Death knell for AGW


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Wow, what a shock, research the names of these guys and money seems to be flowing from Exxonmoblies and PhillipMorris's heartland institute.


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Wow, what a shock, research the names of these guys and money seems to be flowing from Exxonmoblies and PhillipMorris's heartland institute.

Go figger.

"So, why would I be biased against the idea of global warming? I get grants from auto manufacturers and Dow Chem and my clients are Exxon and Dupont. That's got nothing to do with it". lol


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
If you take the time to read those papers, you soon realize that the blogger who made that list doesn't actually read the studies that they posted.

For instance, Shindell et al. (1999) doesn't support skepticism of the mainstream view of climate change at all.

Abstract: Results from a global climate model including an interactive parameterization of stratospheric chemistry show how upper stratospheric ozone changes may amplify observed, 11-year solar cycle irradiance changes to affect climate. In the model, circulation changes initially induced in the stratosphere subsequently penetrate into the troposphere, demonstrating the importance of the dynamical coupling between the stratosphere and troposphere. The model reproduces many observed 11-year oscillations, including the relatively long record of geopotential height variations; hence, it implies that these oscillations are likely driven, at least in part, by solar variability.

What part of that is skeptical of man-made global warming?

Or how about Camp and Tung (2007), who find that the solar influence on climate is about 0.2 °K for the 11 year cycle. That is consistent with IPCC estimates for changes due to solar forcing. The mean surface temperature goes up by about 0.1°C during solar maxima, and decreases 0.1°C during solar minima.

That's about par for the so-called skeptics. Misrepresent studies.

Also, if you search google scholar for "climate" you'll see that there's approximately 1.75 million results...


Time Out
Oct 15, 2009
If you take the time to read those papers, you soon realize that the blogger who made that list doesn't actually read the studies that they posted.

The robotic aspect of Walter's posting style is the proof that science is too easy to use in order to postpone urgent decisions.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
You could also say that he makes the signal harder to detect, by adding so much noise.



Time Out
Oct 15, 2009
If I was allowed, I could tell you all about Walt.

My leash is quite short these days.

About deniers in general: I've seen asbestos workers dying of lung cancers and still denying that asbestos was causing their deaths.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Getting back to the point, I think the Aussies have a viewpoint similar to mine:
Yet there are solid reasons to support the introduction of an ETS at this time:
lWe need to start on the 100-year journey of transitioning our economy away from dependence upon fossil fuels, whatever views exist about the gravity of climate change.

We are already adapting to warming | The Australian


Time Out
Oct 15, 2009
There is only one valid reason for not caring about the views that exist on the gravity of climate change and it is that human beings should always behave like if they were themselves the biggest natural trauma.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Spiegel Online: stagnating temperatures a puzzle20 11 2009
Stagnating Temperatures
Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out
By Gerald Traufetter

Global warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years. Some attribute the trend to a lack of sunspots, while others explain it through ocean currents.
At least the weather in Copenhagen is likely to be cooperating. The Danish Meteorological Institute predicts that temperatures in December, when the city will host the United Nations Climate Change Conference, will be one degree above the long-term average.
Otherwise, however, not much is happening with global warming at the moment. The Earth’s average temperatures have stopped climbing since the beginning of the millennium, and it even looks as though global warming could come to a standstill this year.
Ironically, climate change appears to have stalled in the run-up to the upcoming world summit in the Danish capital, where thousands of politicians, bureaucrats, scientists, business leaders and environmental activists plan to negotiate a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Billions of euros are at stake in the negotiations.
Reached a Plateau
The planet’s temperature curve rose sharply for almost 30 years, as global temperatures increased by an average of 0.7 degrees Celsius (1.25 degrees Fahrenheit) from the 1970s to the late 1990s. “At present, however, the warming is taking a break,” confirms meteorologist Mojib Latif of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in the northern German city of Kiel. Latif, one of Germany’s best-known climatologists, says that the temperature curve has reached a plateau. “There can be no argument about that,” he says. “We have to face that fact.


Time Out
Oct 15, 2009
Spiegel Online: stagnating temperatures a puzzle20 11 2009
Stagnating Temperatures
Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out
By Gerald Traufetter

Global warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to why average global temperatures have stopped rising over the last 10 years. Some attribute the trend to a lack of sunspots, while others explain it through ocean currents.
At least the weather in Copenhagen is likely to be cooperating. The Danish Meteorological Institute predicts that temperatures in December, when the city will host the United Nations Climate Change Conference, will be one degree above the long-term average.
Otherwise, however, not much is happening with global warming at the moment. The Earth’s average temperatures have stopped climbing since the beginning of the millennium, and it even looks as though global warming could come to a standstill this year.
Ironically, climate change appears to have stalled in the run-up to the upcoming world summit in the Danish capital, where thousands of politicians, bureaucrats, scientists, business leaders and environmental activists plan to negotiate a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Billions of euros are at stake in the negotiations.
Reached a Plateau
The planet’s temperature curve rose sharply for almost 30 years, as global temperatures increased by an average of 0.7 degrees Celsius (1.25 degrees Fahrenheit) from the 1970s to the late 1990s. “At present, however, the warming is taking a break,” confirms meteorologist Mojib Latif of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in the northern German city of Kiel. Latif, one of Germany’s best-known climatologists, says that the temperature curve has reached a plateau. “There can be no argument about that,” he says. “We have to face that fact.

Walter has cut this article just before a crucial sentence:

"Even though the temperature standstill probably has no effect on the long-term warming trend..."


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Walter has cut this article just before a crucial sentence:

"Even though the temperature standstill probably has no effect on the long-term warming trend..."

Shock again8O8O

Walt is like one of those guys who walks around with his finger up his ass while everyone stares and he'd say what's the problem.


Time Out
Oct 15, 2009
Spiegel Online: stagnating temperatures a puzzle20 11 2009
Stagnating Temperatures
Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out
By Gerald Traufetter

At least the weather in Copenhagen is likely to be cooperating. The Danish Meteorological Institute predicts that temperatures in December, when the city will host the United Nations Climate Change Conference, will be one degree above the long-term average.

What credibility can a writer maintain after having written such a futile remark?