Liberal phobia and the cause….

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Its astonishing to see how the human mind, when it comes to politics will at times confuse what is good for the pocket and what is not.

We hear it all the time, the Conservative voter will justify the reason voting for the Conservatives or Tories, by saying the Liberals are all crooks and the sponsorship scandal is proof, or the gun registry another proof.

While the sad reality is the Conservatives (Tories) are bad for your pocket in the long run, never mind some bones they through at the voters to shut them up while they rule recklessly.
If this was an IQ test for the ones who believe the theory that Liberal politicians are all crooks, ask your self’s this,

When in Canadian political history did the Conservatives (Tories) showed balanced budgets?
When did the Tories show a true surplus on their books?
When did the Tories showed ability to pay down the deficit ?

The answer my friends is blowing in the wind ………………………………......... never…

You get pissed off on the Liberals because of minor ills, which you will never be able to correct on any government of the day,
all humans have personal ills they fight on an every day basses , but I will go with the devil that has lesser ills and understands math, then the DEVIL THAT IS TRYING EVERY DAY TO SCREW THE COUNTRY IN BAD RED INK and change Canada’s identity.

The self serving theory IS, that had the liberals been in power for the last 4 years they would have done the same thing, given the circumstance OF THE BAD WORLD WIDE ECONOMY, wrong think again, and you will never take that away from the Liberal party of Canada , THEY HANDED GOOD BOOKS TO THE Tories and this is the reason Canada has a better Banking system today because the Liberals Are able to govern and the Tories are not..

Their record is preaching and doing the opposite,

Proof the Finance minister goes on tour to sell his sick math to Canadians and telling them to tighten their belts up, while he instead of talking a normal $950 flight ticket across the country, he fly’s on a Government jet at $9000 a pop and when he gets caught , his office said he will be taking a normal flight back at $950 while the Government jet will still cost the tax payer an additional $9000 to return the jet back to Ottawa.
If this is not hypocrisy you tell me what is that ……

The Conservatives in Ottawa suck big time, they are the laughing stock of the world….

A bunch of demented thugs,
Just wait and see how colourful this will be at the end come election time…


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
They don’t get pissed off at Liberals for minor ills Socrates, they are diehard Conservatives. It doesn’t matter what Liberals do, they will always blame Liberals, always praise Conservatives to high Heaven and always vote for Conservatives. That is called a political partisan, a party activist.

But Canadians did pass the judgment on Liberal performance. They gave Liberals four victories in a row, three of them majorities. Though Conservatives think that Liberal rule of 13 years was a total disaster (they would, wouldn’t they), Canadians in general were very happy with Liberal rule, Canada prospered mightily under Liberals.

These days conservatives can be reduced to the simple catch phrase, borrow and spend. Their solution to any problem is, cut taxes. Even now, how many conservatives here do you see advocating tax cuts? They are not bothered by the budget deficits.

But as to Conservatives getting pissed off at Liberals for minor ills, that is the nature of the beast. That is what political partisanships will do for you. There are conservatives the who blame Mulroney economic disaster on Trudeau with a straight face. Listening to them, Mulroney was the greatest economic wizard who ever lived (next to Harper of course); Chrétien/Martin put the economy in a ditch.

One really cannot argue with political partisanship.


May 24, 2006
They don’t get pissed off at Liberals for minor ills Socrates, they are diehard Conservatives. It doesn’t matter what Liberals do, they will always blame Liberals, always praise Conservatives to high Heaven and always vote for Conservatives. That is called a political partisan, a party activist.
You guys sound more than a little hypocritical. Like liberals don't blame the conservatives??? Give me a break. You should read more of Soc's posts....

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
You guys sound more than a little hypocritical. Like liberals don't blame the conservatives??? Give me a break. You should read more of Soc's posts....

Their record is preaching and doing the opposite,

Proof the Finance minister goes on tour to sell his sick math to Canadians and telling them to tighten their belts up, while he instead of talking a normal $950 flight ticket across the country, he fly’s on a Government jet at $9000 a pop and when he gets caught , his office said he will be taking a normal flight back at $950 while the Government jet will still cost the tax payer an additional $9000 to return the jet back to Ottawa.

To deviate from facts it proves you live on a one way street. This is your beloved government of the day above soon to be the government of the past…
And this is your Government the snow whites bellow, who will cheat, hate and lie to hold on to power and continue abusing power, on the backs of the people.

PS my posts are on the money and I don't need confirmation.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Liberal phobia and the cause….

Then there are the Folks that vote Conservative as a default position
when the other choices are NDP (Jack Layton) or Liberal (Stephane
Dion...and then Michael Ignatius), and there are no Independent
Candidates to vote for in their ridings.

Leaving the choice of, "Who would be the least incompetent, and do the
least amount of damage to the country for the next couple of years?"

Then they hold their nose and mark their "X" on the ballot.....and yeah, in
Canada we vote for a Party and not a Candidate for Prime Minister...but
the reality is, we (most of us I'm assuming) vote for a Prime Minister.

The idea of Jack Layton or Stephane Dion didn't do it for me, and I'm
not sold on Michael Ignatius at this point. No Independent Candidate and
here we are. I voted Conservative the last couple of times. Even with all of
the bellyaching about the current government, from the current crop of
choices, unless something (or someone) new comes along, I'll be voting
Conservative again as my default position. I doubt I'm alone here...

As an aside, I live in the Federal Riding (Fiefdom) of Ralph Goodale, and
until he retires, there'll be no way in Hell I'd plant my "X" in his favour due to
a personal dispute with the folks in his campaign office. I'm STILL waiting
for Good Old Ralph to return my calls & Emails regarding that matter, and
that was four years ago....but I expect it to happen any day now....not.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Its astonishing to see how the human mind, when it comes to politics will at times confuse what is good for the pocket and what is not.

We hear it all the time, the Conservative voter will justify the reason voting for the Conservatives or Tories, by saying the Liberals are all crooks and the sponsorship scandal is proof, or the gun registry another proof.

While the sad reality is the Conservatives (Tories) are bad for your pocket in the long run, never mind some bones they through at the voters to shut them up while they rule recklessly.
If this was an IQ test for the ones who believe the theory that Liberal politicians are all crooks, ask your self’s this,

When in Canadian political history did the Conservatives (Tories) showed balanced budgets?
When did the Tories show a true surplus on their books?
When did the Tories showed ability to pay down the deficit ?

The answer my friends is blowing in the wind ………………………………......... never…

You get pissed off on the Liberals because of minor ills, which you will never be able to correct on any government of the day,
all humans have personal ills they fight on an every day basses , but I will go with the devil that has lesser ills and understands math, then the DEVIL THAT IS TRYING EVERY DAY TO SCREW THE COUNTRY IN BAD RED INK and change Canada’s identity.

The self serving theory IS, that had the liberals been in power for the last 4 years they would have done the same thing, given the circumstance OF THE BAD WORLD WIDE ECONOMY, wrong think again, and you will never take that away from the Liberal party of Canada , THEY HANDED GOOD BOOKS TO THE Tories and this is the reason Canada has a better Banking system today because the Liberals Are able to govern and the Tories are not..

Their record is preaching and doing the opposite,

Proof the Finance minister goes on tour to sell his sick math to Canadians and telling them to tighten their belts up, while he instead of talking a normal $950 flight ticket across the country, he fly’s on a Government jet at $9000 a pop and when he gets caught , his office said he will be taking a normal flight back at $950 while the Government jet will still cost the tax payer an additional $9000 to return the jet back to Ottawa.
If this is not hypocrisy you tell me what is that ……

The Conservatives in Ottawa suck big time, they are the laughing stock of the world….

A bunch of demented thugs,
Just wait and see how colourful this will be at the end come election time…

Another silly comparison between Tweedledee and Tweedledumb, they've both done a couple of good things (Liberals back in the 90s reducing the debt the Cons. a few years ago bringing in pension splitting) and they've both done more than their share of bad things. We should just let it go at that and desist with this nonsense. :smile:


May 24, 2006
i have handed in a blank ballot the last two elections, cause i think all the parties suck ass.

i technicallly voted too ;)
If anyone is unhappy with any of the candidates, that is exactly what they should do. Everyone should vote, even if they spoil the ballot, otherwise they have no reason to complain with the government elected to power.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Liberal phobia and the cause….

Here's a Liberal Party story.

As an aside, I live in the Federal Riding (Fiefdom) of Ralph Goodale, and
until he retires, there'll be no way in Hell I'd plant my "X" in his favour due to
a personal dispute with the folks in his campaign office. I'm STILL waiting
for Good Old Ralph to return my calls & Emails regarding that matter, and
that was four years ago....but I expect it to happen any day now....not.

I bought the house that I'm in about six years ago. I come home one day from
work and there's a Poster planted on my lawn for Ralph Goodale and the
Liberal Party. I phone Ralphs campaign office to ask them to remove the sign
from my lawn that I didn't authorize its planting on my lawn. Civil call and a done
deal....I though.

I was told that the Liberal Party had permission to have that sign on my lawn, &
that if I removed it, it was a criminal offence, & I would be prosecuted.

"Pardon?" 8O

I asked, "Permission from whom?" and was told the Home Owner. That would
be me....I explained that "I" was the Home Owner....and again asked to have the
sign removed from my lawn. I was then threatened again...and hung up on.

I called back, asked for the office manager, explained my story....and was then
swore at, threatened again, and hung up on. I call back again (they must have
had call-display) and was immediately hung up on again several times. Hmmm.

I Email Ralph to the Email he provides (so that he can keep his finger on the
pulse of his riding)...but guess what? Ralph doesn't answer his own Emails, and
some illiterate Dolt in his office does. Some Jabroni that doesn't use punctuation,
or a spell-check, and managed to misspell about every third word. It was bizarre.

A few more Emails with the same result....and I threw the sign in the garbage. They
can prosecute me to their hearts content. Good news is that they didn't replace the
sign, or replant others in the following elections. This really makes me thinK though:

So...either Ralph doesn't know anything about this (leaving me very doubtful about
his choice of staff and his ability to represent his constituents, like myself), or he
does and my opinion of him drops even lower. Ralph may be a Big Cheese in the
Liberal Party....but he's still my's where things are at. Nice. Like I
said, giving Ralph Goodale the benefit of the doubt, I'm expecting a return call or
Email (from Himself as my MP) any day now....and its been years I've been waiting.

Is this typical Liberal Party behaviour? I've no idea as I'm in Ralph Goodale's riding,
and nobody elses. :-|

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I love these idiots who go I'm more liberal than you are ... without even knowing the person to whom they talk.

The cause? Tiny little pea brains that can't grasp beyond the concept of themselves.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Liberal phobia and the cause….

Though I don't doubt you, that is pretty clearly "off-topic." This thread
about Canadian Politics, and is really the place for that Left-Right
Political Spectrum thing to rear its ugly head, unlike the many other
places where it's a clear and blatant side-track that doesn't fit.

Please steer back onto the Thread topic. Thank You. ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Though I don't doubt you, that is pretty clearly "off-topic." This thread
about Canadian Politics, and is really the place for that Left-Right
Political Spectrum thing to rear its ugly head, unlike the many other
places where it's a clear and blatant side-track that doesn't fit.

Please steer back onto the Thread topic. Thank You. ;-)

I agree Ron- this is as good a place as any to spout this Left/Right nonsense.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
I don't vote for people, I vote for ideas. When push comes to shove a right winger will always act like a right winger and a left winger will always act like a left winger. As a result I don't care who heads a political party, I look at the underlying philosophy of that party, knowing that ultimately a party will move in the direction it advocates no matter what it says or promises.

What it cones down to is what part of the political spectrum actually works. Continually voting for parties that espouse failed policies is a waste of time and not particularly intelligent. Try taking a look at where a party is coming from and who its strongest supporters are. That is a better guide to voting than any glamorized leader pushing for a photo-op.

In terms of topic of this thread a good deal of animosity toward liberals (with a small l) comes from across the border where the US establishment has managed to make "liberal" a bad word. A good deal of that anti-liberal leaks across the border and infects Canadians. I note that American right wingers are still using the bogeyman of socialism in much the same way it was once used in Canada. Interestingly, most US commentators do not condemn socialism because it is bad (probably because most of them do not have a clue what the word means), but simply because it is socialism.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
I love these idiots who go I'm more liberal than you are ... without even knowing the person to whom they talk.

The cause? Tiny little pea brains that can't grasp beyond the concept of themselves.
Ye and these idiots are the ones who except the bone or carrot on the stick, even if the giver is a thug and still vote for him or her.
To them the bone or carrot is more important then the principles of their thug MP, woman or a man OF ANY POLITICAL PARTY .

And when a minority Government shuts down the peoples business because they think it is their right , then we got problems LW.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Ye and these idiots are the ones who except the bone or carrot on the stick, even if the giver is a thug and still vote for him or her.
To them the bone or carrot is more important then the principles of their thug MP, woman or a man OF ANY POLITICAL PARTY .

And when a minority Government shuts down the peoples business because they think it is their right , then we got problems LW.

Geez Soc.... Is rhetoric an official language?

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Another silly comparison between they've both done a couple of good things (Liberals back in the 90s reducing the debt the Cons. a few years ago bringing in pension splitting) and they've both done more than their share of bad things. We should just let it go at that and desist with this nonsense. :smile:

Hi JLM good to see you still talk to me,

When I am asked as a tax payer to tighten my belt, and the finance minister chooses to forget the word restrained and asks the tax payer to pay 9 times more for just this incident, we are talking about $9000 x 2 = $18000 vs. $950 x2 = $1900 travel expenses,

I dint want for a minute to think that they made this mistake one time only, so the Tweedledee and Tweedledumb, doesn’t work if one wants to protect your standard of living. And trust me I do…..

And I must say, if you think I am the only guy beaching about this financial stupidity Canada is subjected too, think again..............I am not the only one, there is a movement out there, and the masses realize the pain is here to stay, we all know what happens then, the umbilical cord gets cut of (voted out of office)

There is nothing trivial about this stupid blinding of money we do not have, when the finance minister of the country acts like the General Motors top man Rick Wagoner going to congress asking for loans to save his sinking ship, while ordenery people were loosing their life's because of him while he travels on his learjet…:angryfire:

THE SAME WITH the finance minister of this country, $100 Billion approaching bad red ink on the Conservative books added to the federal dept , and he pays 9 times more to travel and tell us we are going to pay for what ? Where is living by example?, I guess the example is hiding behind the bone or carrot of the stick.

I am not paying for the finance minister’s waste to come and tell me he is having a problem.
That is his problem and soon that will be dealt with come election time.
I am not suggesting fort a minute that Canada should resort to a one party for ever Government, they do that in Germany, the term is set to get rid of the none do-ers and replace them with do-ers, that is how the country will grow, not with stone walling the democratic processes because we are thugs and political thugs get away with sh!t.

General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner's resignation

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