Newspapers and Stuff dug out


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
I was digging through some boxes today and dug these up. I use to grab the odd newspaper that I thought was fairly newsworthy and just put it away. Some I wrapped in plastic although the plastic has not preserved them any better (probably worse). Anyway here are some of things I pulled out.

First day of Gulf War 1.

Time magazine leading up to Gulf War 1.

Toronto Blue Jays World Series win.

Charlottetown Accord 1992

Summit in Vancouver between Boris Teltsin and Bill Clinton

Last day of 1999 and countdown to Y2K.

Gordon Campbell defeating NDP.

Ticket stub to meet Campbell during his campaign.

Canada's 2002 Olympic hockey win.

Some other odds and ends....

A Vladislav Tretiak card I got signed by him when he was in Victoria (late 80s).

The towel I got at the 1982 Stanley Cup in Vancouver.

A pennant of the 1987 Grey Cup in Vancouver. Tickets to the game were a wedding gift.

Some kind of tray from the Seattle Worlds Fair in 1962.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Do you have the issue that has the map to an iron deposit in Alberta that was going to be developed on site but no NG was available (in 54) but there is now a 4ft line plus lots of feeder lines. Ore plus recycling would work as the rail line is already part of the local terrain.
Now all that is needed is a name for a company beside Hwy 666 that creates a flickering red glow on the horizon and any clouds overhead. Thoughts?

You should scan a lot of that and then store it properly. The till receipts from 1953 and earlier can probably be let go. 8 tracks are worth a mint as well as old lp's so don't garage sale anything you haven't checked into.