A fn canadian government

What are your thoughts?

  • Yes I agree

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • Are you insane?

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Your posts are a bit off. It is like you are piggy backing on my posts to make canned responses to an argument that is running in your head.
Who are you talking to?

Is that your idea of a proud, independent people?
Of course not. Maybe you should learn to read, lol.

I say every man should care for himself and you respond with 'the indian act' which I have to assume means you think the white man should look after you and 'your people'.
Nope, you just assumed that because you aren't very bright and poorly educated.

Oh, so now you think a written contract is open to interpretation for your benefit.
Yes and no. The Crown made them living documents when they sought to exploit resources and land.

What they didn't realize was, it's a double edged sword.

What a crock of sh*t.
Take it up with the Crown and the ScoC.

A contract is a contract and a real man would honor it as it was written and signed whether it was a bad deal or not.
I already knew you weren't a real man, but I appreciate you admitting it on your own.

I guess you're not a real man and neither are 'your people'
You guess wrong.

It's funny how all that 'exploitation' funds all the programs in your beloved indian act.
I love it when you say stupid things.

You benefit from it even more than any other Canadians.
Maybe you should read it.

I'm not a bigot and you're not a lawyer.
Yes you are, and I've forgotten more about the law than you'll ever know, lol.

All the indians want to exploit is the white man's money.
Wow, two stupid comments in one post, lol.

Why you just can't get over the past and get on with life as an equal Canadian I don't know.
Just add that to the already extremely long list of things you don't know, lol.

The way things are going there will soon be a war over it all and I don't think you have F-18s and tanks at your disposal but best of luck if that's the way 'your people' want to go.
Three stupid comments? Wow, I'm honoured.

Nothing stupid about offering to honor a contract as it was written and signed. It is required by law.
You don't know the law, lol.

What don't I get?
Reality for starters, lol.

This is a wide open question, what is on your mind that isn't being discussed?
Again, reality, lol.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Canada does not exist because of treaties, there is no debt to pay here any longer. In the modern world to give some rights over others is unequal. Treaties are from the days of subjects of a monarch, we are now citizens under no one. no crown, no monarch, no king, no queen. We change our leaders in a regular, orderly pattern for the benefit of all. Tradition is finished.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Canada does not exist because of treaties...
The bulk of historians, the Courts and people with more than a grade 5 education disagree with you.

In the modern world to give some rights over others is unequal.
Tell that to the unions.

We traded land and resources for those rights.

You can have them back if you like.

Treaties are from the days of subjects of a monarch, we are now citizens under no one.

no crown, no monarch, no king, no queen.
Really? You have to say more than one stupid thing in each post too?

We change our leaders in a regular, orderly pattern for the benefit of all.
The benefit of who?

Tradition is finished.
No it isn't, your traditional posts are live and well.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
So I guess it wasn't very realistic of me to hope for a real answer.
Probably as realistic as me hoping you would know what you were talking about.

Dude, you haven't made a single intelligent post on the First Nations.

You have however, like the dumpster, managed to post almost every asinine myth and stereotype and expressing a complete lack of know on the subject, while ignoring any challenge to an actual discussion.

You got exactly what you deserved.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
Bear, let me get off topic for awhile, if you are at a job interview and the interviewer leans forward and looks you straight in the eyes and asks " Can you tell me why I should hire you?"

There are two ways to answer. One of them is to give him your best sales pitch.

I asked you a pretty wide open question. What is you best sales pitch?

I think you know what I'm getting at. Are you up for the challenge?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
is that a no, or a yes with conditions?
Regardless of what I type, it is whatever you want it to be.

You haven't presented a challenge yet. Just myths, stereotypes, a glaring lack of understanding of the topic and complete inability to listen.

But if you think you have what it takes, go for it, challenge me, lol.


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
The type of challenge I had in mind is: I ask an open question and you answer it with your best sales pitch.

For example, why should I support treaties instead of condemn them?


House Member
Mar 3, 2012
What is your solution for lifting a drug addicted depressed person out of poverty? I think a job works more often than a support cheque.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Canada does not exist because of treaties, there is no debt to pay here any longer. In the modern world to give some rights over others is unequal. Treaties are from the days of subjects of a monarch, we are now citizens under no one. no crown, no monarch, no king, no queen. We change our leaders in a regular, orderly pattern for the benefit of all. Tradition is finished.

In this case I'm inclined to agree with CB, (I disagree with his personal insults and taunts).

When Canada became a Nation, we had to respect all the previous treaties with First Nations, the US, European nations... These treaties are legally binding agreements which define Canada as well as Canada's First Nations.

The beef that First Nations have with Canada is that in many cases Canada broke these treaties as soon as they became inconvenient for Canada, illegally seized First Nation land and usurped their treaty rights to the land and its resources. Canada, not the First Nations has failed to uphold treaty obligations. As far as I know, Canada's First Nations have held up their end of these treaties.

Now the people that the Canadian government has wronged and screwed around are rightfully demanding the Canadian government respect Canadian Law as defined by these treaties.
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I am sorry that I used the j word. It appears to set you off.
LOL, your perception skills are only equaled by your knowledge of the First Nations.

ie more hand outs?
Remuneration for property and resources, or respecting a treaty or what it set out, isn't a hand out.

I know how much difficulty you have grasping that concept. It's the biggest hurdle to having an intelligent conversation with you and the very reason why you will never be able to present a challenge worthy any respect.


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Who are you talking to?

Of course not. Maybe you should learn to read, lol.

Nope, you just assumed that because you aren't very bright and poorly educated.

Yes and no. The Crown made them living documents when they sought to exploit resources and land.

What they didn't realize was, it's a double edged sword.

Take it up with the Crown and the ScoC.

I already knew you weren't a real man, but I appreciate you admitting it on your own.

You guess wrong.

I love it when you say stupid things.

Maybe you should read it.

Yes you are, and I've forgotten more about the law than you'll ever know, lol.

Wow, two stupid comments in one post, lol.

Just add that to the already extremely long list of things you don't know, lol.

Three stupid comments? Wow, I'm honoured.

You don't know the law, lol.

Reality for starters, lol.

Again, reality, lol.

You really do need some new material....