The down-side to this 'hind-sight' is that Obama may do irreparable harm to the American economy in the meantime... I guess that this is what one can expect when ellecting an inexperienced ideologue to the highest office in the land.
What really surprises me though is that his fellow democrats are not restraining Obama - basically they are all helping in flushing the future down the crapper.
Much as you don’t like the fact Captain, people have given Democrats a mandate in 2008, and Democrats are going to implement their agenda, much as you may find it repugnant.
And why should Democrats try to stop Obama? He was elected by the American people; he has the right to try to implement his agenda. If Republicans don’t like any of it, they still have the weapon of filibuster in their hand. But the problem is that there are a handful or moderate Senators still left in the Republican Party and they don’t want Obama to fail as the extremists (like Limbaugh) do.
Your beef is that extreme right Republicans do not have 40 Senators in the Senate, cannot filibuster. So Democratic agenda will go forward, and people will rule on it in 2010 and 2012. We are looking at another Reagan, but on the democratic side this time.
It is not pleasant to be on the losing end, is it? I bet you were a happy camper in 1980 (I was in UK at that time).