'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners':


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
What percentage of the Jordanian people support terrorist attacks against the West in the name of Jihad?

What percentage of the Jordanian people don't object to terrorist attacks against the West in the name of Jihad?

What percentage of the Jordanian people oppose terrorist attacks against the West in the name of Jihad?

Careful, you may make him think and his head explode.

On second thought.... :)


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Not really. They still get killed by the 'infidel' for trying to do something for their god. Think of most religious so called martyrs - they were executed. Not killed in some sort of battle.

hmmm, you may be right. Maybe the executioner should be a woman then. Really mess with 'em before.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Both in the East and here in the West, Valhalla was always used as a balm for relatives of the battle blasted. We are too sophisticated to believe that now. Or, are we?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
hmmm, you may be right. Maybe the executioner should be a woman then. Really mess with 'em before.
Colpy cleared it up already that 'infidel' is somebody who had never heard of God. It has nothing to do with conversion from other religion. Just in case you are wondering how deep the lies go. The only contest is seeing how low we will go to make others look worse than the way we act.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Colpy cleared it up already that 'infidel' is somebody who had never heard of God. It has nothing to do with conversion from other religion. Just in case you are wondering how deep the lies go. The only contest is seeing how low we will go to make others look worse than the way we act.

If that is true, which it isn't, why is ISIS offering Christians conversion to Islam or death?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
What was your choice, open your mouth or spread you butt-cheeks? (both probably)
All the Christians except you have heard of God. You are already fully dead inside anyway gerr. A complete and utter desert. The list of your Christian inspired posts might dispute this charge of you being a dead-man walking.

And it shall come to pass in the last days,
saith God,
I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams:


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
What was your choice, open your mouth or spread you butt-cheeks? (both probably)
All the Christians except you have heard of God. You are already fully dead inside anyway gerr. A complete and utter desert. The list of your Christian inspired posts might dispute this charge of you being a dead-man walking.

And it shall come to pass in the last days,
saith God,
I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams:
You spout Bible quotes adnauseum and support Hamas....

That makes you the worst hypocrite in this forum....


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
What was your choice, open your mouth or spread you butt-cheeks? (both probably)
All the Christians except you have heard of God. You are already fully dead inside anyway gerr. A complete and utter desert. The list of your Christian inspired posts might dispute this charge of you being a dead-man walking.

And it shall come to pass in the last days,
saith God,
I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh:
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams:

and your reply has nothing to do with ISIS telling Christians that they must convert to Islam or die.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You spout Bible quotes adnauseum and support Hamas....

That makes you the worst hypocrite in this forum....
At least I can find appropriate ones. One verse is enough to cause your mind to go blank, the book had acapters that are one passage so we already know how fuked you would be in any attempt to understand or explain the passage. Not exactly the claim to fame that most would aspire to achieve. Gerr will have you for comfort if that is some comfort to you.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
At least I can find appropriate ones. One verse is enough to cause your mind to go blank, the book had acapters that are one passage so we already know how fuked you would be in any attempt to understand or explain the passage. Not exactly the claim to fame that most would aspire to achieve. Gerr will have you for comfort if that is some comfort to you.

acapters....... and what language would this be?

as for you finding "appropriate" passages, that's a laugh. \the majority of passages that you quote have NOTHING to do with the subject at hand. It appears you just cut and paste randomly in the hope that you are making yourself look knowledgeable. When in fact, you just reinforce the prevalent view that you are a nutcase.

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
I have to admit that trying to use compassion and tolerance, the so-called moral high ground, in response to people who don't have the faintest understanding of such concepts is doomed to be an exercise in frustration. Treating them in terms they can understand may just be the best approach at this point.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
and your reply has nothing to do with ISIS telling Christians that they must convert to Islam or die.
Why would it, you are the one claiming that, my version said infedels didn't believe in God, Since Jesus is in their book a Christian would mot be a heathen if you can answer a few questions correctly. You wouldn't make it, go thank your latest Priest.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Why would it, you are the one claiming that, my version said infedels didn't believe in God, Since Jesus is in their book a Christian would mot be a heathen if you can answer a few questions correctly. You wouldn't make it, go thank your latest Priest.

It's not a "claim", it's a fact. Get your head out of your ISIS masters a$$.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I have to admit that trying to use compassion and tolerance, the so-called moral high ground, in response to people who don't have the faintest understanding of such concepts is doomed to be an exercise in frustration. Treating them in terms they can understand may just be the best approach at this point.
At what point after the genocide of the American Indians did the Monarchy version of Christianity go through that transformation where compassion and tolerance come into play. Seems like Christians are still waging naked war against people who are on their own land, yet they are the bad guys. It would seem that stupid is batting 1000 here.

It's not a "claim", it's a fact. Get your head out of your ISIS masters a$$.
Colpy even posted the quote. You lie so often and so badly.

Islam Review - Presented by The Pen vs. the Sword Featured Articles . . . Islam: the Facade, the Facts The rosy picture some Muslims are painting about their religion, and the truth they try to hide.
Who is really the infidel.
We have to admit that using the word ‘infidel’ – even in different forms - is not used by the ‘Mohammedans’ only, but is used by others faiths too. Christianity teaches that it is the only way for salvation. Consequently, the followers of others faiths in its eyes are ‘non-believers’ in the ‘true teaching’. It is not strange when we find Webster dictionary defines the ‘infidel’ as the person who does not believe in the religion of the majority, specially who does not believe in the divine sources and their dominion, such as Christianity. Those would be the ‘Mohammedans’, the pagan and the atheist.

The RCC is the liar here as are the WASP churches as the 7 Churches cover all Gentiles.

he cometh with clouds;
and every eye shall see him,
and they also which pierced him:
and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.
Even so,


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
It's not a "claim", it's a fact. Get your head out of your ISIS masters a$$.

Gerry, MegaButtHurtz is a Muzzie, trying to look like a Christian because he is ashamed of his Islamic faith.

Nevertheless, like any Islamic Fanatic Nutbar, he still has to defend his throwback to the dark ages Islamic faith.

He does not understand that Islam is a repressive religion, a medieval apparition.



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Do you read anything you post because the headline is different from the text. Whys is the Christian Priest still alive?

A British vicar based in Baghdad said Islamic State militants hounded Christians out of their homes and threatened to kill their children if they did not convert to Islam

"Exactly we don't know why in this situation they killed this man," William Warda of the Hammurabi Human Rights Organization told the International Christian Concern. "Generally they have allowed people to leave, without money or documents, but alive."

The expulsion of one of the world's oldest Christian communities provoked condemnation and anguish from figures as diverse as the pope and Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, who lambasted the Islamic State (Isis) for its "criminality and terrorism".

It appears only radical Western Muslims are killing the locals or you can't have an 'old Christian community' in the middle of a Muslim country.

This is priceless, Israel is jumping off their own sinking ship. Fuking hilarious

(in part)
As the world is increasingly divided up into geographic “regions” under regional regimes cobbled together under the guise of pseudo-“free trade,” Israeli authorities are now quietly working to create what they call “free trade zones” with both the Communist Chinese regime and the Kremlin-dominated Eurasian Economic Union (member countries shown in green). The negotiations, officially announced this week, come as globalist plotters around the world accelerate their now-open efforts to subvert national sovereignty at a regional level — all on the road toward what top officials from Beijing and Moscow to London and Washington, D.C., regularly and openly refer to as their “New World Order.”
Speaking in Moscow on January 26, Russian strongman Vladimir Putin’s foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, and Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman celebrated the effort to yoke the Jewish state together with the emerging Eurasian Union super-state. “Several dozen countries have come up with proposals to sign agreements with the EEU about creating free trade zones,” the Kremlin’s Lavrov was quoted as boasting by the Russian Foreign Ministry. “Israel has also expressed such interest. Talks are underway with other countries as well and, if we agree, such a free trade zone could be created.”

Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/eura...ones-in-russia-and-china/#DYvk1dhxlYAiA9uo.99
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