'We can defeat Stephen Harper,' says Layton


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
'We can defeat Stephen Harper,' says Layton

For the first time this election campaign, New Democrat Leader Jack Layton says his party can defeat Stephen Harper's Conservatives. Layton made the remarks while speaking to the overflow crowd gathered outside his Kingston, Ont., campaign office during a rally on Sunday.

"I want you to create lineups at the polls, my friends, because we can defeat Stephen Harper," Layton told the crowd.

The comment underscores the NDP leader's increasingly confident tone as Monday's vote approaches. Harper was taking his campaign across the country as he tries to regain momentum ahead of Monday's election.

Harper kicked off the day with a rally in Stratford, P.E.I., where he touted his economic plan and blasted the surging NDP, saying their platform would lead to "billions and billions of dollars in job-killing tax hikes."

By day's end, he will have made stops in three time zones as he tries to build enough support to secure his first majority.

NDP touts 'winds of change'

The NDP leader, took his "winds of change" message to supporters in Montreal and Kingston. Layton told a crowd of supporters in Montreal that the NDP was experiencing a “historic opportunity” that began in Quebec. He urged supporters to make sure friends, family members and neighbours get to the polls on Monday. "If we’re going to make these winds of change really happen, then we’ve got a lot of work to do," Layton said Sunday.

After the Montreal event, he headed to Kingston, where large crowds lined the street waiting for his arrival. He was slated to stop in Oshawa, Toronto and Scarborough later in the day.

Harper targets Liberal voters

Harper also repeated his pitch for support from traditional Liberal voters, saying the best Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff can hope for is to be a "backseat passenger" in the NDP government. Harper said the choice in the election is "increasingly stark" as voters prepare to head to the polls. "You can have an NDP government or a Conservative government."

"Nothing is decided yet," Harper told the cheering crowd in P.E.I. "Every effort is going to matter, every riding here, everywhere else, is in play. Every vote counts."

After his stop in P.E.I., Harper was scheduled to fly to London, Ont., for another event, before ending up in Abbotsford, B.C.

Ignatieff was ending his campaign with a trek through the Greater Toronto Area, with stops in Ajax, Markham, Toronto, Thornhill and Maple.

Duceppe rallies voters in home riding

Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe was back in his Montreal riding Sunday for an event at his campaign office. There were fewer than 60 people there to see the man who's led the party through six elections and sat in the House of Commons for 21 years. Duceppe says he's counting on Bloc supporters, focusing his comments on the party's love for Quebec and desire for the province to become its own country. But he wouldn't talk about how this campaign has been different from the other ones he's led, as polls suggest NDP support has overtaken support for the Bloc.

"I'm always concerned about results as long as they're not known. Otherwise it's a kind of contempt towards the electorate," Duceppe said when asked about his own seat. "I've had very different campaigns during all those years. I commented on them after they were over. Each time. So I won't change this time," he said.

Duceppe also took a shot at an NDP candidate who is running in a mostly Francophone area of Quebec but doesn't speak French. "We've recognized the Quebec nation. That nation has a language. That language is French," Duceppe said. "That's not trivial... we have candidates who don't speak a word of French running in ridings in Quebec where it's not even one per cent Anglo."

Parti Québécois Leader Pauline Marois joined Duceppe on the campaign trail Saturday. The Bloc leader had another prominent supporter at one of his events Saturday — Muguette Paillé, a 53-year-old unemployed woman from Sainte-Angèle-de-Prémont in Quebec's Mauricie region, who generated buzz earlier in the campaign when she asked the leaders about job creation during the French-language debate.
Paillé, who still hasn't found a full-time job, said she will support the Bloc because she feels it's the best choice to defend Quebec's interests.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May will be in B.C., where she is trying to win a seat in the Saanich-Gulf Islands riding.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I'll say two things about Jack Layton.

1. The man is dedicated. Highest ( I believe) attendance record in HoC despite battling cancer and hip surgery. I have to give him props for that.

2. He's always treated every campaign as a competition for the "big job". He's never run for third place. Difference is this time people are actually paying attention.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I'll say two things about Jack Layton.

1. The man is dedicated. Highest ( I believe) attendance record in HoC despite battling cancer and hip surgery. I have to give him props for that.

2. He's always treated every campaign as a competition for the "big job". He's never run for third place. Difference is this time people are actually paying attention.
Couldn't agree more. Like the article the other day, someone I could have a beer with, despite his policies, track record and ideology. I do like his drive and passion. One thing I always give credit for, is passion.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Couldn't agree more. Like the article the other day, someone I could have a beer with, despite his policies, track record and ideology. I do like his drive and passion. One thing I always give credit for, is passion.
He does have moxy, lol.

Truthfully, I'd like to see the NDP get a crack as the official opposition. I'm curious to see how and where they would make concessions on their ideologies, as is necessary when applying ideals to practical situations. I'm not especially hopeful, but I am curious.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
After all, it can't be much worse than how conservatives have applied their ideologies to practical situations.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
He does have moxy, lol.

Truthfully, I'd like to see the NDP get a crack as the official opposition. I'm curious to see how and where they would make concessions on their ideologies, as is necessary when applying ideals to practical situations. I'm not especially hopeful, but I am curious.
So am I, I think the NDP would bring an interesting balance to the floor.

After all, it can't be much worse than how conservatives have applied their ideologies to practical situations.
Any examples? Or are you just going to make more silly claims like Harper's media control?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Any examples? Or are you just going to make more silly claims like Harper's media control?

In 2008.. "Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister, has criticized the Liberal's spending promises, saying they are making "mind-boggling" spending plans that he predicts would send Canada into deficit.[57]"

In 2011.. we're $30 billion in deficit under a conservative government.

Conservative ideology failed.

Maybe they'll be able to pull it off this time around.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I'll say two things about Jack Layton.

1. The man is dedicated. Highest ( I believe) attendance record in HoC despite battling cancer and hip surgery. I have to give him props for that.

2. He's always treated every campaign as a competition for the "big job". He's never run for third place. Difference is this time people are actually paying attention.


Che Guevera was a true believer that never lost hope, that fought tirelessly to promote his vision of the world, that worked in the harshest conditions at great personal risk despite severe physical limitations, that refused to accept even the perks that were his due in revolutionary Cuba, that even as one of that nation's leaders spent every Sunday in voluntary hard labour.......a man of principle and passion.

But I sure as hell wouldn't VOTE for him... :)

Forgive the analogy....I am NOT calling Jack a Marxist.....


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
In 2008.. "Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister, has criticized the Liberal's spending promises, saying they are making "mind-boggling" spending plans that he predicts would send Canada into deficit.[57]"
Hmmm, when did the recession hit again?

Oh ya, after the Conservatives were voted back into a minority.

In 2011.. we're $30 billion in deficit under a conservative government.
Since you introduced the 'maybe'. Maybe we'd be in the same financial place. Especially since all the opposition parties, stated, unequivocally, that they would have bum rushed the house, because Harper's frugal budget, didn't go far enough.

So maybe, just maybe, it could be worse.

Ideology failed.
Yes, yes, your ideology failed.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010

Che Guevera was a true believer that never lost hope, that fought tirelessly to promote his vision of the world, that refused to accept even the perks that were his due in revolutionary Cuba, that even as one of that nation's leaders spent every Sunday in voluntary hard labour.......a man of principle and passion.

But I sure as hell wouldn't VOTE for him... :)

Forgive the analogy....I am NOT calling Jack a Marxist.....

If only Jack could be as brilliant as Che. My hero!

Yes, yes, your ideology failed.

They were given a surplus, came back with a deficit, and want to spend $30 million more on some jets.


Big time.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario

Che Guevera was a true believer that never lost hope, that fought tirelessly to promote his vision of the world, that worked in the harshest conditions at great personal risk despite severe physical limitations, that refused to accept even the perks that were his due in revolutionary Cuba, that even as one of that nation's leaders spent every Sunday in voluntary hard labour.......a man of principle and passion.

But I sure as hell wouldn't VOTE for him... :)

Forgive the analogy....I am NOT calling Jack a Marxist.....

Giving credit where credit is due is not the same thing as saying I will be voting for someone.

And I actually had a Marxist-Lenninist candidate on the ballot in my riding.

I didn't vote for him either. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
If only Jack could be as brilliant as Che. My hero!

They were given a surplus, came back with a deficit, and want to spend $30 million more on some jets.


Big time.

$30 Billion.....over 20 years.

Jack....$70 Billion.......over 4 years.


Jack is a little.........dimwitted, isn't he?

Che was brilliant, but he was also a stone-cold killer. Would shoot you at the drop of a hat if he thought you stood in the way of the Marxist paradise........and then make notes in his journal on the wound channel made by the specific bullet he used.

Persued Marxism as fervently as any religious fundamentalist.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
$30 Billion.....over 20 years.

Jack....$70 Billion.......over 4 years.


Jack is a little.........dimwitted, isn't he?

Che was brilliant, but he was also a stone-cold killer. Would shoot you at the drop of a hat if he thought you stood in the way of the Marxist paradise........and then make notes in his journal on the wound channel made by the specific bullet he used.

Persued Marxism as fervently as any religious fundamentalist.

The 70 billion has been costed.....except by the CBC.

So now Jack is a killer?

You sir.....are nuts.:lol:


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
$30 Billion.....over 20 years.

Jack....$70 Billion.......over 4 years.

You need to read the budget yet again.

They're projecting a $1 Billion surplus. Regardless of how you spin it, you need to look at revenues as well as cost.

Whereas we're not getting a penny back for those jets which will do nothing for us.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
The funny thing is if those youth vote mobs all go out and vote tomorrow Layton has
a chance. Some say the vote mob movement is a New Democrat movement and
they are growing. They actually grew even faster after the Tories refused students
entry to meetings and because they were screening Liberal websites only to find
the main competition was from the NDP.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
If only Jack could be as brilliant as Che. My hero!
Your hero is a mass murdering nut job?

They were given a surplus, came back with a deficit,
You can ignore reality all you want. This is the same shill mentality you express when you run from questions about the unethical attempt at stifling the media by your dear leader.
Fail. Big time.

Whereas we're not getting a penny back for those jets which will do nothing for us.
Yes, your anti military ideology, was one of the keys issues that led me to peg you as an NDP'r, long before you admitted it.

Shill on oh little shill.