I know that I will sound like I'm 100% partisan, and maybe I am. but I have voted NDP and Liberals in the past.
Anyways, my assessment of the Canadian Alliance and Steven Harper is:
- not only is the CA the longest running minority government in Canada, I believe they are the hardest working and most honest minority government in the history of Canada
- I believe that the Canadian Alliance has no hidden agenda ( imagine that, eh?)
- I believe that 1 term of Canadian Alliance as a majority gov is all that is needed to undo the things that the Liberals got wrong.
- I don't think that the Canadian Alliance's childcare program is better than the Liberals Universal Childcare program, I simply believe that the Liberals want to start their program with a wrecking ball long before they successfully establish a working program. When we cars, we build them with 'make before break' dimmer switches so we dont suffer a momentary black out when switching from low beams to high beams. I beleive that the Liberals have NO plans to avoid the 'black out. They will drop my $100 /mth in a heart beat simply because its a Canadian Alliance program.
- I believe in a triple E senate
- I believe in a crime and punishment system that is tough on extreme criminals
- I believe that the Canadian Alliance will not touch the abortion issue anytime in the future unless we are crazy enough to elect them for 20 years.
- I believe that the Canadian Alliance's flip flop on the income trust taxation was a good decision. If they didn't do something, there was going to be 2 different types of corporations in this country: ones that pay taxes, and ones that don't.
- I believe that the Canadian Alliance is our last hope at abolishing the long gun registry.
so lets hear what you think! I am hoping this thread becomes a straight talk thread without anyone commenting on each other's beliefs, but that will only happen if we all agree to make it that way. lets hope.
It's been five years of success for the conservatives and five years of failure for the citizens of Canada.
- The party that took us into an election in early 2006 based on ethics and accountability now has four prominent members under indictment for violating election laws during that time. They weren't even serious about their main plank, where has been comprehenisive measures to ensure that the abuses of power that have taken place in the past don't happen again. We have an even more centralized government under Harper and less accountability, the conservatives deserve a failing grade on democratic reform.
- On the environment the conservatives have allowed political ideology and special interests to dictate their actions over the best objective science available, how much longer are we going to be able to pretend the fundamental shifts in the natural world around us aren't occuring and who's going to pick up the massive bill for those changes. My family goes back over a hundred and fifty years in the Maritimes, it truly pisses my off that the places I remember with so much happiness in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Gaspe could quite possibly be under several hundred feet of water within a couple of centuries partly because of a PM who cares more about who got him in power than who he's really supposed to represent.
- The Afghanistan mission has also been a big failure. Over 150 Canadians have died defending a government that's more interested in scamming foreign powers and its own people than running the country and we've been misled the whole time by a conservative party that's been more interested in spinning the war to their own benefit than being honest about the facts.
I think the conservatives are one of the most dishonest and contemptuous governments we've had which is reflected in their treatment of our Parliament and our long term interests.