Muslim truck drivers refuse to deliver beer, win $240,000 lawsuit


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Q: What do you call a drunken Muslim?
A: Mohammered.

Q: What do you call an evil Muslim?
A: Mu Ha Ha Ha Med.

Q: What do you call a Muslim on a toilet?
A: Islamic Relief.

Q: What is the most popular kids show in the Middle East?
A: Dora the Exploder!

Did you hear they invented an exploding prayer mat? Apparently, prophets are going through the roof.

Two Muslim mothers chatting about their children. 'You know, they blow up so quickly these days'.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No. You're wrong. The Western world's decline was brought about when it's ruling establishments were taken over by a cabal of left-wing sociology students and liberals in the 1960s, who hate everything that is white, Christian and Western and who are still running us (badly) today.
Nah, it all really went in the toilet when Britain became a crowd of lager louts staggering from the pub to the stadium to shout racist slogans at the football match, then out to slobber all over their ballot cards whilst voting for BNP-Lite, then back to the pub for more lager, capped off by beating up an innocent non-white and passing out in the gutter covered in puke and filth.

In other words, Blackleaf's typical weekend. And week.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
There's nothing pedantic or silly about me. Can you show me the passage in the Koran which states that Muslims can't even touch containers of alcohol?

Can you show me the passage in the bible that states there is purgatory? Can you show me a passage in the Bible where Jesus supports war?

Do you have something to add to this discussion or is this just part of your non-stop trolling?

You're stupid enough to consider this whole thread a "discussion"?
You can have the last word like the little silly girl I always thought you were!

Trolling it is then...not that I'm the least bit surprised.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
racist slogans at the football match

They're only "racist" to the Left-wing, metropolitan establishment which hates tll things British, especially the English and Englishness. It especially hates the sight of white males waving St George's Flags proclaiming how proud they are of England. To them (and you) that's "racist". They'd much prefer the sight of brown, bearded, humourless fellows burning poppies and calling for the beheading of all British soldiers and any British citizen which "offends" them. That's much more preferable.

then out to slobber all over their ballot cards whilst voting for BNP-Lite, then back to the pub for more lager, capped off by beating up an innocent non-white and passing out in the gutter covered in puke and filth.
Don't worry. With hundreds of thousands of Isis currently passing through Europe on their way to Britain, and with the Left-wing, metropolitan elite wanting us to house 100 of these "refugees" in every town and city, the vast majority of us will be out voting BNP very soon.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
They opened a Muslim clothing store in the local mall. I got kicked out. All I did was ask if they sell bomber jackets


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Don't worry. With hundreds of thousands of Isis currently passing through Europe on their way to Britain, and with the Left-wing, metropolitan elite wanting us to house 100 of these "refugees" in every town and city, the vast majority of us will be out voting BNP very soon.
I'm not worried. I'm looking forward to Islamic Britainistan.

It'll be so much more pleasant and reliable than the current mess.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'm not worried. I'm looking forward to Islamic Britainistan.

Of course you are. The ultimate goal for you lot on the Left is, as we all know, the Islamification of the West.

It'll be so much more pleasant and reliable than the current mess.

"Current mess." That's just fancy Left-wing speak for "white and Christian."

Can you show me the passage in the bible that states there is purgatory?

The Bible does not mention the exact word "purgatory” but instead it makes reference to a place which can be understood as what is referred to as purgatory.

Can you show me a passage in the Bible where Jesus supports war?

It's lucky that Britain wasn't run by a peacenik, pacifist Left-wing cabal in 1939, otherwise most of Europe - including probably Britain itself - would now be just seventy-odd years into the Thousand Year Reich.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Of course you are. The ultimate goal for you lot on the Left is, as we all know, the Islamification of the West.

"Current mess." That's just fancy Left-wing speak for "white and Christian."
You need to decide if Britain is currently "white and Christian" or "overrun by browns and Muslims."

You realize that you say both at the same time? It can't be both. Either John Bull is Engerland, or Mohammed al-Akbar is.

Unless you're BNP-Lite, that is. In which case, "white and Christian" and "brown and Muslim" can co-exist quite easily in what's left of your terrified, alcohol-poisoned brain.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You need to decide if Britain is currently "white and Christian" or "overrun by browns and Muslims."

You realize that you say both at the same time? It can't be both. Either John Bull is Engerland, or Mohammed al-Akbar is.

Unless you're BNP-Lite, that is. In which case, "white and Christian" and "brown and Muslim" can co-exist quite easily in what's left of your terrified, alcohol-poisoned brain.

Britain is white and Protestant, and it should remain that way. It's time to pull up the drawbridge and stop letting Tom, Dick and Abdul in.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
The Bible does not mention the exact word "purgatory” but instead it makes reference to a place which can be understood as what is referred to as purgatory.

That's probably why all Christians believe in purgatory then...wait a minute...

It's lucky that Britain wasn't run by a peacenik, pacifist Left-wing cabal in 1939....

You mean people like Jesus...yes, I can see your point.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
OK if I bookmark this and quote it back to you next time you start slobbering about how Britain has been taken over by brown people and Muslims?

It's being taken over, aided and abetted by you lot. That's why I vote Ukip.

You mean people like Jesus...yes, I can see your point.

If our political leaders all had that idea in 1939 Britain would never have declared war on Nazi Germany.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Good thing they were selective about which of Jesus' teachings they should follow then eh?

It certainly was. Had Chamberlain been a wet lettuce peacenik like you then Nazi Germany would likely have achieved all its objectives. And that's ironic, really, because Lefties like you would have been amongst the first in the gas chambers.

I've often wondered just how horrific Europe would be today had Britain, in 1939, been ruled by a Left-wing, metropolitan, PC, anti-war, green, Elf N' Safety-obsessed elite like it is today. We would never have declared war on Germany - and I don't think I need to say what the consequences of that would have been.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Why do you suppose it's fine for Christians to pick and choose what teachings to follow but not Muslims?

We aren't talking about pick and choosing religious teachings, here. We're talking about a group of Muslims laughing (all the way to the bank) at the naivety and gulllibity of the Left-wing liberal elite which runs America. There's nothing whatsoever in the Koran which states that Muslims cannot handle containers of alcohol. Nothing whatsoever. Muslims are often touching containers of alcohol when it suits them - most off-licenses, which sell alcohol, are run by Pakis. And, even if there WERE laws against it in Islam, then these Muslims should not have taken up jobs as lorry drivers if they are worried at any point that they might have to transport alcohol. Their case should never have gone to court in the first place. They were rightfully sacked for not doing their job properly. No Christians would ever win $240,000 compo for religious discrimination. One minute you get Christian B&B owners hauled before the courts and fined for not allowing gays into their B&B, and the next you get Muslim hotels opening in London which don't allow gays in and, apparently, that's p;erfectly fine.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It certainly was. Had Chamberlain been a wet lettuce peacenik like you then Nazi Germany would likely have achieved all its objectives. And that's ironic, really, because Lefties like you would have been amongst the first in the gas chambers.

I've often wondered just how horrific Europe would be today had Britain, in 1939, been ruled by a Left-wing, metropolitan, PC, anti-war, green, Elf N' Safety-obsessed elite like it is today. We would never have declared war on Germany - and I don't think I need to say what the consequences of that would have been.
We live in hope that one day you'll figure out it ain't 1939.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
We live in hope that one day you'll figure out it ain't 1939.

If it was, we'd be in trouble. Imagine Nazi Germany on the rampage on the Continent whilst the cream of the British Establishment consists of David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn and others of your lot. The whole of Europe would forever be under Nazi control within weeks. Thankfully for Europe and the world, Britain wasn't run by your ludicrous lot in 1939. I just shudder to think what the world would be like now had Britain been run by a Left-wing, metropolitan, anti-war, PC, climate-change-obsessed, Elf N' Safety-mad liberal elite in 1939 as it is now.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
If it was, we'd be in trouble. Imagine Nazi Germany on the rampage on the Continent whilst the cream of the British Establishment consists of David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn and others of your lot. The whole of Europe would forever be under Nazi control within weeks. Thankfully for the Europe and the world, Britain wasn't run by your ludicrous lot in 1939.
I'll try again. It ain't 1939, Blackleaf.

Sorry, it just ain't. I don't know how to put it any clearer.