John Crosbie apologizes for Pakistan joke


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
That Crosbie guy, he's just not positive enough, too little happy talk here. He's told a million jokes about Canadians from Toronto and New Brunswick and no one notices, but tell one about a foreigner, and zingo, the PC police are on him. what a humourless, earnest crowd.

The military-industrial-security complex will deal with all issues concerning anyone or anything outside Canada, any other input is not appreciated and an internment/concentration camp is waiting for future offenders. Thank you. xoxox We love you, just don't talk or do anything at all. Be safe.

The joke:

"I called a suicide hotline. I got a call centre in Pakistan. When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck," he said.

John Crosbie apologizes for Pakistan joke - Nfld. & Labrador - CBC News

John Crosbie apologizes for Pakistan joke

CBC News

Posted: Nov 3, 2011 6:52 PM NT

Last Updated: Nov 4, 2011 2:02 AM NT

John Crosbie, Newfoundland and Labrador's lieutenant-governor, issued a conditional apology Thursday after coming under fire for a joke about Pakistan suicide bombers that some found offensive.

"If anyone who thinks the joke is offensive, or there's something wrong with it, well I'll apologize to them, sure. If that's what they think. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings," he said.

Crosbie told the joke at last week's swearing-in of provincial cabinet ministers.

"I called a suicide hotline. I got a call centre in Pakistan. When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited and asked me if I could drive a truck," he said.

Crosbie said he will be more careful in the future and doesn't want people to come to the wrong conclusion.
"I'm not a racist. Never have been, but they're sensitive about it apparently. I'm not going to get into any argument with them, except notice their opinion and I'm sorry that they were disturbed," he said.

Newly-minted cabinet ministers laughed during Crosbie's speech, but Pakistani students at Memorial University of Newfoundland didn't find his comments funny.

"When I heard this for the first time, it was shocking for me. It's not in line with the spirit of Newfoundland. The people of Newfoundland are very friendly. I have not felt or heard these kinds of jokes here in Newfoundland," said student Wasiq Waqar.

Premier Kathy Dunderdale, who was at the ceremony, issued a statement calling the remarks inappropriate.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Kathy Dunderdale - sounds like a character from Harry Potter.

I've heard that joke before. It is still funny. Some people should remove the pokers from their ass.


Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Ok,I'm likely going to be called all kinds of racist,but,if that joke had of been about a Newfy or a Caper,everybody would of had a chuckle and gotten on with their day,but no,it was about a visable minority and we have to kiss their asses because they'er so sensitive.To me this hooks up with another thread,when you come to Canada,leave your crap where you came from{paraphrasing}


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
"When I heard this for the first time, it was shocking for me. It's not in line with the spirit of Newfoundland. The people of Newfoundland are very friendly. I have not felt or heard these kinds of jokes here in Newfoundland," said student Wasiq Waqar.

Newfoundland, Canada's kicking boy. Home of the proverbial punchline.

No one in that province tought Wasiq Waqar how to take a joke?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Crosby is the Don Cherry of politics. He is no longer on the front line but he is still in the
minds of Canadians. He has always been one of those people who could tell an off colour
joke and get away with it. Few people can do that but there are some.
As for it being about a Newfie or a Caper be careful. I was born in Cape Breton, I have
property in Cape Breton, and I know some of the jokes about Newfies and Capers and yes
they are funny.

What to do you call a Caper? A Newfie, who ran out of money on the way to Toronto.

As for Crosby he has said some things that really angered people but somehow he always
had that flippant way that people say oh forget it. This is one of those. In the large view of
the world I will not become shocked or horrified, it has imagery and when told by Crosby
it is funny.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
What to do you call a Caper? A Newfie, who ran out of money on the way to Toronto.
Most of the Bay Boys I served with said a Caper was a Newf with his brains kicked in.

As for Crosby he has said some things that really angered people but somehow he always
had that flippant way that people say oh forget it.

How can you not love this guy.

"Pass the tequila, Sheila, lay down and love me again."
– John Crosby, minister for international trade, repeating a line from a song to Liberal Opposition MP Sheila Copps in February 1990.

"It is better to be sincere in one language than to be a twit in two,"
Crosbie said in 1983 about former prime minister Pierre Trudeau.

"The Hon. leader of the Opposition knows all about butts. He has had his hands on more butts than there are members of this House."
– Transport Minister John Crosbie in November 1987 to Liberal Leader John Turner. Crosbie is referring to Turner's 1984 election campaign gaffe on TV when he was caught slapping Liberal MP's Iona Campagnolo's bum.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Some people just don't have a sense of humour, but that could be because there lies some truth therein.