Not all Jews are Zionists


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
God (Allah) imposed Hitler on Jews as God's punishment

As I said in a previous post that God punishes the disbelievers, idolaters and wrongdoers by many ways: one of such ways is that He sets some tyrants on them.

Therefore, following the coming of Jesus Christ and his apostles, God punished Jews by setting Titus the Roman leader on them and that was in the year 70 AD.

Before that when Jews fell in the association and wrong-doing and they disobeyed their prophets --> God set Nabuchodonosor on them, and that was in the year 567 BC.

So it might be Hiltler was one of such tyrants that God set on Jews because of their denial and opposition to both Jesus and Mohammed.

And if you want other indication of God's punishment to them --> refer to the Book of Judges. And see the Torah itself tells you how many tyrants God had set on them.

Moreover, God punished Christians by this Hitler (more than He punished Jews) because of their transgression on Muslim countries:

The explanation: England and France and the other Christian states attacked the Muslim countries with their imperialism, and they captured nearly all the Muslim countries and divided those countries as shares among them

--> therefore, God strengthened against them, one of their Christian states: Germany, and the second world war occurred when 50 millions of people were killed: UK emerged broken while France was occupied and Paris fell within one week by the Hilter forces.


And see this video of a Jewish rabbi saying that the Islam will be the religion of the future:

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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
just a reminder:

Christian DiscussionA place to discuss christian belief systems. Note: Forum will be stringently moderated. Any personal attacks will be deleted without notice.



And when you do, read your Bible.


Lost on morons.

and the thing is, this was posted in response to me calling his statement bullshyte. No where do I personally attack him.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
and the thing is, this was posted in response to me calling his statement bullshyte. No where do I personally attack him.
I saw that, but with people like gopher and OB, all you have to do is disagree with them, and you get labeled a right wing American patriot neoKKKon.

Or some other insipid inanity.

This is the video of the Russian Jewish rabbi who said the Islam is the religion of the future:
You took his commentary out of context. No surprise there.

He also says democracy is an ugly thing, because it is inherently atheistic.

I have no doubt, you utterly agree.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
This Jewish rabbi is an example of Jews that are not Zionists.

He also says democracy is an ugly thing, because it is inherently atheistic.

Democracy is good and bad.
The bad aspect of it is that by the pretext of Democracy, some atheists and infidels take it a plea to put aside the word of God; they claim there are others who do not believe --> therefore, according to their claim, God's word in the Quran has to be put aside.

And by means of this Democracy, the atheist, disbeliever and wrong-doer have found a way to rule and have their influence: like the control of Zionists on America by means of media (like newspapers, tv channels, and broadcast) and finance ( like banks).
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Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
This Jewish rabbi is an example of Jews that are not Zionists.
Most jews are not Zionists.

Democracy is good and bad.
The bad aspect of it is that by the pretext of Democracy, some atheists and infidels take it a plea to put aside the word of God; they claim there are others who do not believe --> therefore, according to their claim, God's word in the Quran has to be put aside.
That's a good thing.

Because I don't believe in your version of God and shouldn't be forced to live by mans interpretations of his alleged words.

And by means of this Democracy, the atheist, disbeliever and wrong-doer have found a way to rule and have their influence: like the control of Zionists on America by means of media and finance.
Thanx for proving me right, yet again.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Why does this thread even exist?

Isn't it self-evident just like not all muslims are extremist muslims and not all christians are like Anders?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Did you not ask...Why does this thread even exist?

Does that mean it shouldn't?

Shall I gather all the posts in which you made a concerted effort in cgluing Christianity to Anders, for Colpy's benefit?

Where did I say he's not a christian? I said "not all christians are like Anders".

Shall I draw up the mathematical subset for you?

Do you prefer the SUM version or something more akin to a Visual Basic conditional fragment?

Or would you like to get all metaphysical and wax philosophical about objectivism?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Does that mean it shouldn't?
It sure alludes to the fact that you question why it does.

Where did I say he's not a christian? I said "not all christians are like Anders".

Shall I draw up the mathematical subset for you?

Do you prefer the SUM version or something more akin to a Visual Basic conditional fragment?

Or would you like to get all metaphysical and wax philosophical about objectivism?
Succumbing to word smithing now are we pumpkin?

Being deceitful, isn't sincere.

So much for that middle ground you professed to want to find.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
It sure alludes to the fact that you question why it does.

Succumbing to word smithing now are we pumpkin?

Being deceitful, isn't sincere.

So much for that middle ground you professed to want to find.

Between the two of us, I'm pretty sure the number of your condescending posts greatly outweighs my own by a large margin.

If anything, I am meeting you to the middle.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Between the two of us, I'm pretty sure the number of your condescending posts greatly outweighs my own by a large margin.

If anything, I am meeting you to the middle.
Ahh, the word smithing continues.

Well I guess since you have little credibility anyways, why care about it now.

Good call.

You know. You really should read my posts. I say what I mean, and mean what I say.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Ahh, the word smithing continues.

Well I guess since you have little credibility anyways, why care about it now.

Good call.

You know. You really should read my posts. I say what I mean, and mean what I say.


But it's not word smithing.

It's a mathematical fact that the number of times you write condescending posts toward me is quite a bit more than the number of times I've given in to being trite toward you.