Denial site


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Yeah, that's pretty hard to miss, and not just on the subject of AGW, but the best of them are at least entertaining sometimes, like the dim rodent's electric universe nonsense and support for Velikovsky's crackpot notions. And of course some of them just can't think clearly.

But the AGW issue seems pretty clear to me now. There's no doubt the climate's warming, the data on that are incontrovertible, and not just in temperature records, there's other information fully consistent with it, like areas of snow cover, Arctic ice cover, changing ranges of plants and animals, stuff like that. For a long time the complexity of teasing out the human contribution to it remained problematical. It seemed to be just about at the noise level in the data. No more; I'm now convinced AGW is real.

I'm also convinced, and have been for a long time, that the real issues at the heart of all environmental problems, not just AGW, are population and lifestyle. There are just too many humans living at too high a level of consumption, we've become a plague on the planet. Nature has ways of dealing with plagues, and they're not very nice. The planet will be fine, it--and life in general--has survived far worse than what we're doing, as described in an interesting little book called "Under a Green Sky" by Dr. Peter D. Ward, but humans may not be fine.
Poppy-caulk(it's wonderful for poppyseed strudel) from a Malthusian nut-case. You and Paul Erlich must have been college roomies.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Poppy-caulk(it's wonderful for poppyseed strudel) from a Malthusian nut-case. You and Paul Erlich must have been college roomies.
Why is it "poppy-caulk"? Try supporting your claim with substantial evidence rather than opinion for a change.

I'd much rather trust Dexter's opinion of climactic matters and how he views them than yours simply because he can provide reasons why he has an opinion and you rarely do.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury

Does anyone remember this banner?

In the seventies, it was all about cleaning up the environment. Sure, it got in the way of profit for some - and got resistance. The problems really came when some, operating under Ecology Organization's banner, upped the ante, countered the resistance with attitude and made it a cause as opposed to concern. Once the lines were drawn, hearing across that line dulled, dwindled and died and co-operation became fraternization.

Earth has her cycles. Now we have a tanker wake riding atop the tide. Will there be overspill? Likely.....


Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Poppy-caulk(it's wonderful for poppyseed strudel) from a Malthusian nut-case. You and Paul Erlich must have been college roomies.
Another brilliantly cogent argument, and of course a red rep point for my post #19 above. Like I said there, some of them just can't think clearly. I changed that from my first draft, which said, "some of them are just stupid."

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Another brilliantly cogent argument, and of course a red rep point for my post #19 above. Like I said there, some of them just can't think clearly. I changed that from my first draft, which said, "some of them are just stupid."
lmao Yeah, I got a reddie for my comment, too.
"brilliantly cogent argument"? You're being too kind in your sarcasm, IMO.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Poppy-caulk(it's wonderful for poppyseed strudel) from a Malthusian nut-case. You and Paul Erlich must have been college roomies.

Come on Walter, if dexter says it's true, then it has to be true since he is the be all and end all of all knowledge on this board.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
That sounds like a personal problem. I, on the other hand, prefer seeing the good part of people.

hhmm Something occurred to me about people and arrogance just now. I've noticed that Dex has admitted to being wrong on occasion. How many other "arrogant" people can do that?

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Come on Walter, if dexter says it's true, then it has to be true since he is the be all and end all of all knowledge on this board.
Well okay, if you say so, you've never been wrong about anything that I can recall, but I've never made any such claim myself. Bet it was Walter gave you the greenie on that post too.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
Sucks when it's not the choir your preaching to. You are dealing with a varied group of people, denigrating and scolding does not work well with mature folks who are not thrilled with the "we are right THIS time" crowd.

"should they be given priority is my question?"
How arrogant.

There's some very credible information that a very narrow sector of society is locking us into a scenario that could make long term survival for us all very iffy...THAT"S ARROGANCE!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
There's some very credible information that a very narrow sector of society is locking us into a scenario that could make long term survival for us all very iffy...THAT"S ARROGANCE!
Watch your BP, don't want you to have a stroke or nothin'.


Electoral Member
May 13, 2012
And that is why nothing will happen. Because people like you are in denial and expect everyone else to make sacrifices except you. Eliminating about 75% of the population is the only way to achieve your stated goal. Even your god Suzuki has admitted this, but he like you does not have the courage of his convictions.
The only question is do we shoot you or wait until things get so bad that you all die on your own? Then the rest of us can carry on with our lives.

I'm not going to waste anymore time on anyone here who advocates homicide of anyone as an option for todays issues.

bye, bye psycho