Nay Vote Bill 116 , Bill to unlock LIF's 100%
Here are the MPP,s that voted against unlocking locked in pensions 100% for the Retiree,s and Seniors of Ontario .
These people , I assume feel that the seniors in the province of Ontario are not as Competent as the Seniors and Retiree,s in Saskatchewan.
They feel I assume that the Seniors and Retiree.s in Ontario need them , The Liberal Government to babysit them and dole out their OWN MONEY to them as if they are children in need of supervision .
It should be noted that every vote against Bill 116 , the Bill to unlock pensions 100% for the Citizens of Ontario was a Liberal Vote.
Just one more reason this province needs a change of government.
The Nay Voters Were .
Sophia Aggelonitis , Laura Albanese , Wayne Arthures , Bas Balkissoon , Lorenzo Berardinetti , Margarett Best , Laurel C Broten , Jim Brownell , Mike Colle , Bob Delaney , Joe Dickson , Daniel Kevin Flynn , Linda Jeffrey , Kuldip Kular , Marc Jean Lalonde , Dave Levac , Reza Moridi , Gerry Phillips , Shafiq Qaadri , Khalil Ramal . Tony Ruprecht , Liz Sandals , Mario Sergio , Harinder S Takhar , Kathleen O Wynne , David Zimmer , .
The Ayes Vote Was .
Ted Arnott , PC , Ted Chudleigh , PC , Cheri DiNovo , NDP , Ernie Hardeman , PC , Jerry J. Ouellette , PC , Leeanna Pendergast , Lib. , Peter Shurman , PC .
I would also like to mention . The NDP support was very poor also as only 1 NDP member voted for Bill 116 (( Cheri DiNovo )) .
This is also disturbing as before the last election Andrea presented a Bill to unlock pensions 100% and I was assured by the Leader at that time ( Howard Hampton ) that the NDP fully supported Andrea's Bill .
It makes one realize why nobody trusts Politicians !!! (( Now they have Flip Flopped to 50% from what I have heard ))
Sound Familiar (( McGuinty on Promises ))
Other NDP members were present for a prior Bill and were in the house that day but did not see it fit to take the time support Bill 116 .
They were Andrea Horwath , Howard Hampton , Rosario Marchese , Frances Gelinas , Paul Miller , Peter Kormos (((( Which I find very disturbing considering Peter's and Howards locked in pension's are fully unlocked 100% , curtesey of Bill 27 in 1999 )))
The PC Party has said that they support unlocking the pensions 100% , and they did have it in their platform the last election.
I am told by some that it will be on the agenda of the 2011 election.
I guess we will just have to wait and see as the turn out of the PC Party was also very disappointing for the Vote for Ted's Bill 116