It's time to wake up, white America


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
It's time to wake up, white America

Where are the white residents of Ferguson, Missouri – people brandishing signs reading "Justice for Officer Darren Wilson"? There may be a need to bring whites in from other locations, as the blacks have done. Whatever it takes, but white people had better begin to show force and fight back against the ongoing destruction of all that has been achieved in the racial arena in America. Gains made over many decades by many Americans, both black and white. Conservative blacks cannot fight this fight for you. You must fight it.

Yes, I am black, descendant of slaves, reared under Jim Crow segregation, and all that minutiae, but I am also extremely tired of the "somebody else is the cause of my problems" mentality engrossing too many black people. A mentality that elitists Barack Obama and Eric Holder have preyed upon throughout their miserable careers.

Understand this, folks, if you glean nothing else from the madness going on in Missouri. Eric Holder is in Ferguson, at the behest of Obama, for the express purpose of subverting justice. That is what these two despicable men do – subvert justice, so as to perpetuate divisiveness and hatred among blacks and whites. I am not a psychologist, but a good reader of human nature, and I detect that Holder's twisted ego is stroked mightily by all those non-elite blacks fawning over his presence. The "activist" Attorney General is their savior; he will see that the white man suffers, guilty or not.

I recently caught a glimpse of Holder on TV working a group of blacks as if he were one of them. He is not. He is elite and privileged, and these black masses mean nothing to him (or to Obama), other than in the furtherance of a leftist agenda. If these agitators can be coaxed to the poll booths, they will vote Democrat. Never mind that Obama and the Democrats are the reason for much of their economic and social woes.

I am becoming fed-up with the response (or lack thereof) that so many whites display in face of the criminal behavior of so many blacks. I have had it up to my brow with "political correctness" and "white guilt." I am even becoming increasingly irritated by conservative spokespeople, such as Rush Limbaugh, who, although in satire, displays a defeatist attitude toward black racism.

Limbaugh will often say "You cannot say that..." or "We will never be absolved of guilt...," in what he characterizes as satire. I understand what he is doing, but I sense that as a white person, he may use this tactic out of fear. Genuine fear of taking on the racists. Or perhaps fear that without satire he might provoke real action on the part of his millions of listeners, and he does not want that responsibility. I am unclear about his motives, but I do know that it is time for oppositional clarity, no satire.

Circumstances are much more dire since Obama was foolishly placed into the Presidency and Congress foolishly accepted his nomination of Eric Holder for Attorney General. These two men are leading the destruction of this nation, and that reality is dead serious. All conservative spokespeople and people in positions of leadership should be rallying Americans to fight these men.

When blacks begin tearing down a city (any city), whites should be supportive of the police (in their full, military hand-me-down gear), encouraging them to overrun, apprehend, and detain everybody on the street. And for those committing crimes, treat them as criminals and stop the crime. If that means killing people, so be it. That is the way the police would treat a mob of marauding whites. Safety of the police force should be paramount.

Ignoring the bad-asses and criminals (because of perceived grievances) has done nothing but terrorize decent citizens of all races in large inner cities. That lunacy must stop.

Policing is a dangerous occupation and given the police officer's task of confronting crime and protecting the rest of us from criminals, sometimes violence and killing is necessary. I will give any cop the benefit of the doubt over any suspected crook, whatever his color, until I am given evidence to think otherwise.

It behooves the rest of America to do the same. Or, I say police should refuse to work in areas where they are put upon by small-minded politicos, such as the Democrat governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, and race-mongering law officials like Eric Holder. Police officers have unions; they should demand that bosses support the boycotting of hell-holes such as Ferguson, if they are to be demeaned.

One final note, ignore the libertarian scare mongering about "militarized police." Libertarians tend to be elites who live nowhere near inner-city communities. They are more likely to be in gated facilities or areas so financially set that crime is something they experience only in the news. They have the luxury of whining about how the police are equipped; the rest of us just want them equipped at their best, and armed to the teeth.

source: It's time to wake up, white America


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Renew America:

[FONT=arial,helvetica]RenewAmerica began in January 2002 as a grassroots support for Alan Keyes' MSNBC TV show "Alan Keyes Is Making Sense." Over the years, the website has evolved into a significant Christian political vehicle — gathering scores of talented new writers (along with a handful of well-known established ones); promoting the core issues of moral conservatism in a highly-readable "magazine" format; and amassing a loyal following, particularly through its weekly newsletter.

With Dr. Keyes as Honorary Chairman, RA is a strong, independent voice for the causes that unite moral conservatives, and strives to be a beacon of truth at a time when our country is increasingly losing its way — morally, spiritually, and politically.

Alan Keyes???



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Renew America:

[FONT=arial,helvetica]RenewAmerica began in January 2002 as a grassroots support for Alan Keyes' MSNBC TV show "Alan Keyes Is Making Sense." Over the years, the website has evolved into a significant Christian political vehicle — gathering scores of talented new writers (along with a handful of well-known established ones); promoting the core issues of moral conservatism in a highly-readable "magazine" format; and amassing a loyal following, particularly through its weekly newsletter.

With Dr. Keyes as Honorary Chairman, RA is a strong, independent voice for the causes that unite moral conservatives, and strives to be a beacon of truth at a time when our country is increasingly losing its way — morally, spiritually, and politically.

Alan Keyes???

Did you read the essay ? What do you think of this mans opinion ?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Did you read the essay ? What do you think of this mans opinion ?

Did you? It was written by a woman. I'm not particularly interested in a position that thinks we should blindly trust authority. Though the author isn't even consistent about that.

Also, you gotta love the irony in the image B00Mer cut in does White Pride- a defining label for white racists-fit in her story about the gains made against racism?

Missed that huh?


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Whites are privileged enough in the United States, what is needed is equal, and better education for all..

The United States and Canada are probably the most Cultural and Ethnically diverse countries in the world, but Asia, and many European countries are surpassing the USA.

Did you see on CNN and FoxNews, when the interviewed the blacks in Ferguson, many had lousy pronunciation.

Education is the great equalizer.

Once again I will post this YouTube..

Bill Cosby talking about education - YouTube

To me personally, I don't think the younger generation wants work or get a better education after high school to get a better life, they all think they are going to rich quick on American Idol.

The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
This entire topic is pure unadulterated Bull Manure!

I am not white, I am pink. I am also a mixture of races, ethnic groups, etc. My color has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything. How I have lived my life is all that is important.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Put the lighter skinned people near the equator for a few 100 generations and at the same time put all the darker skinned people into the colder regions for the same time and that should about even it out. They they can murder each other over something else that is just as unimportant.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Put the lighter skinned people near the equator for a few 100 generations and at the same time put all the darker skinned people into the colder regions for the same time and that should about even it out. They they can murder each other over something else that is just as unimportant.
Already done. In Northern Ireland two groups of people were so indistinguishable by appearance, race, language, or even names that they settled for killing each other on the basis of which branch of the same religion they (or their parents) followed.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Whites are privileged enough in the United States, what is needed is equal, and better education for all..

The United States and Canada are probably the most Cultural and Ethnically diverse countries in the world, but Asia, and many European countries are surpassing the USA.

Did you see on CNN and FoxNews, when the interviewed the blacks in Ferguson, many had lousy pronunciation.

Education is the great equalizer.

Once again I will post this YouTube..

Bill Cosby talking about education - YouTube

To me personally, I don't think the younger generation wants work or get a better education after high school to get a better life, they all think they are going to rich quick on American Idol.

Education, I assume for African Americans and that will address all issues?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
That is a Christian tradition, feed on yourselves if you can't find a common fake enemy. Perhaps that should have gone whole hog and the UK could be the 'repaired version' rather than this corrupt abortion they call home.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Education, I assume for African Americans and that will address all issues?

Education for all, but where are the poorest and most impoverished areas currently in the USA today..

Did you not hear that some of the Ferguson residents were unhappy with the level of education and quality of the schools in their area.

They need to offer Charter Schools to some of the poorest neighborhoods.

That is a Christian tradition, feed on yourselves if you can't find a common fake enemy. Perhaps that should have gone whole hog and the UK could be the 'repaired version' rather than this corrupt abortion they call home.

uoY aer a ltaot citsar oiidt


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Education for all, but where are the poorest and most impoverished areas currently in the USA today..

Did you not hear that some of the Ferguson residents were unhappy with the level of education and quality of the schools in their area.

They need to offer Charter Schools to some of the poorest neighborhoods.

uoY aer a ltaot citsar oiidt

Still not a viable answer. Read my question again.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Did you? It was written by a woman. I'm not particularly interested in a position that thinks we should blindly trust authority. Though the author isn't even consistent about that.

Also, you gotta love the irony in the image B00Mer cut in does White Pride- a defining label for white racists-fit in her story about the gains made against racism?

Missed that huh?

Haha - you beat me to the punch.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Still not a viable answer. Read my question again.

That IS a viable answer, unless YOU are making a prejudice assumption that blacks are the problem.

What, you don't think the USA has poor white, Hispanic or Asian slums? Sure there a more black slums in the USA, regardless, Education is the only way people will be able to lift themselves out of poorer communities.

So what is your solution Goober? More Police, ban alcohol, offer unskilled labor and the uneducated jobs at McDee's??

Hunters Point, San Francisco: (welcome to the Hood Goober)

The cycle of poverty, is the lack of education and opportunity.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
That IS a viable answer, unless YOU are making a prejudice assumption that blacks are the problem.

What, you don't think the USA has poor white, Hispanic or Asian slums? Sure there a more black slums in the USA, regardless, Education is the only way people will be able to lift themselves out of poorer communities.

So what is your solution Goober? More Police, ban alcohol, offer unskilled labor and the uneducated jobs at McDee's??

Wrong again.