Barack Obama Failed
Canada needs to have a co-pay system to stop abuse.. it might save the Canadian "FREE" Health Care system. Fukking waiting on a person in the emergency who has a cold..
And why were you there?
I went to the ER some 25 years ago with what I thought was a brutal cold and I ended up staying over 2 weeks with pneumonia. I suppose if you saw me you would have wondered why I wasting your money or if you saw this guy with a sore arm or someone with a minor dog bite...............
“Just a Flesh Wound”
As I tried to bungee cord them into some semblance of security for movement, one of the cases toppled onto my left forearm. Ouch! It hurt, but I wasn’t all “911” about it. It was painful and swollen but I figured it would be okay without any medical intervention. Maybe a little bit of denial?
The next day, February 13, things seemed status quo. It was sore and swollen but seemingly no worse. Then, that night, things got worse. Both the pain and swelling increased. -
Miles O'Brien | Journalist
Ottawa mother loses 3 limbs after dog bite infection
Christine Caron, 49, was playing tug-of-war with her dogs on May 22 when one of the dogs, a Shih Tzu mix named Buster, nipped her hand.
The dog backed off, and then the other dogs licked her hand, she said.
Caron thought nothing of it, but three days later, she was rushed to hospital, and was put in a coma for a month and a half.