol:

Your progressive guilt cult tactic don't work on someone who has a complete understanding of its fallacy.

Maybe you can go guilt trip dexter, he's a real progressive twit like you. :lol:

You two would be the perfect progressive couple. Sado-masochism

You can guilt trip dexter, he love to feel guilty :lol:
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Are you trying to guilt trip me :lol:

Here we have Tec trying to give me progressive guilt for the actions of my ancestry :lol:
Your not even offering a argument, to defend your position.
And now we see the difference between Tec and I.

If I'm not a progressive twit who subscribes to guilt about what my ancestor have done, I'm a racist a bigot.

The idea that I exclude a group of people from joining my country based on the fact they conspire to commit mass murder, is racist and bigoted.
The act of calling me racist and bigoted is a attempt to make me feel progressive guilt.

Case and point.
It's "case in point."

Now I remember why you never want to argu with me. :lol:
Because you don't argue. You make up a position, ascribe it to me, and then refute it. You're really just talking to yourself.

Maybe you can go guilt trip dexter, he's a real progressive twit like you. :lol:

You two would be the perfect progressive couple. Sado-masochism
Ah, gay and sexually variant. My, you are quite the church lady, aren't you?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
It's "case in point."

Because you don't argue. You make up a position, ascribe it to me, and then refute it. You're really just talking to yourself.

Ah, gay and sexually variant. My, you are quite the church lady, aren't you?

:lol: Sorry you feel you can't bring any real arguments against me.

Now I remember why you don't bother arguing. :lol:

Maybe I can feel a little guilty for you for exposing your stupidity. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You can't prove it because my arguments are sound.

You just can't accept them because it will mean that your a fraud. ;).


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Can you give us a case and point?

:lol: It already has. :lol:

But your not offering any arguments :lol:

Pride won't let you admit I'm right, it's a trait most mediocre humans have in common, sinse they have lack of self confidence.
Due to being mediocre.

Wish Cdnbear was here to laugh at you, he would enjoy this as much as I am.

What a hack of a lawyer :lol: beaten in a argument by a simple woodworker :lol:

You really are a fraud Tec :lol:
I'd have expected a good argument backed by real examples by now.

Your brains starting to smell like a burt CPU trying to come up with a good argument in this thread Tec :lol:

My argument is so simple and true, it's a checkmate;)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
I've always thought of it more of a worried about everything cult.