Tories suggest missing aboriginal women related to domestic violence


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Since there are such things as International Police Task Forces as well as those that operate out of specific cities, why would a Police Task Force need to be set up in one particular area....after all we do live in what is called the information age. There are computers, instant relay of information, video conferencing calls etc. So, you explain to me why a single base needs to be set up in the Ritz Carlton?? Surely, it is more sensible to have at least two members (one local and one from an outside reservation) located on all reservations, who main job is dealing with missing young women. Someone asked for suggestions on how to try to solve the problem of these women and those are what I submitted. NO public inquiry.. No marches....Give the job to those who are supposed to be trained to solve crimes.

So, why would you ask me about public inquiries?? I certainly am not interested in seeing them formed nor have I ever endorsed them.

A main base for compiling information and directing operations could be anywhere but in my opinion, should be where the main disappearances are occurring. Just my opinion.
Sure that is great but most of the cases have already been solved .


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
So in that case you make a none charitable cause and raise money to fight what you believe is the problem. But they are to greedy and lazy to do that.

Since there are such things as International Police Task Forces as well as those that operate out of specific cities, why would a Police Task Force need to be set up in one particular area....after all we do live in what is called the information age. There are computers, instant relay of information, video conferencing calls etc. So, you explain to me why a single base needs to be set up in the Ritz Carlton?? Surely, it is more sensible to have at least two members (one local and one from an outside reservation) located on all reservations, who main job is dealing with missing young women. Someone asked for suggestions on how to try to solve the problem of these women and those are what I submitted. NO public inquiry.. No marches....Give the job to those who are supposed to be trained to solve crimes.

So, why would you ask me about public inquiries?? I certainly am not interested in seeing them formed nor have I ever endorsed them.

A main base for compiling information and directing operations could be anywhere but in my opinion, should be where the main disappearances are occurring. Just my opinion.

Then do it!


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
These aboriginal can start a ****in none profitable Orguanisation no one is stoping them. Set up a online donations. Wtf is stoping them? Why the fu€k don't they get off their fat a$$es and do something for themselves!???


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Just pointing out there are more then just one way to skin a cat! For Gawd sake

Not happy with the way things are, then do something, we live in a free society, no one is stoping you.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
That's not all you said. But it's not necessarily known whether or not you're capable of understanding that.

I also said people are lazy and whinny. People have only one life to live, and it's not supposed to be easy. Go out and fight for what you believe instead of having someone else fight you're battle for you

We got to hold everyone's hand all the time? For their whole lives?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I also said people are lazy and whinny. People have only one life to live, and it's not supposed to be easy. Go out and fight for what you believe instead of having someone else fight you're battle for you

We got to hold everyone's hand all the time? For their whole lives?

No, that is not exactly what you said.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Start a ̑̑fu ken community task force committee. Volunteer you're time.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
Sure that is great but most of the cases have already been solved .
No they haven' least 1181 were not!! Read further and it says 90% of murders were solved. The rates are still very much higher for the still missing, or presumed dead. If, they have all been solved, why are so many families still distressed enough to petition anyone they can to find out what happened. And please don't make dumb comments about free-loading. Surely some of you must have lost members of your own families. You did not have to wonder what happened to them for years.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
No they haven' least 1181 were not!! Read further and it says 90% of murders were solved. The rates are still very much higher for the still missing, or presumed dead. If, they have all been solved, why are so many families still distressed enough to petition anyone they can to find out what happened. And please don't make dumb comments about free-loading. Surely some of you must have lost members of your own families. You did not have to wonder what happened to them for years.

As far as I know all they have done is petition others to look into their problems.
What needs to be done is, they need to figure out a way to solve this problem by themselves.
You can't help people who can't even be bothered to help themselves. The result will always be like pissing money in the wind.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
To bad they don't have a union to hold their hand.

No one is stoping them from making one. It's within their rights.

What is lacking is anyone willing to do it for themselves. In life you get what you put in.