Abortion is not Immoral


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
There has never been an execution policy that hasn't snowballed into killing far more innocent than guilty. The minute you allow one form of execution govts have ALWAYS looked for and implemented expansion into horrific crimes against humanity.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You cannot use the Bible to prop up antiabortionism. If god was real and really wrote the 10 Commandments then there would be 12 which would included rape and child diddling. Since it was okay to rape and sell your kids into slavery at the time it is all the proof needed to see that god had no hand in these alleged commandments.

Tough to buy that one, the Ten Commandments arrived in the scene fairly early in the great scheme of things, possibly before anyone had even thought of let alone committed the crimes you mentioned. The Ten Commandment can only be germaine to the time they were written.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
The argument is flawed because morality is a personal viewpoint regarding code of conduct not universal. Therefore what is and isn't moral is also a personal viewpoint.

Scientifically, human life begins at conception. Abortion in the context of this discussion is about taking a human life. Everyone has their own opinion. I can think of at least three categories of thought.

1) Some people view taking human life as an absolute. (They oppose abortion and capital punishment)

2) Other's see taking innocent human life as an absolute. (They oppose abortion but support capital punishment)

3) Others oppose taking cognizant human life. (They support abortion to a point, but oppose capital punishment).

Pick your morality... I'm a number 3

Guess I support #2 with some exceptions also.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Did you read what I said? Abortion is not a moral issue, it is a criminal act.

Have you ever seen the birth of a human baby? What is the difference between the infant after the umbilical cord is cut and 2 minutes earlier when it resides in the woman's womb? Let me suggest that there is no difference. But of course, you wouldn't hesitate to quote liberal laws imposed by Pierre Trudeau's Constitution. Luckily for Pierre Trudeau, he had the extremely liberal Red Tory, Joe Clark to put up no effort to challenge Trudeau's joke of a Constitution.

Did you read what I said? Abortion is not a moral issue, it is a criminal act.

Do you know anything about the law. It's not criminal in the least

Have you ever seen the birth of a human baby? What is the difference between the infant after the umbilical cord is cut and 2 minutes earlier when it resides in the woman's womb?

Sensationalizing just a bit...

Perhaps you'd like the backwoods Allabama version. That's the fiction you're expousing as fact


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Tough to buy that one, the Ten Commandments arrived in the scene fairly early in the great scheme of things, possibly before anyone had even thought of let alone committed the crimes you mentioned. The Ten Commandment can only be germaine to the time they were written.
Do you really think rape and kid diddling is a recent thing? That's just too funny. If hookers are the oldest profession then the first deviants came long before that.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Absolutely, anyone who thinks a baby is not alive prior to birth is fooling themselves. Ask any ethical doctor.

Ask the vast majority of doctors and they will tell you life begins at birth not conception.

It's a biblical fact that life begins at conception and ends at birth


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What kind of all knowing, seeing and compassionate god would make a mistake and forget to include rape and diddling and fail to eliminate the bad apples in a flood?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Tough to buy that one, the Ten Commandments arrived in the scene fairly early in the great scheme of things, possibly before anyone had even thought of let alone committed the crimes you mentioned. The Ten Commandment can only be germaine to the time they were written.

the Ten Commandments arrived in the scene fairly early in the great scheme of things

You watch too many Charlton Heston movies. Tha "Ten Commandments" are fables much like Aesop's Fables. Besides their were 15 commandments in ancient myth. Moses dropped one of the tablets and it broke

The Ten Commandment can only be germaine to the time they were written

When was that?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
"Allowing executions will always mean executing a number of innocent along with the guilty."- AND forbidding execution of guilty murderers will ensure that innocent lives will be taken.
That is why we have a hoosegow.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
"Allowing executions will always mean executing a number of innocent along with the guilty."- AND forbidding execution of guilty murderers will ensure that innocent lives will be taken.

Steven Truscott, Donald Marshall and David Milgaard are alive today no thanks to a fallible judical system.

What would you say to their parents if you have you way JLM vis-a-vis gov't sanctioned executions.



Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Did you read what I said? Abortion is not a moral issue, it is a criminal act.

Have you ever seen the birth of a human baby? What is the difference between the infant after the umbilical cord is cut and 2 minutes earlier when it resides in the woman's womb? Let me suggest that there is no difference. But of course, you wouldn't hesitate to quote liberal laws imposed by Pierre Trudeau's Constitution. Luckily for Pierre Trudeau, he had the extremely liberal Red Tory, Joe Clark to put up no effort to challenge Trudeau's joke of a Constitution.

What is the difference between the infant after the umbilical cord is cut and 2 minutes earlier when it resides in the woman's womb

What's the difference between an infant after the imbilical cord is cut and a fetus in the first tri-mester?

The former is a human being, the latter a collection of cells


May 24, 2006
the Ten Commandments arrived in the scene fairly early in the great scheme of things

You watch too many Charlton Heston movies. Tha "Ten Commandments" are fables much like Aesop's Fables. Besides their were 15 commandments in ancient myth. Moses dropped one of the tablets and it broke

The Ten Commandment can only be germaine to the time they were written

When was that?

LOL, actually he broke both tablets and God rewrote them.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Steven Truscott, Donald Marshall and David Milgaard are alive today no thanks to a fallible judical system.

What would you say to their parents if you have you way JLM vis-a-vis gov't sanctioned executions.

Just the other day another man was exhonorated after 'paying his debt to society" thanks to better science and due diligence of those who re-evaluated the evidence.

The problem with our justice system is the lack of rehabilitation available in the penn system. Leaving somebody sit for 25 years in cage and then releasing a now dehumanized person back into society without any brain work is ridiculous. A broken noggin doesn't repair it's self after being stuck in a cage for 25 years does it?

If you really were interested in protecting humanity corporations would be overwhelming our courts and being forced to close up shop and those running them would be taking the blame for you having a 50/50 shot at cancer, destroying the security and health of millions of Canadians. 1000 Canadians die directly from pollution yearly with that number going into hundreds of thousands in the next ten years.

I recently sat in on an evironmental impact review where it is estimated that 20 people a year will die from being downwind of a processing facility. Is that not criminal?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Just the other day another man was exhonorated after 'paying his debt to society" thanks to better science and due diligence of those who re-evaluated the evidence.

The problem with our justice system is the lack of rehabilitation available in the penn system. Leaving somebody sit for 25 years in cage and then releasing a now dehumanized person back into society without any brain work is ridiculous. A broken noggin doesn't repair it's self after being stuck in a cage for 25 years does it?

If you really were interested in protecting humanity corporations would be overwhelming our courts and being forced to close up shop and those running them would be taking the blame for you having a 50/50 shot at cancer, destroying the security and health of millions of Canadians. 1000 Canadians die directly from pollution yearly with that number going into hundreds of thousands.

I recently sat in on an evironmental impact review where it is estimated that 20 people a year will die from being downwind of a processing facility. Is that not criminal?

It is.

5 people this year will committ suicide after listening to Celine Dion's "The Power of Love". 4 after hearing "It's All Coming Back to Me Now"

Now that's Criminal!!!8O


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It is.

5 people this year will committ suicide after listening to Celine Dion's "The Power of Love". 4 after hearing "It's All Coming Back to Me Now"

Now that's Criminal!!!8O
Since she is doing a lengthy Vegas gig that is out of our jurisdiction.