I obvioulsy disagree. The claims were made, the years came and passed, and the claims failed to materialize.
Yes, that's all true. I just don't get how it's inconvenient? How is it inconvenient, besides the fact that here I am explaining how these were not mainstream findings?
This is what happens, in every field. Like when I mentioned some scientists dispute evolution- that's not inconvenient to those biologists in the mainstream who accept the findings and theory of evolution. I'm not concerned at all that some people are wrong. It's expected, and it means that there is a competition among ideas. I'd be concerned if there weren't any wrong hypotheses. The fact that there are is normal. In my field right now, there is a big debate on the temperature impacts on immune development. Some people think the low temperatures in some hatcheries are leading to reduced antigen processing, and thus the fish have weaker immune responses when transferred to sea. Others think it has more to do with how fast the vaccine emulsion-water mixed in oil- breaks down, so how long the antigen is available for processing before the two phases separate and the residue is broken down. Eventually, there will be enough data available that we'll be able to piece together what the real story is, but that's no guarantee that all of the immunologists and vaccinologists are going to accept it, especially after studying this for some 10-20 years for some of them, if not more.
Really, what I'm objecting to is lumping everyone together. That's just wrong, and it happens all the time. Every single new thread that gets posted, the usual suspects are here, and whenever they can't dispute something, they often will say something along the lines of the IPCC and East Anglia are corrupt, and that's sufficient for them to dismiss
any new findings. That's just plain bull $hit.
Being wrong, of course it matters. I just don't see how it's inconvenient in this case.
Geeks in lab coats? Speak for yourself sunshine.
I apologize to you Petros, and any other geeks in lab coats who don't choose their words wisely. Obviously I wasn't as clear as I needed to be for you- is the red addition below better?
"Word choice matters for us geeks in lab coats
who carefully choose our words."