Mysterious priest performs miracle at site of Mercedes crash


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
It's still a nice story, regardless of what you think, think you know or believe.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
It is a nice story; but not as nice as seeing faeries on roses in the morning mists, but preferable to seeing a resurrected Elvis.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
What? A priest doing his job offering a few words of comfort is a miracle and faeries aren't?
When I first came to this area, I visited one of our natural hot springs. It was situated in an old growth cedar grove. As I lay there enjoying the relaxing mineral waters, I looked around and said out loud, "It's OK, You can come out now. We're friendly." It was such a magical place that is just felt like the natural habitat of faeries and gnomes. I also have a photo I took just below the hot spring of a tree dragon. She was the guardian of that place,

They have since clear cut all around the hot springs and the faeries and gnomes have abandoned the place and the dragon is dead.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Do you two make it 3 in a row?? (for the record FP hasn't made any reply since my post, you have though and it was anything but a relevant reply)

Did the one that was trapped remember anything or were the emergency crew that were in a panic the ones 'visited'?
Understanding prophecy is no different that putting a jigsaw together only the pieces are a collection of words that do paint a detailed picture. If the 12 books listed after Daniel all cover just one event is that not going to result in a clear and concise picture of what all those words mean.

The really neat thing about miracles is you may have heard of them but one thing is always consistent, to be one it has to be a very rare and random event and nothing that is not part of the promise that all will share in once the appointed time is at hand.
Meh. People that see miracles are looking for them and denying the rational explanations.

Haven't you heard, I've spent the last 14 years in a septic tank, the 10 before that would have been when my view of Scripture was being formed through reading and talking and even prayer once in awhile. . . . . and I'm still smarter than you in the Bible and probably a lot of other areas as well.
No doubt. I am a lot less biased, though, which leaves my objectivity better than yours. :)
I know you're a troll, do you even know that? That your replies never challenge my stance on the passages says you have no idea of what they mean or a reply is just beyond your scope of knowledge but you do want to appear intelligent so you post something like this. lol
.... and I don't care. You base your entire batch of conjecture on two things: 1. the probable fiction of gods n goblins, and 2. Your own claim to have been the only one in the 6000 year history of humanity to have decoded the Bible. lmao
Did you know you are even a failure at being a decent troll, let me show you why and I'll respond to a post of yours I read and laughed at and then did something more important, took a fart.
Ok, maestro, show me how to be a better troll ......

(from the bible logic thread)

Only a troll would demand water be covered by more water or it wasn't a flood. Dry land covers about 1/4 of the area of the planet, if you take about 5 ft of water from the ocean and evaporate it into a cloud that then rains on the dry ground (and stays there)
defying gravity? And you expect me to take you seriously?
you end up need ing to drop the level of the oceans by a total of 5 ft. A normal person would say something like, 'that is one possibility ...'
It''s ONLY a possibility if there's some sort of illusion going on.
buy you will just do something troll like. Do you know who people are laughing at even?
Yeah, I have a pretty good idea, and I doubt highly that it''s me.
Like I said back there, it's a lot more likely that this goofy flood was entirely localized to one small area of the planet.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
There should be 1,000 stories a month about Priests helping (did he have a med bag or was last rights the intent). Half (or more ) of the reason this is noteworthy is because it is rare, I guess all the other times strangers help is where Samaritans step up to the plate. No sense bringing a thimble full of holy water to a forest fire where you need fleets of water-tankers.

A metaphorical and allegorical reading beats both those options, and I've noted you're not beyond taking that view when you can't force a sensible literal meaning out of a text. A strictly literal reading is demonstrably false anyway--there was no global flood, for instance--and thus indefensible, and a coded reading just makes a complete hash of the book's presumed purpose as a message to humanity.

I've read several alternatives (to the flood story) so I'm not sure which version you have latched onto. If it doesn't include the points below we aren't even on the same page so you can't determine how much more error filled my version is over yours or over the current historical model.

Historical model is from before 4,000BC until who knows how far back the beginning of day 1 was and up until about 2,000BC. Let's say the icecaps had mostly melted so the oceans had already risen some 400ft and the Med was saltwater already by the time of Noah's story. Climate history show the African north was forested and had rivers that flowed year round. That should also mean the east end of the Med Sea also got more moisture than it does today so the the water level in the Dead Sea was not -370M but much higher so it could support fresh water fish as described in Eze:47. Also in that chapter that says a 'river of water' comes from 'a house' situated between the Dead Sea and the Med sea and it has a total width of 8,000 cubits (4,000. side) and an average depth of about knee high and flowing fast enough that it would send a person swimming. Factor that into a climate model and during the time before the flood the water evaporated until it is at about current levels. That has never been done so how can it be determined that what the bible covers is error filled when the 'record' is not just accurate in one place but in all places once viewed through the proper filter. God is very old and He claims to be able to have wind and rain obey His voice. (like holding back exactly 100 years before the prophecy of rain and the first drop hitting the ground)

The proposal I'm partial to is the land got 22ft of rain in 40 days. If the 'water' remained in the high hills and mountain tops for a period of 150 days after that before the tops could be seen in rock form. The total amount of the water needed would drop the oceans level by 5 feet and return to 'normal' a full year later. The rise of the other 445 ft came as a variety of floods, the Atlantic making the Med Sea salty would have been one of the bigger ones. As far as I know it was the first time men actually saw snow if the 'high hill and mountains' were above a lower cloud level. Too bad we don't have the buoyancy data for gopherwood as the Ark's dimensions are given and it is said to have floated in 22ft of water. The most it could have held is if the wood was the density a balsa and the pitch 'inside and out' was for each small plank as ir was sandwiched together like modern plywood. More or less equal to an inflatable of today's world, then add in the weight of all the species that weight over a certain weight, 1/2 for birds as half of them could be in flight at any given time, the dove was the first one released that was not expected to return. I haven't done the math but something like that could be done today with ease and then the 'see, it could not happen' would have some validity. The big bang has no more proof than Genesis 1, they both state something from nothing.

In the Atlantic you had ice 2 miles high, when a huge piece fell off into the water does the tidal wave travel all the way to the ice in the south and what would be the combined effect if they both happened to have a collapse at the same time and the two waves met where the entrance to the Med Sea now stands? The bible stays concerned with the events in the arae for the garden (Ge:2) rather than all the events that ever happened in all the parts of Eden (the whole globe).

If the year long flood was modeled after an ice-age that was on the scope of 360,000 years then chance would pretty much be out the window wouldn't it. A calamity that probable did result in a worldwide change in who was the dominate species. None of that conflicts with Scripture directly but if our viewpoint is important to understand those stories then the more important ones also should be examined in the same 'light'. In this case the 70 weeks of Daniel would be the more appropriated topic to be under discussion. After all not all prophecy is meant to only be understood in hindsight.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Haven't you heard,`the best way to understand the Bible is to actually read it, at least as a first step. Milk before meat unless you want your tummy to get all upset.
Like I keep saying, the entire Bible can be rendered down to two useful items, the "do unto others" bit and the "love thy neighbor" bit. The rest is part fact, part fiction pulp.

Mystery Priest Who Showed Up at a Crash Scene Then Vanished Has Been Identified — and Here’s the Unlikely Way He Came Forward

Mystery Priest Who Showed Up at a Crash Scene Then Vanished Has Been Identified — and Here’s the Unlikely Way He Came Forward |
Seems like a nice enough dude, hardly what I'd call a miracle or an angel, though. I wish more people would get in the habit of helping others.

Yep, as always, there's a prosaic explanation when the real details emerge. And will the magical thinkers learn anything useful about not leaping to mystical conclusions? My prediction: No.
Think I'll add my prediction to yours; nope.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There should be 1,000 stories a month about Priests helping (did he have a med bag or was last rights the intent).
It was last rites (note spelling), and the Caflicks call that the Sacrament for the Sick these days.

Half (or more ) of the reason this is noteworthy is because it is rare, I guess all the other times strangers help is where Samaritans step up to the plate. No sense bringing a thimble full of holy water to a forest fire where you need fleets of water-tankers.
No, half of the reason it is noteworthy is that it involved a priest and no little boys. The other half is just a snicker over the things that presumed adults will believe.

I've read several alternatives (to the flood story) so I'm not sure which version you have latched onto. If it doesn't include the points below we aren't even on the same page so you can't determine how much more error filled my version is over yours or over the current historical model.

Historical model is from before 4,000BC until who knows how far back the beginning of day 1 was and up until about 2,000BC. Let's say the icecaps had mostly melted so the oceans had already risen some 400ft and the Med was saltwater already by the time of Noah's story. Climate history show the African north was forested and had rivers that flowed year round. That should also mean the east end of the Med Sea also got more moisture than it does today so the the water level in the Dead Sea was not -370M but much higher so it could support fresh water fish as described in Eze:47. Also in that chapter that says a 'river of water' comes from 'a house' situated between the Dead Sea and the Med sea and it has a total width of 8,000 cubits (4,000. side) and an average depth of about knee high and flowing fast enough that it would send a person swimming. Factor that into a climate model and during the time before the flood the water evaporated until it is at about current levels. That has never been done so how can it be determined that what the bible covers is error filled when the 'record' is not just accurate in one place but in all places once viewed through the proper filter. God is very old and He claims to be able to have wind and rain obey His voice. (like holding back exactly 100 years before the prophecy of rain and the first drop hitting the ground)

The proposal I'm partial to is the land got 22ft of rain in 40 days. If the 'water' remained in the high hills and mountain tops for a period of 150 days after that before the tops could be seen in rock form. The total amount of the water needed would drop the oceans level by 5 feet and return to 'normal' a full year later. The rise of the other 445 ft came as a variety of floods, the Atlantic making the Med Sea salty would have been one of the bigger ones. As far as I know it was the first time men actually saw snow if the 'high hill and mountains' were above a lower cloud level. Too bad we don't have the buoyancy data for gopherwood as the Ark's dimensions are given and it is said to have floated in 22ft of water. The most it could have held is if the wood was the density a balsa and the pitch 'inside and out' was for each small plank as ir was sandwiched together like modern plywood. More or less equal to an inflatable of today's world, then add in the weight of all the species that weight over a certain weight, 1/2 for birds as half of them could be in flight at any given time, the dove was the first one released that was not expected to return. I haven't done the math but something like that could be done today with ease and then the 'see, it could not happen' would have some validity. The big bang has no more proof than Genesis 1, they both state something from nothing.

In the Atlantic you had ice 2 miles high, when a huge piece fell off into the water does the tidal wave travel all the way to the ice in the south and what would be the combined effect if they both happened to have a collapse at the same time and the two waves met where the entrance to the Med Sea now stands? The bible stays concerned with the events in the arae for the garden (Ge:2) rather than all the events that ever happened in all the parts of Eden (the whole globe).

If the year long flood was modeled after an ice-age that was on the scope of 360,000 years then chance would pretty much be out the window wouldn't it. A calamity that probable did result in a worldwide change in who was the dominate species. None of that conflicts with Scripture directly but if our viewpoint is important to understand those stories then the more important ones also should be examined in the same 'light'. In this case the 70 weeks of Daniel would be the more appropriated topic to be under discussion. After all not all prophecy is meant to only be understood in hindsight.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Aye a wee magic man... she had the luck o' the Irish with her (sort of).

Although he's not a seraphim, he felt like an angel to her...fits my definition of angel better. I am glad he came forward. It must have been tempting to just let it be, due to all of the bizarre hoopla, poor guy.
Yeah, but preachers know they will be tempted by stuff. This was probably one of the easiest temptations to ignore. So he simply wrote a statement explaining his end of the issue.
The Sheriff who let him through the blockade probably had a great laugh over people's gullibility.

This is the part I love about 'intelligent'`chatting. You can determine I don't have it 'figured out' before you even hear the story. The bits I already posted either follow Scripture or they don't, if they don't there is a reference that will show how and where I am in error. So far 'you guys' are batting 1000 at not finding any flaws.
Not finding any flaws? lmao
Initial flaw: ASSuming there was a magician in the first place.
Secondary flaw: losing reasoning ability
Secondary flaw: developing irrational bias

And occurrences such as that attract as many naysayers pontificating;-) over everyone as there are people who see a divine hand in everything..
Hard to tell who is more dogmatic.......
The ones who stick with assumptions even after the reality has been uncovered.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I've read several alternatives (to the flood story) so I'm not sure which version you have latched onto. If it doesn't include the points below we aren't even on the same page so you can't determine how much more error filled my version is over yours or over the current historical model.
Not only are we not even on the same page, we aren't even in the same reality.

I haven't latched onto any version of the flood story except the one that says it didn't happen and the tales that have come down to us about it reflect at best large scale but still localized flooding at scattered times and places around the world. Many cultures have a flood story, but they're not correlated in time or location, they simply reflect the fact that if you live near water long enough, some day you'll experience a flood. There is no scientifically legitimate current historical model of a flood that covered all the land on the planet, there's no evidence that ever happened. If there had been one any time since humans left the illiterate hunter-gatherer stage there would be clear signs of it everywhere, the geologists would have established the fact long ago. The evidence is not found, therefore it didn't happen.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
The big bang has no more proof than Genesis 1, they both state something from nothing.
One could only say that if they foolishly and totally ignored evidence. lol
Yours is an hypothesis; science has theories. Look up the difference.
Evidence leading to the theory (and there are other theories as to that topic) Big Bang Theory

Reality keeps tapping on your shoulder, but you keep swatting it away and sticking your nose in a book based upon conjecture.
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Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
When I first came to this area, I visited one of our natural hot springs. It was situated in an old growth cedar grove. As I lay there enjoying the relaxing mineral waters, I looked around and said out loud, "It's OK, You can come out now. We're friendly." It was such a magical place that is just felt like the natural habitat of faeries and gnomes. I also have a photo I took just below the hot spring of a tree dragon. She was the guardian of that place,

They have since clear cut all around the hot springs and the faeries and gnomes have abandoned the place and the dragon is dead.

I don't think the dragon died. Occasionally, when I am in a crowd, I can smell the dragon's foul breath. It is seeking virgins, I think.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
what is a tree dragon cliffy?
I'll have to dig out my photo and scan it for ya. She looks rather organic in a vegetation kinda way. Long slender neck, moss hanging from it, head grey like stone, piercing white eyes. She was beautiful but sad. She was aware that her and her forest's days were numbered. Her voice still haunts me every time a see a clear cut. I feel like someone kicked me in the stomach.


Ace Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Aether Island
Here is a photo of a hatchling before wings sprouted.

I know that some rogue dragons were responsible for a rash of forest fires in the national parks.