Scientists warn the sun will 'go to sleep' in 2030


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
No it's not. First off we could stop subsidizing everything (and I mean everything) and start letting market forces dictate. I think people should be allowed to burn all the fossil fuel, flush all the water, throw out all the garbage they want etc....provided they paid the full and true cost to our environment, healthcare and infrastructure in the process. Let market forces dictate.

I agree we are screwed and there is too much to change in too little time. Even so called conservatives are addicted to tax subsidized tap water as an example.

Incorrect. The term for manipulating the weather is called geoengineering and covers everything from cloud seeding for rain to using rockets to disperse clouds to prevent it from raining like the Chinese did for the opening of the Beijing Olympics.

So what in your opinion is subsidized?


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Well WTF is it retard or being helped? Make up you beer soaked mind.

You sir, are why this country puts instructions on shampoo bottles. Enough said.

So what in your opinion is subsidized?

Take a McDonalds happy meal toy.

It gets made in China where the leading cause of death is now cancer from pollution. That part doesn't concern me because it's not exactly like there is a shortage of Chinese, but the pollution that is transnational (oceans, air currents etc) along with the CO2 released that is also affecting the ph of the ocean (and arguably may change the climate in the future) is allowed to be emitted without penalty.

Meanwhile, I have to pay taxes to subsidize the dump that landfills it as it enters the waste stream about 5 minutes after the kid has opened the plastic bag.

I believe the Chinese should have to pay tariffs on products that do not meet Canadian laws regarding pollution in general. If all Western countries did this they would have to consider whether it is economically better to build a toaster in Ontario or Guang Dong.

I believe that consumers should have to pay for the disposal of what they buy. Instead of taxes subsiding landfills I want purchasers to pay for the disposal of their purchases similar to plastic bottle recycling and other user pay incentives.

If there is a health risk (some plastics cause medical reactions or irritants and stuff from China is more suspect at the best of times) then that risk should be built into the purchase price.

These are just three examples of how I dislike paying for others. Let the user pay for their choices and stop taxing me to cover off the costs.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
Go have more beer and enjoy the rest of the warmest July 12 2015 on record.

I'm in Ft. Mac. The city is practically empty since 1/3 of the population has been laid off and shrouded in smoke anyway so can't go outside. It is wedding anniversary but I've got the Srebrenica Anniversary on my mind. Chatting with a few other former troopies online.

Canadians wounded in a Srebrenica shelling.

One more. The Ballad of UNPROFOR written and sung by a Canadian soldier.

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Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
relax everyone...

here's the ever trustworthy #IPCC.



Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
In science there are no absolutes only an accepted consensus of experts. We go with what we know best at the moment. The next group of researchers come along and builds on what was learned earlier often times turning what we thought we knew about something completely upside down in the process. This is why science is the only real truth. It may tell us eggs are bad, reinforce that God created man and the universe or that Pluto is a ball of ice but eventually something closer to the truth comes out and our understanding of our environment evolves with it.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
And science makes mistakes. For instance comparing earth to a jar of CO2. Nobody considered that the lightbulb heating CO2 in planet jar would flicker at random.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
In science there are no absolutes only an accepted consensus of experts. We go with what we know best at the moment. The next group of researchers come along and builds on what was learned earlier often times turning what we thought we knew about something completely upside down in the process. This is why science is the only real truth. It may tell us eggs are bad, reinforce that God created man and the universe or that Pluto is a ball of ice but eventually something closer to the truth comes out and our understanding of our environment evolves with it.
The consensus of experts isn't science. It's opinion.


Electoral Member
Mar 15, 2009
Alberta The Last Best West
The consensus of experts isn't science. It's opinion.

Sorry dude.... consensus is science. From evolution to biology to physics to astronomy etc etc etc. Almost everything you think is "fact" is really a best guess at the moment with a majority of scientists in the discipline nodding their head in agreement.

And science makes mistakes.

Science never makes mistakes, it merely lacks all the information necessary.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Sorry dude.... consensus is science. From evolution to biology to physics to astronomy etc etc etc. Almost everything you think is "fact" is really a best guess at the moment with a majority of scientists in the discipline nodding their head in agreement.

Science never makes mistakes, it merely lacks all the information necessary.

Your confusing science with scientists.