you dullard! Do you ever read... or is your comprehension that poor/weak? If we're already at the max, for the purveyors of "it's the Sun, it's the Sun", it's already as hot "as it's going to get"... from the perspective of those flogging 'it's the Sun, it's the Sun".
just give me another reddie and move on! Ya, move on and provide some of those "Roy Spencer facts" your OP alluded to... but that you're sure having difficulty in presenting. :mrgreen:
again, you're attempting to distract with contributions to a 'climate fund'... those amounts are relatively insignificant to the treaty negotiations and target agreement. Considering the most recent prior agreements had nations committing to accepting binding agreements... considering the current Lima meetings are intent on realizing that end as a benchmark towards final signing in Dec 2015 Paris... why are nations engaged otherwise? You can certainly protest your U.S. government being there, being engaged... you can certainly tout that any U.S. signatory level agreement will simply be punted and refused U.S. ratification domestically. You can certainly seek solace in that... in a repeat of what the U.S. did in Kyoto. Because, if there is a binding agreement reached... and the U.S. ultimately bails on it, the U.S. own that... once again.