People that pay taxes to fund idiotic environmental projects that the likes of WWF, Green Peace and David Suzuki convince idiotic politicians we need.
So because of one harmless gimmick, two organizations and one individual that have done much to inform people of the reality behind the degradation of our biosphere and atmosphere get condemned to 'idiotic'? (Granted WWF definitely have their issues, Green Peace is very much a feel-good organization and Suzuki, regardless of his understanding of natural systems, is a mianstream player.)
And in response to those who talked about leaving their lights on full blast during earth hour as some kind of counter-statement. I gotta say, that's just sad...and irresponsible.
I mean, if this were promoting the purchasing of new lighting systems from a private company (a la high-efficiency fluorescent bulbs--not good for you btw) or served as an excuse to charge/tax people for things they cannot do without (a la emissions test that rich people can get out of because they have a new car every year), then I would say do what you gotta do. But I see no evidence of that.
If you don't like the idea, then don't participate and leave it at that.
Personally, I don't really go for this kind of thing but I participate anyway because I think it's good that people see that their neighbours are just as concerned about the whole problem as they are. (Although I admit I completely forgot about it this year--my area remained lit up so I had no visual reminders either.)
As for the earlier comment about Freeman Dyson being a GW-denier: he merely denies that climate models are unable to take sufficient--particularly surface-based--factors into account to make accurate predictions and that the claim that there is an increase in average global temperature is false (effects are localized--colder regions are getting warmer, not the whole earth).
Dyson basically suggests that increased CO2 is not a big problem so long as we can maintain sufficient plant growth to convert it to oxygen (let's just forget his GMO hyper-efficeint plants will save us theory for now shall we?). [Note that he's implying that clear-cutting huge swabs of forest is akin to retardation of colossal proportions.]
I think one would have to agree, if only based on superficial evidence: if the temperature increase were global, everybody near the equator would already be dead.
Dyson does not in any way deny all of the other harmful effects proven to be caused by the myriad of surface and atmospheric pollutants being belched out on a daily basis by our industries.
Just a note: Earth Hour is not just about GW/CC, it's about reducing pollution effects in general (e.g. emissions produced by coal/oil/gas-burning power plants which are then breathed by local communities).
One thing, I have to admit I'm incredulous of Al Gore as a spokesperson for the GW/CC awareness movement: I mean, c'mon people...Al-the-so-square-he-makes-Harper-look-hip-Gore?! You can do better folks.