'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners':


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Considering their ideology and the freaky fervour with which they adhere to it, the only way to eradicate them may be to wait until religion is no longer something people believe in. Because the other option is to make Islam illegal and that certainly won't go over well.

Until then, suppression and defense might be the only options. Eradication is unlikely through violent methods given that Islam approves and exhalts such violence.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
There is a possibility that religion may indeed be a solution. I'm not very familiar with the precise teachings of the Islamic faith but I'd like to beleive that all religions at least start with good intentions, some snippet of universal truth like love or compassion. Perhaps the right person could deliver a message of peace well enough that the defeat of ISIS could come from within their own followers.


Senate Member
Jun 24, 2011
Then how do we deal with them? These are the type of people that see compassion as a weakness to be exploited, what we see as a level of enlightenment to aspire to they see as opportunity to subjugate. What else is there?

Defeat their fighters and leaders, charge and try any who took part in the mass murders, then the hard part will be an ideological one. Japan was totally reprogrammed after WW2. If that could be done, it should still be doable now.

The allies fought the Nazi's just as viciously.

When it comes to the actual fighting - yes. The allies didnt treat German POWs or German civilians or any government officials they took prisoners in a way the Nazis would have if the situation were reversed. Well, Soviet Union aside.