Black History Month In Canada
Rosa Parks was asked to move to the back of the bus and she said no and the American civil rights movement went into high gear.
When the news reached Canada of Rosa Parks defiance every politician and businessman and corporate executive of African origin said it was about time American Afro-Americans did something.
The British abolished black slavery in Upper Canada in the 1830s and that’s when all former slaves were able enjoy all the fruits of the harvest and grow wealthy and move up the social ladder of success.
When Rosa Parks was being finger printed at the police station a Canadian black farmer was working his own land.
When Rosa Parks was in court defending herself a Canadian black politician was drafting a piece of legislation.
The Americans are always bragging about their constitution yet that piece of paper kept human being as slaves.
In Canada the people of African descent have enjoyed the good life of freedom for all and this is why this country gets a lot of respect all over the world.
Black History Month
Rosa Parks was asked to move to the back of the bus and she said no and the American civil rights movement went into high gear.
When the news reached Canada of Rosa Parks defiance every politician and businessman and corporate executive of African origin said it was about time American Afro-Americans did something.
The British abolished black slavery in Upper Canada in the 1830s and that’s when all former slaves were able enjoy all the fruits of the harvest and grow wealthy and move up the social ladder of success.
When Rosa Parks was being finger printed at the police station a Canadian black farmer was working his own land.
When Rosa Parks was in court defending herself a Canadian black politician was drafting a piece of legislation.
The Americans are always bragging about their constitution yet that piece of paper kept human being as slaves.
In Canada the people of African descent have enjoyed the good life of freedom for all and this is why this country gets a lot of respect all over the world.
Black History Month