Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
The down-side to this 'hind-sight' is that Obama may do irreparable harm to the American economy in the meantime... I guess that this is what one can expect when ellecting an inexperienced ideologue to the highest office in the land.

What really surprises me though is that his fellow democrats are not restraining Obama - basically they are all helping in flushing the future down the crapper.


Much as you don’t like the fact Captain, people have given Democrats a mandate in 2008, and Democrats are going to implement their agenda, much as you may find it repugnant.

And why should Democrats try to stop Obama? He was elected by the American people; he has the right to try to implement his agenda. If Republicans don’t like any of it, they still have the weapon of filibuster in their hand. But the problem is that there are a handful or moderate Senators still left in the Republican Party and they don’t want Obama to fail as the extremists (like Limbaugh) do.

Your beef is that extreme right Republicans do not have 40 Senators in the Senate, cannot filibuster. So Democratic agenda will go forward, and people will rule on it in 2010 and 2012. We are looking at another Reagan, but on the democratic side this time.

It is not pleasant to be on the losing end, is it? I bet you were a happy camper in 1980 (I was in UK at that time).


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So are you guys ready to predict here and now that Republicans will win the 2012 Presidential election, and win control of the senate and the House in 2010?


So, can we look forward to Joan of Arc as the President, and Sanford as the Vice President come January 2013?

Joan of Arc is dead.

Incidentally EagleSmack, I remember reading somewhere that Obama’s popularity is higher than Bush or Clinton’s popularity at this point in their presidency.

Incidently I am hearing daily that his popularity is dipping at an alarming rate. CNN etc.

Democrats should be very worried.

You may have noticed when you get your talking points, Republican columnists don’t compare the popularity of Obama with that of Bush any more (like they used to). There is a very good reason for that, Obama is more popular than Bush was at this point in the presidency.

Bush? Did i hear Bush? Bush...anyone...Bush?

That is a sure sign of panic...bring up Bush.

How is your party doing EagleSmack, with its popularity at 25% (according to the last NBC/WWSJ poll)?

NBC is a liberal left wing media. I do not take much stock in that.

Getting scared? I can see you're feeling the heat!

I LOVE it!


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
The Democrats don't know what to do! Obama is out their leading the charge and the sheep are following because the Democrats have done nothing but whine for the last 12 years. When they finally came to power they fell on their face and did nothing. The Democrats have no clue on how to run a country. Obama is their savoir...their scapegoat...all wrapped in one.

That should make you happy, EagleSmack, what is your beef? If Democrats are so bad, your side will win the control of Senate and House in 2010, Joan of Arc will become the President in 2012, and paradise will appear on earth.

So where is the problem? You should thank Obama that he is ruining the country; he will pave the way for Joan of Arc. I understand she has a direct hotline to God, and God’s rule will finally come to USA in 2012, in the form of Joan of Arc.

Shouldn’t you be happy, prepare for the coming Heaven on earth, the coming paradise (Republicans controlling the White House, Senate and House once again, Fundamentalist Theocracy coming to USA)?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
How is your party doing EagleSmack, with its popularity at 25% (according to the last NBC/WWSJ poll)?

NBC is a liberal left wing media. I do not take much stock in that. EagleSmack.

And I assume Wall Street Journal is also left wing media? It was NBC/WSJ poll, after all. But perhaps you are right, compared to you; no doubt Wall Street Journal is a left wing newspaper. I assume you think that FOX is the real news network; everybody else is the left wing source.

But I am sure Wall street Journal will be surprised to learn that it is a left wing newspaper.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Getting scared? I can see you're feeling the heat!

I LOVE it!

EagleSmack, so you like the fact that your party will win the control of Senate and House in 2010, Presidency in 2012. I like the fact that Democrats are in power after 12 years of Republican mismanagement (and an inexorable march towards a Fundamentalist Christian Theocracy), which gave us the current economic meltdown.

So we are both happy.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I love hearing you saying...

"Obama's popularity is higher than Bush's or Clinton's.."

You have NO CLUE on the fickleness of the American people. Obama may be popular...but the country will turn. It always does.

No matter how much you admire Obama and Americans in general...you just don't get it. Our day will come and you shall see.

As of now it is fun watching liberals rip their hair out trying to defend our do nothing congress and the flailing administration while I sit back and laugh.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

So are you guys ready to predict here and now that Republicans will win the 2012 Presidential election, and win control of the senate and the House in 2010?

SJP: Much like yourself - I don't make predictions.

So, can we look forward to Joan of Arc as the President, and Sanford as the Vice President come January 2013?

Is Pelosi planning on running?

Incidentally EagleSmack, I remember reading somewhere that Obama’s popularity is higher than Bush or Clinton’s popularity at this point in their presidency.

Funny - but I too recall reading somewhere an interview with Obama where he freely and clearly admits that he doesn't know what he's doing... I can't really remember which established and highly respected media outlet provided the info so I can't give you any reference source, but just take my word for it, alright?

How is your party doing EagleSmack, with its popularity at 25% (according to the last NBC/WWSJ poll)?

... And getting stronger with every broken Obama promise (which is nearly every day)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Much as you don’t like the fact Captain, people have given Democrats a mandate in 2008, and Democrats are going to implement their agenda, much as you may find it repugnant.

I only quoted the first portion of your post SJP as the remainder was straight from the propaganda desk at the democratic central politburo... In the end, Obama's destined to be the Democratic party's Waterloo. They will be punished by the electorate and lost in teh woods for many years much like the Mulroney conservatives.

You're more than welcome to tell all your friends and neighbours that you heard it here first.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I love hearing you saying...

"Obama's popularity is higher than Bush's or Clinton's.."

You have NO CLUE on the fickleness of the American people. Obama may be popular...but the country will turn. It always does.

No matter how much you admire Obama and Americans in general...you just don't get it. Our day will come and you shall see.

As of now it is fun watching liberals rip their hair out trying to defend our do nothing congress and the flailing administration while I sit back and laugh.

Sure it will come, EagleSmack, things usually turn around. But as of now, Democrats have 60 seats in the Senate (Franken has won, Coleman just conceded), they have a filibuster proof majority and they can impellent their agenda.

Now the choice will be clear cut. If people are happy with what Democrats do, they will vote for them in big numbers yet again in 2010. If they are not happy, they will turf them out. But much as you may not like it, Democrats will impalement their agenda (and now with increased vigour, now that they have 60 votes in the Senate).

And yes, Obama is more popular that Bush or Clinton were at this point in their presidency. Considering that they both won reelections, don’t count Obama out just yet.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Is that a fact?

It's not even 2010? How can that be a fact?

Silly boy

Fish in a barrell Joey. :lol:

It is a fact in your mind, EagleSmack. I assume in your opinion, Republican win in 2010 is a done deal. I assume that is what you think. If Democrats and Obama are intensely unpopular (as you seem to imply), doesn’t it stand to reason that your party will win the Senate and House in 2010? Or is your party so inept, so moronic that they cannot win elections even when Democrats are highly unpopular (as you seem to imply)?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
And getting stronger with every broken Obama promise (which is nearly every day)

Really EagleSmack? Have they perhaps breached the 25% barrier and moved on to 26%? No doubt helped by the rising star of your party, Mark Sanford?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I only quoted the first portion of your post SJP as the remainder was straight from the propaganda desk at the democratic central politburo... In the end, Obama's destined to be the Democratic party's Waterloo. They will be punished by the electorate and lost in teh woods for many years much like the Mulroney conservatives.

You're more than welcome to tell all your friends and neighbours that you heard it here first.

So again I repeat my question (which you were so careful to avoid answering in your post). Are you ready to predict here that Republicans will win the control of House and Senate in 2010 and win the Residency in 2012?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
How is your party doing EagleSmack, with its popularity at 25% (according to the last NBC/WWSJ poll)?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 31% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-three percent (33%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2. That matches the lowest level yet recorded (see trends).

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
So again I repeat my question (which you were so careful to avoid answering in your post). Are you ready to predict here that Republicans will win the control of House and Senate in 2010 and win the Residency in 2012?

Right at the top of post #308 I answer your question very clearly. I provide the response below. Let me know if it is still in question.

So are you guys ready to predict here and now that Republicans will win the 2012 Presidential election, and win control of the senate and the House in 2010?

SJP: Much like yourself - I don't make predictions.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 31% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-three percent (33%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2. That matches the lowest level yet recorded (see trends).

Rasmussen is a pollster of the far right; he worked for the extreme right website, WorldNetDaily for a while. His polling tends to be highly biased.

Just 3 or 4 days before the presidential election he showed the race to be a statistical dead heat, too close to call. As it happened, Obama won by a large margin, by 7%. White not exactly a landslide, it was a comfortable victory.

Rasmussen polls are biased; I wouldn’t put any trust in Rasmussen.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''NBC is a liberal left wing media. I do not take much stock in that.''

Let me guess: you believe that Faux speaks the truth, right?

LOL! Here's one for you: HAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I only quoted the first portion of your post SJP as the remainder was straight from the propaganda desk at the democratic central politburo

Captain, I noticed this gem just now and couldn’t resist commenting on it. democratic central politburo? Surely you can do better than that. I have been referring to the Conservative Party’s central office as The Politburo for a long time now.

Now, they do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and I am flattered. But surely you could come up with a different epithet for the Democratic central committee?


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 31% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-three percent (33%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -2. That matches the lowest level yet recorded (see trends).


It's worse than I EVEN thought!