You asked I answered.
He's got a point here Bear... and it IS Angstrom you are attempting to communicate with.
You asked I answered.
True.He's got a point here Bear... and it IS Angstrom you are attempting to communicate with.
I'm no military strategist, but you have the LONGEST coastline on the face of the earth and your navy is not even in the top ten, whether its in terms of personnel, tonnage, quantity of ships, nothing.
Ummm, ya, I was just curious about the "what he thinks" "what you think" "you tell me" nonsense.
Why not just ask?I wanted to know why you asked if I was a David fan.. What led you to that?
Why not just ask?
I was eluding to the whole global warming and the threat to the arctic.
ffs, I didn't say you were being David Suzuki fan dude. I asked a question. The arctic is supposedly under threat.I fail to see the link between me saying the Arctics is a un-livable wasteland of frozen death, Not worth spending a dim on.
And me being a David fan.
ffs, I didn't say you were being David Suzuki fan dude.
Learn to read.
You asked if I was a fan. To answer your question plainly..
I am not.
Id like to consume every once of resources this planet has to offer, before my life is done.
Says the guy that consumes more fossil fuels in a day than the sites leading conservative, lolz.You've just described every conservative in this thread.
I've really come to terms and accepted what we are as a race. Unlike David I in-brace it... Let's just suck this planet dry for all it's worth, and the hell with all those dumb tree hugging losers.
I used to care it made me depressed. Now I just want to see the destruction of this planet threw and get it done and over with already.
That's your typical brain dead conservative transition.
Soon you'll be crying about how we live in a Nanny state because they're taking away our transfats.
No man, vote NDP, that way you can stay home and get paid to watch it end on TV, lolz.I'm still going to vote liberal,
I think they can destroy this planet faster.
I'm still going to vote liberal,
I think they can destroy this planet faster.
No man, vote NDP, that way you can stay home and get paid to watch it end on TV, lolz.
Yep, and meet them on the high seas. There's another organisation that guards the coasts. Oddly enough, it's called the Coast Guard. Weird, huh?