Nigel Farage brands pub invaders 'scum'


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Nigel Farage and his family have been chased out of a pub in Greater London and had their car attacked by childish, Left-wing thugs demonstrating against the UK Independence Party (Ukip)

The Ukip leader labelled the demonstrators, who were dressed as migrants and breastfeeding mothers, “scum” this afternoon and said his two children had yet to return after the family got split amid the hostility at the Queen's Head pub in the pretty village of Downe in the London Borough of Bromley, right on the southeastern edge of the capital.

Mr Farage said his children were so scared they had to hide from the protesters and criticised them for using force to make their point.

Dozens of demonstrators initially went into the George and Dragon, where Mr Farage has previously been pictured having a drink, before realising he was in the other pub nearby.

Downe, which is now near the London/Kent border, is where Charles Darwin lived from 1842 until his death in 1882 when the village was in Kent.

This is not the first time an anti-democratic Left-wing rent-a-mob has hounded Mr Farage. In May 2013, he was hounded by a group of Scottish nationalist thugs in Edinburgh.

Nigel Farage brands pub invaders 'scum' as protesters jump on his car bonnet

Protesters said to have chased Ukip leader and his family out of Queen's Head pub in Downe, London Borough of Bromley, before jumping on car bonnet as he drove away

Ukip leader Nigel Farage was dining with his family at the Queen's Head pub in the pretty village of Downe in Greater London this afternoon

By Ben Riley-Smith, Political Correspondent
22 Mar 2015
The Telegraph

Nigel Farage and his family have been chased out of a pub in London and had their car attacked by protesters demonstrating against the UK Independence Party (Ukip).

The Ukip leader labelled the demonstrators “scum” on Sunday afternoon and said his two children had yet to return after the family got split amid the hostility.

Mr Farage said his children were so scared they had to hide from the protesters and criticised them for using force to make their point.

The George and Dragon in Downe, the village where Charles Darwin lived from 1842 until his death in 1882

The protestors, who dressed as migrants and breastfeeding mothers to express their opposition to Ukip, sent messages to journalists boasting of jumping on Mr Farage’s car bonnet.

Dozens of demonstrators initially went into the George and Dragon, where Mr Farage has previously been pictured having a drink, before realising he was in the other pub nearby.

The protestors claimed to have gone into the Queen's Head, chased the Farages out and then jumped on the Ukip leader's car bonnet as he drove away.

Mr Farage is understood to have been with his wife and two younger children at the Queen's Head in Downe when the incident took place.

Mr Farage's children with current wife Kirsten are Victoria and Isabelle, thought to be aged 15 and 10 respectively. He also has two grown up children from his previous marriage.

Left-wing thugs: Nigel Farage had to be rescued from an Edinburgh pub by police in 2013 after being bombarded by Scottish nationalists (PA)

"I hope these 'demonstrators' are proud of themselves,” Mr Farage said afterwards.

"My children were so scared by their behaviour that they ran away to hide. At the time of writing this a relative has gone to look for them, and they are not yet at home. These people are scum."

Staff at the Queen's Head refused to comment on the episode, while the George & Dragon said protesters had initially claimed they were there for a birthday party.

Protest organiser and HIV activist Dan Glass said the group was in fancy dress and included “migrants, HIV activists, gay people, disabled people and breastfeeding mums”.

“UKIP are a con. They pretend to be anti-establishment but this couldn't be further from the truth. By wrongfully shifting the blame for the economic crisis onto immigrants they have let the bankers off the hook,” Mr Glass said, justifying the group’s actions.

“That is why so many diverse communities have taken our cultures to the heart of where they exist - Nigel Farage's local pub. We will not succumb to their prejudice. We will create the world we want to live in. A world beyond UKIP.”

Ukip leader Nigel Farage is hit by an egg in Nottingham city centre

Ukip is understood to have requested taxpayer-funded security for Mr Farage during the election campaign amid fears that he is regularly being targeted by protesters.

Nigel Farage brands pub invaders 'scum' as protesters jump on his car bonnet - Telegraph

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Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
LOL... the mistake was letting stupid kids vote who thought having a strong military was the most important thing


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
LOL... the mistake was letting stupid kids vote who thought having a strong military was the most important thing

Having a strong military is about the most important thing for a country. A government's first and most important task is to look after and defend its people. Shame on the CONDEMS for cutting the military whilst Russia sabre rattles against Britain.

Ukip, the only sane party of the Big Four parties when it comes to the military, wants to increase defence spending and increase the size of the Royal Navy to what it was pre-2001.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
it's clearly NOT the most important issue. it's dick-waving nonsense and it's not needed in the modern world (nor is your homophobia).. "defense" spending is such a farce, when has America ever used their inane budget for defense? It's all about imperalism and forcing your influence on weaker counties..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
it's clearly NOT the most important issue.

It most certainly IS.

it's dick-waving nonsense and it's not needed in the modern world (nor is your homophobia)..
So you think it would be wise, in such dangerous times, for Britain to get rid of its military?

The only nonsense being spouted here is YOURS. The British people will be very glad that you're not in power here. You make the Greens appear sane.

"defense" spending is such a farce.
Is it? So with Russia already having decided to dramatically increase its defence spending every year up until 2020, and with that country being very aggressive towards Ukraine and Europe, including Britain (albeit an aggression which the EU caused), with it sending warplanes, including nuclear bombers, into British skies every week, you think British defence spending is a farce and that Britain should get rid of its military, thereby leaving it as vulnerable as it can possibly be to any aggressive state (not to mention who knows what major threat Britain could face six months from now or in 2018 ).

Pray tell me, old fellow: What planet do you inhabit? It's no wonder people are going out voting Ukip in their droves when people like you run the place.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
It most certainly IS.

So you think it would be wise, in such dangerous times, for Britain to get rid of its military?

i think it's smart to focus more of the budget on important things like health care and education. i'm not calling for the abolition of the military no.

Is it? So with Russia already having decided to dramatically increase its defence spending every year up until 2020, and with that country being very aggressive towards Ukraine and Europe, including Britain (albeit an aggression which the EU caused), with it sending warplanes, including nuclear bombers, into British skies every week, you think British defence spending is a farce and that Britain should get rid of its military, thereby leaving it as vulnerable as it can possibly be to any aggressive state (not to mention who knows what major threat Britain could face six months from now or in 2018).

i wonder why Russia feels the need to increase their military budget....they couldn't possibly feel threatened by nato expansion on their own borders???


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
i think it's smart to focus more of the budget on important things like health care and education.

What? During these times of austerity with the CONDEM government having to make major budget cuts to repair the mess that Labour got us into?

Defence spending, however, should be ring-fenced and protected.

i wonder why Russia feels the need to increase their military budget....
Because, unlike you, she recognises that we live in dangerous times and that military budgets should be increased, not cut.

And even if Russia or Britain or anyone else didn't face immediate threats, how do you know we won't face a major threat six months from now or next year or in 2019? It's important we keep a strong military and keep spending on defence at all times.


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
what dangerous times? if it wasn't america and the west trying to gain huge influence by any means necessary in third world countries here wouldn't be as much violence to start with.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
what dangerous times? if it wasn't america and the west trying to gain huge influence by any means necessary in third world countries here wouldn't be as much violence to start with.

It's always "the West's" fault, isn't it?

Blaming evil like Isis and Al Qaeda or whatever on a Western country's foreign policy is despicable.

And even if these times weren't dangerous, have you got a crystal ball to be able to see that we won't face an unforeseen threat two years from now or five years from now? No, you don't.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Especially down the pub.

So are millions of people in Britain.

yea pretty much.

Well, you're wrong.

you never asked yourself why these groups even exist ???
Yes, I have. The reason they exist is because of the evil teachings of Islam and because they want to impose a worldwide Islamic caliphate. Nothing to do with "the West".

Blaming the likes of Isis on "the West" is, I'll say again, despicable.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Only if your thesis is that before Western interference, the Mideast was a garden of kindness and human rights.

The Middle East would be much less of a medieval hellhole if all the Muslims disappeared from there tomorrow.

The Middle East is a brutal, medieval hellhole BECAUSE there are lots of Muslims there, not despite it.

I'm sure most people, you not included of course, would agree.