BREAKING :Iraq’s PM Maliki gives up his post, supports his successor Abadi - State TV


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Honestly, I doubt you could shoot or fight your way out of a wet paper bag.. you're all talk.

Foothills, squirrels and gophers with a .22 at best, big game. (sorry Gopher)

Moose hunt, hell yeah, up in Grand Prairie, AB. I promise not to pull a Dick Cheney on you.

Never claimed to be a bushman.. Trucker and military experience from when I was younger and less porky.

.22's are cool
I'd been more tempted to float down the Smokey with a 50pak of beer or jump on your golfcart and wander around the bush that way.

I can appreciate you not shooting me and all but if an accident should happen be sure to gut me before help arrives. That's so I don't have to apologize to you for having to shoot me in the face in the first place. (that is the way the original script went down)
Moose look better on film although being very lean it makes a great chile once you cook it for about 4 hours.
You drive cause you'll be too drunk to sing.
More about knowing which way to walk than being able to walk endlessly. I already know I'm driving everyplace I'm going so I won't be sayin, '. . . another fuking hill, wtf is with all the fuking hills, and wtf do they all look the same? You might be the sniper that gets me but I'm not going to run just so I die tired. Could get that cart to a few places where it would be a 10k shot so a remote camera would be essential if you wanted to know where the round went. If you had a bunker you could shoot from there and that would keep the forest quiet. Seriously how many clips before you got a little bored? Lots of other things to do than that, some require you sign a waiver so safety meetings do have a reason but GPS makes getting lost nearly impossible, impossible if you can get to high ground.

As a trucker you could probably appreciate some of the roads under icy conditions and a gross of 200,000. Don't get me wrong the industries keeps the roads in very good condition or they are closed. They move around from year to year also so not all. Military and Prison, they both make people **** about making their beads wrinkle free. lol He may have ended up being a mass murderer but damn were his corners ever nice.

I'd probably be shooting from a sitting position just because I wobble when I stand.

You are in a bit of a pickle here. If I stop referencing Gaza and reference the Ukraine for my rants about various injustices done to civilians they you are going to agree with the basic thought. Only when Gaza is referenced will the blanket denial come out. I also don't see the people of the Ukraine letting this go on for very long at all, a year perhaps, certainly not a decade which was Gaza's warm-up period.

As for this thread, it still works out that ISIS is an asset to the West and more to Israel than to the CIA. Someplace they have to 'make nice' to the 'puppet gov' on display in Iraq. Luckily just leaving Syria as one group and putting on a different t-shirt they were given a new identity by the western media when really it was the same mercenaries that Israel said they could sent to Libya tto 'help the government forces'.

Exposed! Dutch Justice Ministry Employee Says ISIS A ‘Zionist’ Creation! | InvestmentWatch
“ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It’s part of a plan by Zionists who are deliberately trying to blacken Islam’s name,” wrote Haifi, who described herself on the social network LinkedIn as an activist for the Dutch Labor Party, or PvdA.
Haifi later removed her original message, explaining, “I realize the political sensitivity in connection with my work. That was not my intention.”

Read more at Exposed! Dutch Justice Ministry Employee Says ISIS A ‘Zionist’ Creation! | InvestmentWatch


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
My family is down their for the summer... they send you a pic from the Bay of Fundy. :)

Near St. Andrews.

Oh Christ and MegaHurtz is back.. the threads going down hill from here.

.22's are cool

They are only cool for target practice and cheap ammo.

Oh and you never want to shoot for the head.. to small of target. Shoot to kill is a chest shot, middle to heart will do the job.

10 yards, 4" barrel 0.22

That pic at the range. GLOCK 9mm. My favorite.

I don't know if you have a Canadian Firearms license, if you do (God help us), go to the range and see if they have a McMillan Tac-50 to try and shoot with.. lots of fun.
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
When I was first being trained to use firearms at the age of.... erm.... 11 or 12, I was using a Lee Enfield modified to .22 rounds with iron sights prone.... shooting these sort of targets:

Started on the big single one, then after a few weeks I moved up to the smaller ones on the left.

The thing was that these weren't set to 10 metres, but about 20 metres at the Pictou County Military Association Rifle Range. The smaller ones just looked like black blobs at that distance through iron sights, but I still somehow ended up shooting pretty accurately and always in the black.

When I was in Basic Camp in Air Cadets (CFB Greenwood) around the time, we had range one day which was the same day our parents were invited to come in and see us near the end of the 2 weeks. They had the larger single targets shown in the top of this post for us to shoot at a distance of about 10 metres.... fk'n easiest thing ever. I had the best grouping and accuracy out of 50 odd kids there. I set them down for about two seconds as I went to greet my parents, then went to show them the targets and some d*ckhead kid swapped my targets for their BS swiss cheese crap..... I should have damn well signed it right away.

Oh well.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
When I was first being trained to use firearms at the age of.... erm.... 11 or 12, I was using a Lee Enfield modified to .22 rounds with iron sights prone.... shooting these sort of targets:

Some ranges won't allow the silhouette targets.. but if a guy is robbing you at gun point, he ain't wearing a target on his chest now is he.. you have to think fast, but always take that extra second to aim.

Folks think they just need to point and shoot and the bullet will find it's target.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Some ranges won't allow the silhouette targets.. but if a guy is robbing you at gun point, he ain't wearing a target on his chest now is he.. you have to think fast, but always take that extra second to aim.

Folks think they just need to point and shoot and the bullet will find it's target.

I wouldn't mind finding a range here in Australia to get back into things, but their more stringent on firearms than Canada.... you even need to register knives ffs.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
The thing was that these weren't set to 10 metres, but about 20 metres at the Pictou County Military Association Rifle Range.

Were you shooting a rifle?? If you were shooting a hand gun, what length barrel, what caliber. Your accuracy is diminished with a shorter barrel.

A rifle, 20 yards?? I would think 50 yards.

That silhouette target was with a 0.22 at 10 yards.

Sorry 3" (..and we're not talking Gopher's d*ck size)

Had to adjust the adjust windage and elevation after buying the gun and it was a good gun.. sold it before I returned to Canada..

Some of my guns are still in storage in the US, but dumped about half.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Now that he is no longer in power it's time to put al-Maliki on trial for his role in the USA embassy bombings in Beirut and Kuwait. After all, there is no statute of limitations for murder and justice must be served.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Were you shooting a rifle?? If you were shooting a hand gun, what length barrel, what caliber. Your accuracy is diminished with a shorter barrel.

A rifle, 20 yards?? I would think 50 yards.

That silhouette target was with a 0.22 at 10 yards.

Sorry 3" (..and we're not talking Gopher's d*ck size)

Had to adjust the adjust windage and elevation after buying the gun and it was a good gun.. sold it before I returned to Canada..

Some of my guns are still in storage in the US, but dumped about half.

Was using a Lee Enfield with a modified .22 barrel at around 20 yards / 18-19 metres, prone position with iron sights.... being 11 years old, it was difficult but still did better than all the other kids ;)

Was trained here:
Pictou County Military Association Rifle Range
20 Yard Indoor Range
Contact person noted in the link, Joe Arnold... was a close friend of my dad's and helped train my brother during the '96 Canada Games. Didn't seem to like me all that much though.

I'm half tempted to sign up to one of the rifle ranges here and get a license / rifle and maybe when my son's older, get him involved. My wife hates guns, but whatever :p

The Victorian Police department has a range open to the public... and there's a store here selling a Canadian Savage 93 bolt action rimfire rifle for $390.... hmmm.....

My wife also has some relatives who live out in the bush and do regular hunting who said they'd take me out sometime. Need a licence still.

Kinda paranoid of their deadly snakes and spiders though... I'd rather go up against a coyote, bear or wolf than one of those damn things. At lest I can see them coming.
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Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Was using a Lee Enfield with a modified .22 barrel at around 20 yards / 18-19 metres, prone position with iron sights.... being 11 years old, it was difficult but still did better than all the other kids ;)

When I was in the Cadets I won the smallest Turkey for the worst shot when I was 9 or 10.. I improved considerable since then.

yeah, a Lee Enfield rifle.

The silhouette was with a hand gun. The 0.22 High Standard I picked up.. I picked it up at the gun show in Ft. Worth, TX.. a revolver 9 shot.. it looked nice.

Was trained here:
Pictou County Military Association Rifle Range
Pictou County Military Association Rifle Range
20 Yard Indoor Range
Contact person noted in the link, Joe Arnold... was a close friend of my dad's and helped train my brother during the '96 Canada Games. Didn't seem to like me all that much though.

I'm half tempted to sign up to one of the rifle ranges here and get a license / rifle and maybe when my son's older, get him involved. My wife hates guns, but whatever :p

The Victorian Police department has a range open to the public... and there's a store here selling a Canadian Savage 93 bolt action rimfire rifle for $390.... hmmm.....

My wife also has some relatives who live out in the bush and do regular hunting who said they'd take me out sometime. Need a licence still.

Kinda paranoid of their deadly snakes and spiders though... I'd rather go up against a coyote, bear or wolf than one of those damn things. At lest I can see them coming.

It's fun..

I was sitting on my couch at home, door open in Texas, cleaning my guns.. The Pizza guys just walks into my apartment and dam near ****s himself. He just walked in. I had a bore cleaner, cleaning the cylinders.

Didn't mean to scare him, but his face.. I'll never forget it.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
it's fun..

I was sitting on my couch at home, door open in texas, cleaning my guns.. The pizza guys just walks into my apartment and dam near ****s himself. He just walked in. I had a bore cleaner, cleaning the cylinders.

Didn't mean to scare him, but his face.. I'll never forget it.

You're fk'n late with my pizza b*tch!!! :lol: