China, I love you about as much as cliffy, Spade, SirJosephPorter, JLM, Avro, DurkaDurka, etc. love me.
You two-timer Durka. I give the best geriatrics.
You two-timer Durka. I give the best geriatrics.
I know! I found your dentures under my pillow btw :smile:
EWWWwwwww!!! ROFL!! EWWwwwww!!! ROFL!!! EWWWwwwww!!! ROFL!!!!
I love you as much ac the Jukon Jack I once knew in Elsa and Kino city whene the siler was booming and I was known as C.P.R Tom .China, I love you about as much as cliffy, Spade, SirJosephPorter, JLM, Avro, DurkaDurka, etc. love me.
You are correct,wife is sorry,begs for forgivenes -we tought to forgive .
Man, you are wrong .
Having been hurt by my own wife ( now ex ) I know the only true love I presently have is for my son. I am still working on my own healing process..
…:lol::lol::lol:Sorry about your difficulty China , like Dexter said we did rub into each other the wrong way a few times, but hey, hate is not the fuel for our human destiny.Agree my friend ;question being do you love your true self (that means everything and everyone ) or do you love your self made image ?The one and only question you should ask your self sincerely and give yourself an honest answer is, “DO YOU LOVE YOUR SELF”?
If you sincerely answer yes , get off your but and get on with life. Don’t procrastinate in taking care of your soul. Sa gapo my Conservative friend
I am well past the "initial Shock" and begining to veture into the "unknown"-again.
I suppse you know Greek .Do you remember in one of my posts to you .....?
"question being do you love your true self (that means everything and everyone ) or do you love your self made image "?
thello nasupokati ,sagha po
Hi I am China ,I have bin hurt tremendously by my Chinese wife ; I am crying when I am writing this letter .I will go back home to Canada you love me.[/quote
]Hi to all of you ,Now that I read the above I raelized how selfish I was .I have probably hurt others more than I have bin hurt so that where it stops ,feeling sorry for my self .My wife ( she is still my wife officially)feels very bad about the incident that has occured, she would want to turn the time back and all the rest of it.It happened ,what's next ? I want to by my self for a long while ;in Canada .Do we get together again? I don't know ,time will show. AS I said before I,m not a saint .
Hi I am China ,I have bin hurt tremendously by my Chinese wife ; I am crying when I am writing this letter .I will go back home to Canada you love me.[/quote
]Hi to all of you ,Now that I read the above I raelized how selfish I was .I have probably hurt others more than I have bin hurt so that where it stops ,feeling sorry for my self .My wife ( she is still my wife officially)feels very bad about the incident that has occured, she would want to turn the time back and all the rest of it.It happened ,what's next ? I want to by my self for a long while ;in Canada .Do we get together again? I don't know ,time will show. AS I said before I,m not a saint .
Mountains make no mistakes, because they don't move, People do move and movement is not always perfect. As long as we balance on life’s tight rope we have hope for not falling.
Anyone who needs a web forum for support in their real life has some serious issues and needs to get out more.
It's sad and pathetic.
What's even more amazing is everyone here is getting in line to hand this guy a tissue when they should really be doing this......
YouTube - Airplane! Slap
He's right, China!
Good day Spade, no he is not right, be very careful here, karma is the invisible force that will pay back right or wrong.
You never want to be at the end of your rope, and have no one to support you. When that happens death is immanent.
Hate is not the fuel for our human destiny. If you think that by posting a video where a bunch of people beat up on a women who has emotional issues during flight is funny, think again, it is nothing but sh!Ts on humanity's back.