Wow! Spring has Sprung!


Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008
Hi talloola- After this past winter do you still buy into this global warming theory? :lol:
Lately JLM, going by our local papers and then googling same, it appears there are as many people stating we are in a phase of global "cooling" rather than global warming. Going by our own temps. I am more inclined to believe in the "cooling" rather than warming. If you just google mini iceage you will see quite the article about global cooling. IF they are right, we could be entering a mini iceage which would really suck. Either way it sucks. I guess I would rather it is just a temporary climate change.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
A little global cooling for awhile might not hurt, help off set the effects of the glocal warming.


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
York Region
Lately JLM, going by our local papers and then googling same, it appears there are as many people stating we are in a phase of global "cooling" rather than global warming. Going by our own temps. I am more inclined to believe in the "cooling" rather than warming. If you just google mini iceage you will see quite the article about global cooling. IF they are right, we could be entering a mini iceage which would really suck. Either way it sucks. I guess I would rather it is just a temporary climate change.

It's neither.
Global climate change, which is partly due to nature, and exacerbated by human activity/industry is the accepted scientific argument. The whole 'warming' vs. 'cooling' BS is an argument that is propped up by interest groups (from both sides of the fence) that rely on a little science and a lot of moxie (either that or it comes from jaded ex-president elects and rock stars that feel they need to be taken more seriously). Temps. have increased over the years in places, and reduced in others. Climate change effects different areas of the world differently. In one part of the world you might have increased flooding and temps. due to increases in rain water due to evaporation from another part of the world, in other places those same forces that cause more evaporation cause massive droughts, and in yet another place the same conditions increase the amount of snow you get in the winter months, (heavey snow only falls when the temp. is in a certain range that is 0 to -10C, if it gets too cold the process stops).
The fact is, the global weather system is globally linked. When I read in the news of massive ice shelfs falling off the Antarctic, mean temps in the tundra way over norm, growing seasons that have grown longer and longer and talk of the North-West passage being transversable year round, I begin to think that yeah, something is changing.
Will it be warmer or colder? More dry or wet? I suppose, yes and no, depending on where you are.
We do know now (by icecore research) when the last ice-age came to an end it happend much faster than was traditionally thought (less than a few decades). We also know that there is a link between human industry and the local environment (be it from increases in smog, erosion of the land, poisioning of water, desertification, increases in temp. etc) and it would be foolish to think that what happens on a local level has no effect on the larger environment.
All I know is that the future is happening a lot faster than we thought, and it will be my children and I, within my lifetime, that will have to deal with the economic, ecological, political and social ramifications of the previous generations who would rather have argued and fought over our natural resources and padded their wallets instead of deal with the situation.

Sorry, for the rant but I've followed this 'theory' of climate change for nearly 18 years (before it bacame a fashion statement) and have seen much of what was predicted when I was yonger come true. It scares me to think that it's just to damn late in the game to really avoid it anymore.


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
York Region
Oh, and that wasn't a nock to you Island Pacific, I agree though, no matter what the situation will be it sucks...although I don't think it will be short lived by any stretch


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
It certainly looks like spring. We are going to see sunny and eighteen degrees today according to the weatherman. I'll take it...Gladly....;-):lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Could you raise me 15 degrees #juan??

This is the first good weather we've had in quite a while and we are hanging on to it with both hands. Besides, we have already had lots of your weather....;-):smile:


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:cool: See your 15 degrees and raise ya ten.

Sadly, nope. Snowing. However, temp goes up Thurs. so it will be gone soon.

Good news is that's there's going to be lots of water in the ground for a bit.

Every clod has a silver linning..........or something.

8O......what's a linning.?


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
>#juan I know how it is man, if someone asked me to spare a few degrees I suppose I would react the same :)

>Nuggler- I'll see yer 25 and stand- don't wanna get TOO crazy after all


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
I'm wearing a dress today, no nylons short sleeves.'s FABULOUS!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Hi talloola- After this past winter do you still buy into this global warming theory? :lol:

I don't know if I have ever bought into it, did wonder about it sometimes, but
we all do have to take better care of our earth, just like we take care of our
homes, with respect.
We've had a cool spring, not enough rain, and I miss the rain, it is the best
way to water our province, but I'm allready watering trees and shrubs, shouldn't
have to do that right now.
I'm loving the weather the last two days, bring more please, whoever is
delivering it.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
LOL! ahhhh, but I bet my legs are nicer then yours.....

I'll second that bet!;-)

The weather stunk the past couple of days. Snow. SNOW!!!! Argh! My tulips were starting to grow, and now they're toast!:angryfire:

The rest of the week is supposed to be mild during the day but hovering around 0 for the evening. Spring? Yeah right. This weather sucks.:-(


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
LOL! ahhhh, but I bet my legs are nicer then yours.....

Your turn!