How many professed Catholics truly believe?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
One thing I learned during this whole afternoon argumentation? is that if you're a landlord with two tenants, one supporting public school, the other separate school, the landlord should assign his municipal tax payment accordingly...
Maybe I just didn't give it much thought before...just never came up for me.......


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Jan Wong: Why it’s time to talk about the elephant in the classroom—the Catholic school system

Wasn't Jan Wong formerly known as Sum Ting Wong before moving to North America?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
So what do schools teach about the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights?

What do they teach about human rights abroad and setting an example?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So what do schools teach about the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights?

What do they teach about human rights abroad and setting an example?

You tell us. What do the public schools teach about that, since that is the system you basically want to go with.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
nope can't say that I did know that...nope

so now, you are tying the church into drug distribution? Would that be just the Catholic church or all churches?
It get's worse, a lot of times knowing all the details isn't going to help you. However I also think the local Priest's should at least be fielding some hard questions about salvation in the Bible. For all it's hype of being the 1st Church the RCC has had the texts for 1700 years and they can't show the verses that show the beloved Disciple was a woman. On the street level that would put the Nuns in Charge of the Vatican and the Priests would be errand boys, Topics like that and the Gospel of John being named after John the Baptist should be water-cooler topic for all Christians. I'm going to promote that sermons are a sits and listen only kind of event, that is not how God works.

Here's what I have to tell you on that MHz...maybe it is, maybe it isn't but that has little to do with my little world. And the reason that it matters to me in my little world is how our priests treat our children, which I can observe, and how our teachers treat our children, which I can witness and attest to and how I treat the little ones placed before me on a daily basis.
Does your local world including defending the Vatican in such issues that having $15B in the bank is more important than showering it on the poorest of the local congregation? To understand my POV of the RCC you would have to be pretty familiar with the Bible and the Vatican's version compared to the one I'm a fan of. No reason not to get emotionally involved in a situation like that, other jobs might operate by a different set of parameters. At the Hospital or the Courthouse the name on the form is about as involved as you want to get, that is all that matters..

Let me give you a ray of hope in the slime MHz.
Let's see if I understand this correctly. Being from the RCC has certain advantages available, having a healthy membership at the Congregation level is a little better than 'that's nice' but if they are also supplying outdated it dangerous medicine and collecting some big coin doing it then defending that comes with the package. In your case knowing it and 'following up on it at the water-cooler might do you more harm than good.

Had a kid come into my office on Thursday, . . . I was beyond words.
Last spontaneous laugh was a few months back, before that a few years, before that many times a day. In the end my story has the happiest ending of the two and a continuation that is filled with the hope that gap gets reduced. Emotions are manditory, pot-luck in what lands on your plate is not how it works most of the time.

That is all I know of the separate system where I work. That is the church I know. That is the system I experience. That is the joy I see.
Why does it not work like that at the Vatican level? I'm more into dissecting the sermons to the public by the Vatican, no more or no less than any other speech made by anybody that makes a headline in the media outlets I visit in my daily rounds. In that respect a butterfly in that domain really can affect your local weather.
Do you know if the flock is as important to the shepherd as the shepherd is to the flock?.

So does the church suck? Yeah it does sometimes. And sometimes it works.
What is the decider? Hard work if it is a success and a fluke if it damages the flock? The Vatican doesn't work at the same level as a local Congregation. The Vatican is one of 3 city states in the world, they are the ones making a big deal of rather than me. I'm pointing to some some pretty obvious flaws that leaves me being quite comfortable being the type of Christian I am. Does that mean I have to pick up all the dog crap I see in the daily walk?

So let's not bury it all in a cesspool. Because sometimes the light shines so bright it is blinding.
I'll bet Indians on a Reservation would be the most joyful people in Canada if our economy went belly up, not from cheering as from 'we can deal with it and still live another day.'

okay, isn't fair at other times justice is served...
Justice has a dollar sign attached to it, . . . always.

you can not label everyone as guilty within the church and think it justifies the blackness in your heart
I wasn't trying to, nor am I suggesting donations keep flowing to the Vatican before the reforms are firmly in polace. Trust me when I say they won't miss a single meal and the reforms will be made in record time. That is who the head of the RCC is, don't expect it to change anytime soon.

and your condemnation of the church...Christ said, it is not for you, it's time to let it go and make your own world right
It is very rare that those many lines is the total words on that subject. Doe's the lack of a reference mean it is from material that is specific to the RCC rather than from the the original texts? That doesn't make it a bad thing but it includes some guidance that was never intended to be there. (the next piece would probably be in one of the other books as that is how a 'complicated God' works (when talking to children, which we all.) You belong to the RCC, I belong to one of the 7 Churches, both have it's good members and both have it's members that are nothing but stumbling blocks to the Congregation (there is no 'National Churches or any Branches'. Add a few more pages to that and you would have the beginning of 'my day at working hours per week'. You would get about as far as I trimmed your story down before you would be looking for a way out. That you have reasons to stay 'at your job' is a plus for you, is has nothing at all to do with me running into a lot more crap than you do. Funerals usually follow the 'slipped through the cracks' realizations. With any luck a form of that story is repeated many times in many Congregations, and even more time in the part of society that has 2x the pedo rate as admitted to by, who else, the Clergy of the RCC. (nothing suspect there)

there comes an age and a time to let it all go and make it your mission in life to make your own space right, your own space pure...that's what we can do, that's all we are asked to is the right thing to do
I'm not sure why you would think I would 'object like always' to a story like that. The Catholic Social Services in town is also an outstanding asset to the whole community at large and the 'members' are spread out all over town (in a non threatening way). Members make the difference and you may have missed the part where I pointed out that the leadership of the RCC is pretty fuking slack at making the reforms that never should have been needed in the first place. If anybody should be squeezing balls it should be the Congregations doing that to the Vatican as that is the authority of the RCC and the loudest groan would come from the collection plat being dry until the changes have been made. (the plate still still gets passed around but the poor take some out of it and the plate is empty by the time the deposit to the Vatican Bank takes place. That is more my style

Yup yup yup...... can ya believe the brains this guy has? I tell ya, he knows everything about everything. 9/11, CIA, the "jews", holocaust, exactly when the 2nd coming is gonna happen.

and again, the incidences of child abuse within the Church is no higher than in the general public. The way you go on about it, one would think that the RCC had a lock on child abuse.
Go ahead and throw out you documented theory on all of those items.
What exactly does 'Jews' mean in that you have labeled me a 'Jew Hater'. Start with what wonderful bankers they turned out to be. Go ahead and deny their assistance in Afghanistan and the surging heroin trade. Monsanto is even supplying a GMO seed FFS.

Mena connection is cocaine from South America. Denial of any of that means you are actively trying to hide it just as much as they are, You do it for free (or acceptance from a specific collective)

(in part)
"I have put thousands of Americans away for tens of thousands of years for less evidence for conspiracy with less evidence than is available against Ollie North and CIA people. . . . I personally was involved in a deep-cover case that went to the top of the drug world in three countries. The CIA killed it." Former DEA Agent Michael Levine
CNBC-TV, October 8, 1996

No higher so that makes it acceptable???? The differences with the Churches is they ran schools that specialized in the rehab of children via torture and other things that certainlt wouldn't be tolerated in the public versions of those schools. The Govt is slack in forcing the issue as there are probably more pedos in politics than there is in the Church.
Half as many incidents against a population that is many times larger is not a win btw.

I'm not guessing when I say documentaries are not anyplace close to the top of your list of things to take in. I'm quite comfortable with the format used in, 'Who shot John O'Niel?', you wouldn't be, no matter what the topic was.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
It get's worse, a lot of times knowing all the details isn't going to help you. However I also think the local Priest's should at least be fielding some hard questions about salvation in the Bible. For all it's hype of being the 1st Church the RCC has had the texts for 1700 years and they can't show the verses that show the beloved Disciple was a woman. On the street level that would put the Nuns in Charge of the Vatican and the Priests would be errand boys, Topics like that and the Gospel of John being named after John the Baptist should be water-cooler topic for all Christians. I'm going to promote that sermons are a sits and listen only kind of event, that is not how God works.

Does your local world including defending the Vatican in such issues that having $15B in the bank is more important than showering it on the poorest of the local congregation? To understand my POV of the RCC you would have to be pretty familiar with the Bible and the Vatican's version compared to the one I'm a fan of. No reason not to get emotionally involved in a situation like that, other jobs might operate by a different set of parameters. At the Hospital or the Courthouse the name on the form is about as involved as you want to get, that is all that matters..

Let's see if I understand this correctly. Being from the RCC has certain advantages available, having a healthy membership at the Congregation level is a little better than 'that's nice' but if they are also supplying outdated it dangerous medicine and collecting some big coin doing it then defending that comes with the package. In your case knowing it and 'following up on it at the water-cooler might do you more harm than good.

Last spontaneous laugh was a few months back, before that a few years, before that many times a day. In the end my story has the happiest ending of the two and a continuation that is filled with the hope that gap gets reduced. Emotions are manditory, pot-luck in what lands on your plate is not how it works most of the time.

Why does it not work like that at the Vatican level? I'm more into dissecting the sermons to the public by the Vatican, no more or no less than any other speech made by anybody that makes a headline in the media outlets I visit in my daily rounds. In that respect a butterfly in that domain really can affect your local weather.
Do you know if the flock is as important to the shepherd as the shepherd is to the flock?.

What is the decider? Hard work if it is a success and a fluke if it damages the flock? The Vatican doesn't work at the same level as a local Congregation. The Vatican is one of 3 city states in the world, they are the ones making a big deal of rather than me. I'm pointing to some some pretty obvious flaws that leaves me being quite comfortable being the type of Christian I am. Does that mean I have to pick up all the dog crap I see in the daily walk?

I'll bet Indians on a Reservation would be the most joyful people in Canada if our economy went belly up, not from cheering as from 'we can deal with it and still live another day.'

Justice has a dollar sign attached to it, . . . always.

I wasn't trying to, nor am I suggesting donations keep flowing to the Vatican before the reforms are firmly in polace. Trust me when I say they won't miss a single meal and the reforms will be made in record time. That is who the head of the RCC is, don't expect it to change anytime soon.

It is very rare that those many lines is the total words on that subject. Doe's the lack of a reference mean it is from material that is specific to the RCC rather than from the the original texts? That doesn't make it a bad thing but it includes some guidance that was never intended to be there. (the next piece would probably be in one of the other books as that is how a 'complicated God' works (when talking to children, which we all.) You belong to the RCC, I belong to one of the 7 Churches, both have it's good members and both have it's members that are nothing but stumbling blocks to the Congregation (there is no 'National Churches or any Branches'. Add a few more pages to that and you would have the beginning of 'my day at working hours per week'. You would get about as far as I trimmed your story down before you would be looking for a way out. That you have reasons to stay 'at your job' is a plus for you, is has nothing at all to do with me running into a lot more crap than you do. Funerals usually follow the 'slipped through the cracks' realizations. With any luck a form of that story is repeated many times in many Congregations, and even more time in the part of society that has 2x the pedo rate as admitted to by, who else, the Clergy of the RCC. (nothing suspect there)

I'm not sure why you would think I would 'object like always' to a story like that. The Catholic Social Services in town is also an outstanding asset to the whole community at large and the 'members' are spread out all over town (in a non threatening way). Members make the difference and you may have missed the part where I pointed out that the leadership of the RCC is pretty fuking slack at making the reforms that never should have been needed in the first place. If anybody should be squeezing balls it should be the Congregations doing that to the Vatican as that is the authority of the RCC and the loudest groan would come from the collection plat being dry until the changes have been made. (the plate still still gets passed around but the poor take some out of it and the plate is empty by the time the deposit to the Vatican Bank takes place. That is more my style
MHz you post this as though it is my job to defend the is not my friend

mostly the churches and synagogues and prayer halls and mosques are just filled with little people like you and me, each just trying to get through the day, each just trying to help those around them to make it right and find some peace and happiness

each of us is called according to our gifts...mine is not defense of other's faith or church or what the vatican does or does not do...mine is to merely respond to a child moment by moment. day by day in the best way I can even when I may frequently fall short of the ability to meet that need adequately

and I have to tell you, I am pretty damn impressed with our separate school system here with all of it's faults and short comings, with all of it's failures and lack of this and is still filled with many beautiful and successful people and moments and successes

try to find some beauty in that which is around you and quit worrying about what you think the vatican is or isn't doing. it is not up to you to judge how someone else should best handle their tithe

chill out...seriously