Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

Source: Mountie denies 'cooking up' story after Taser death

Neil MacKenzie, Crown counsel spokesman, said the decision last Dec. 12 not to
charge the four officers criminally "was based on the evidence available and
provided by police at the time to the Criminal Justice Branch."

"If additional evidence becomes available, it's always open to us to have the matter
reviewed and resubmitted to Crown," said MacKenzie. "It's not uncommon for us to
return a file to police."
I honestly never expected to hear/see that. I'm not holding
my breath expecting justice, but this is interesting...
Cop urged to 'come clean'

Mounties' stapler rationale evokes more derision than sympathy


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Here Ron - I'll save you some reading and posting later on:
Policeman loses bid in drunk driving case
Catherine RolfsenVancouver Sun
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

New details have emerged about RCMP Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson's alleged involvement in a crash in October that killed a 21-year-old motorcyclist. The information comes just days before the officer testifies about the Tasering of Robert Dziekanski.
The B.C. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a petition by Robinson that a 90-day driving prohibition was unfair because his elevated blood-alcohol content was partially due to two shots of vodka he claimed he drank after the crash.
The motorcyclist, Orion Hutchinson, was killed when his bike collided with a Jeep in Tsawwassen Oct. 25, police said.
According to a court document, Robinson identified himself to police and witnesses at the scene as the driver.
The officer at the scene, who was not named in the document, estimated Robinson had been driving at about 10:17 pm. At 11:56 pm and 12:16 am, Robinson gave breath samples that read 120 and 100 milligrams, well over the legal limit of 80 mg of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, according to the document.
The officer "noted her personal observations that the petitioner had a strong odour of liquor on his breath and on his person, that his face was pale, his eyes were bloodshot and his pupils were dilated, and his speech was slurred," Justice Mark McEwan's ruling said.
It said Robinson told the officer he had two beers at a party at 5:30 pm and took two shots of vodka after the collision during a 10-minute period when he walked home and returned.
The officer didn't buy it, noting: "symptoms [were] far more set than two shots in that time period should indicate."
Robinson was later given a 90-day driving prohibition, but he asked for a judicial review because his "evidence" about the vodka shots wasn't considered. McEwan dismissed the petition, and commented on the "inherent inconsistency" of Robinson's statement at the scene, saying the pattern of drinking he described did not seem to account for the blood-alcohol readings.
Robinson, who was off-duty, faces charges of impaired driving causing death and exceeding the legal limit. He was suspended with pay after the crash.
Robinson is next in line to testify in the inquiry into Dziekanski's death.

© The Vancouver Sun 2009​


Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I'm on the side of getting to the root of the problem.

So that's what you call an unreasoning knee jerk reaction... huh, I think imbecilic jackboots sums it up better. ;-)

But then expecting anything more from someone who admits he's incapable of reason really would be too much.


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
IP, you're kind of bebopping between condemning bad procedure and condemning people who don't like bad procedure ... and changing direction with a velocity attributed to flying saucers. Careful ... whiplash comes from jinking about like that.
top of page | report | add rep | #297
10 hours ago

So in other words, you condone this! So Tyr is a fine upstanding poster and I'm to watch out for whiplash. I can and have admitted that these members involved in this death are probably lying. We are talking about 4 members of the RCMP here. This "little joke" of his is not about four members. It's about the RCMP period. He has the right to condemn that which has been my families lifestyle for the past 40 years but it's okay for him right? He has been referred to as a troll both on here and on but you go ahead and congratulate him.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
But then expecting anything more from someone who admits he's incapable of reason really would be too much.

I don't recall you ever admitting you were incapable of reason. Granted, most of your posts do scream it. Now perhaps you can limit your comments to the topic at hand.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Go back and reread the post

I can't be bothered. I figure if you have something important to share you should just do so instead of playing games. I guess I've over estimated you. Now again, do you have anything of value to add to this discussion?


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Not sure on this but with such a variety of posters could be a lawyer in the bunch –As the Crown stated previously no charges were to be laid – they also stated they could revisit that decision –
In the US a civil suit could be initiated for Unlawful Death or words to that effect. Is that possible in Canada?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
We Need a stapler registry in this country!!!! :angryfire:

Maybe this Polish fella was packing a Nazi Bosch stapler and was going to use it to muscle his way into the cop steroid drug rings?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

The actual stapler that was in one of this guys hands when he
died at the airport, is in the picture at the top of this page...


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The B.C. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a petition by Robinson that a 90-day driving prohibition was unfair because his elevated blood-alcohol content was partially due to two shots of vodka he claimed he drank after the crash.
Open liquor at a fatal crash? WTF? Why wasn't this guy handcuffed in the back of a cruiser instead of drinking more and wandering around corrupting the crime scene he was involved in.

There is no way in hell this guy should be a member of the RCMP. He is obviously a danger to Canadians and has no respect for the laws or the people who hired him.

The more light that is shed on this situation the more dirty things become.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

The dangers of office supplies are underrated. Just think of the carnage one could do with a hole punch or an eraser.