A National Shame?


Jan 6, 2007
I send you a link to a pretty simple graph showing the housing bubble was mirrored across the globe, and you call ME dumb? What's the matter, can't read graphs?

You do get that the whole crash mirrored the US because the whole rise mirrored the US, right?


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
You STATED rioting because of health care. So, since you have not supplied a link to back that up, that would make the statement a lie.

You taking advantage of our Canadian subsidized education system and then buggering off to another country makes you a leach and unworthy of Canadian citizenship. You took advantage of our "socialist" programs, which you say you abhor, without returning anything.
I attempted to clarify my previous statement.

Uh, I didn't have a choice. Are you dense? I was born in Canada so naturally I would have to go to school there. What is wrong with you? You are awfully thin-skinned. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read what I write.


Jan 6, 2007
What is wrong with you? You are awfully thin-skinned.

You do know that you don't have to storm into a room and piss all over your 'fellow' Canadians and insult their intellect for the US to grant you citizenship, right?

That might be just a portion of 'what's wrong' and why people are acting 'so thin skinned'. You came in trolling.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
You do get that the whole crash mirrored the US because the whole rise mirrored the US, right?
America doesn't own all the banks in the entire world. Home prices rose all over the world. There may indeed have been a credit bubble -- almost certainly there was -- but it engulfed the globe. Most banks, whether in the UK or US gave credit where they shouldn't have, etc. It didn't originate in the U.S.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I attempted to clarify my previous statement.

Uh, I didn't have a choice. Are you dense? I was born in Canada so naturally I would have to go to school there. What is wrong with you? You are awfully thin-skinned. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read what I write.

I LOVE watching pissants get schooled. SO far you haven't got a damn thing right.

America doesn't own all the banks in the entire world. Home prices rose all over the world. There may indeed have been a credit bubble -- almost certainly there was -- but it engulfed the globe. Most banks, whether in the UK or US gave credit where they shouldn't have, etc. It didn't originate in the U.S.

Canadian banks didn't.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
You do know that you don't have to storm into a room and piss all over your 'fellow' Canadians and insult their intellect for the US to grant you citizenship, right?

That might be just a portion of 'what's wrong' and why people are acting 'so thin skinned'. You came in trolling.
I believe it is Article III Section IV that states that I do. Sorry.

I LOVE watching pissants get schooled. SO far you haven't got a damn thing right.

Canadian banks didn't.
Fair enough. But the crisis didn't "originate" in the U.S.


Jan 6, 2007
America doesn't own all the banks in the entire world. Home prices rose all over the world. There may indeed have been a credit bubble -- almost certainly there was -- but it engulfed the globe. Most banks, whether in the UK or US gave credit where they shouldn't have, etc. It didn't originate in the U.S.

Well, not that it's relevant to the conversation at hand, but yes, when the US economy was booming, that boom did engulf the globe and you're right, other banks gave out bad credit building on the American style system that was having such success. Unfortunately, the US bubble burst first and loudest, having started forming first too, so you guys get credit for the ensuing fallout.

Back to what IS more relevant to the convo at hand, have you followed the Canadian banking system and how it was impacted in the fallout? How the globe has perceived Canada's role in it all? Are we a mirror of the US or Western Europe financially speaking right now?


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I send you a link to a pretty simple graph showing the housing bubble was mirrored across the globe, and you call ME dumb? What's the matter, can't read graphs?

How about a link to the original report instead of the spoon fed GOP response....or did you even read it?


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
To start with sometimes we have to wait a bit, but anyone who is in serious need of something does
not go without. My wife has serious COPD and when she can't breath she can't breath, out system
is there for her and we don't pay up front through the nose either. Americans might feel better if they
knew that while our Docs go south we are actually subsidising your health care, as Canadians we
fund our institutions to the point where we actually subsidize Doctors training to the tune of about a
quarter million dollars.
Americans are joyfully living in the dark ages, they whisper the word communist plot, and everyone
turns thumbs down on medicare. They love paying their money out for service that is readily
available in Europe and Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the world including Canada.
Not only that most companies like medicare as it cuts down on those medical plan funds that are designed
for making shareholder profit rather the the welfare of the nation.
Now if you are only referring to the cost of medicare you have some points. The problem is not the program
the problem is that when it was instituted there was no plan to finance it properly, and now we live with the
problem. Compared to the United States, it is like living in a civilized country here, medically. Yes you can
have all the innovations, and machines and so on, but if the cost of this is so high as to exclude many and
bankrupt many more, it is not the best system in the world by a long shot however if it is what you want to
believe that is your democratic right.
The one thing the American government and education system has done is brainwash people to the view
that everything in America is best when it clearly is not and really never has been. I know I hear this stuff all
the time from my American Relatives. There are many wonderful things in America that is true, as there are
in other places to, but the American society is and has been in a state of denial for the last few decades.
Wake up my friend and take a look around, you are being chased by the Asian Dragon, and the symbols of
the old European Club. Even those in South America are heading off in other directions. The reason is like
every other field of endeavour America has lost its way, and believing in the likes of Sarah Palin has not helped
it any. If America does not get control of its fiscal house and embark on a social contract with it citizens
its empire will sink so fast it will have to live on triple daylight saving time,


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
For the record: I don't hate Canada. If I did, I wouldn't care if you all died trying to get a doctor. I'm pissed off about Canada's socialism.


Jan 6, 2007
I believe it is Article III Section IV that states that I do. Sorry.

And on that note I do believe I dub thee troll with all rights and priviliges the title provides. reported so that other moderators can file you accordingly as well.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I believe it is Article III Section IV that states that I do. Sorry.

Fair enough. But the crisis didn't "originate" in the U.S.

Hey dummy, you came in here telling us how crappy our health care is, then switch to us going down the toilet like Europe where the u.s. is doing so well..... and then you post an article and graph showing the u.s. in the same boat as Europe and admit that Canada doesn't have that problem.

It has come full circle dummy, you have managed to show that Canada is doing better than your beloved u.s.

Canada is getting the better end of the deal with you living in the u.s.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Canada's health care system is puzzling. I find it hard to believe that citizens wait hours in the ER, wait weeks for a simple MRI and wait months or years for simple knee surgery. These facts by themselves constitute what should be Canada's national shame. Yet somehow Canadians are in denial. It is a very dangerous denial that costs lives. Canada, your socialist health care system isn't working properly.''

For seven years I tried to convince these stupid doctors here in Minnesota that a had an irregular heart beat and was denied the medicine I had while in New York. Try living for 7 years without the medicine you need.

But that's not all - I was misdiagnosed with a severe obstructive sleep matter four years ago and only now have been given a medical device to deal with the problem. It has taken 11 years to deal with problems I have - it's a wonder that I didn't die in all this time. That shows you how supremely fvcked up the capitalist medical system is here. Oh by the way, I don't have medical insurance and have to pay for this sh.t out of my pocket and the bill so far this week is at $1100.00.

Further proof that this fvcken capitalist sh.t is fvcked up.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Fair enough. But the crisis didn't "originate" in the U.S.

It began in the US, then the donminos fell. Canada didn't feel a huge impact because of regulations. the same reguations we are pushing for in the G8.

Seriously, if you think the USA had no hand in this problem which it still reels from after two years then you have blinders on.

You know what....it's still going on in the US....no regulations have been implented and the reckless greed on Wall Street will burst again.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Hey dummy, you came in here telling us how crappy our health care is, then switch to us going down the toilet like Europe where the u.s. is doing so well..... and then you post an article and graph showing the u.s. in the same boat as Europe and admit that Canada doesn't have that problem.

It has come full circle dummy, you have managed to show that Canada is doing better than your beloved u.s.

Canada is getting the better end of the deal with you living in the u.s.
Are you insane? Your medical system is going bankrupt!

Article III Section IV of what?
Of the U.S. constitution, but it was a joke.


Nominee Member
Jan 31, 2011
Buffalo, NY
It began in the US, then the donminos fell. Canada didn't feel a huge impact because of regulations. the same reguations we are pushing for in the G8.

Seriously, if you think the USA had no hand in this problem which it still reels from after two years then you have blinders on.

You know what....it's still going on in the US....no regulations have been implented and the reckless greed on Wall Street will burst again.
So more government control then, hm? Never mind the fact that the government prodded banks to lend to poor and minorities in the hopes of "fairness". Sorry, it's not as simple as you'd like to believe.