Women shouldn’t have to wait years for sexual offenders to apologize


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
When I was in my early twenties and a contract employee at The Globe, I went to a staff Christmas party hosted by my boss. I was standing in the crowded kitchen, chatting with a bunch of jolly, drink-flushed senior journalists, when I felt a hand slip up the back of my skirt and fondle my bottom. I moved away but the hand followed. At first I assumed it was my boyfriend, but then I realized it wasn’t and the blood drained from head. I turned around to face a colleague. He was swaying, obviously drunk, but managed to meet my eye. His face was utterly blank. Back in the office on Monday, it was as if nothing had happened. We never spoke of it.

For years, as most women do, I’ve racked my brain to figure out why I failed to react in that moment. Why didn’t I shout or hiss or just wind up and smack him? Why did I stand there like a frozen idiot, listening to the senior journalists joking while my colleague, unbeknownst to everyone but the two of us, brought new meaning to the word “handling editor”?


Women shouldn’t have to wait years for sexual offenders to apologize - The Globe and Mail

of course she doesn't say who it was either so 2 steps forward and yadda yadda.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
That's where the boyfriend punches this coworker into the next Holiday.

The boyfriend? She should have done that. And by punch I do mean to say extremely loudly so everyone hears "Take your damned hands off me." Nobody hands you your pride and dignity, you have to take it in yourself.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
so, what it boils down to is, that she, and other women like her, have facilitated the situation they are whining and complaining about NOW. It was too inconvenient for them to complain, or lay charges, back then. It's sooooooooo much easier to whine and complain about it now so they can pull the "poor me" card and the "look how hard I had it" card at this point in time rather than doing something about it WHEN the situation arose in the first place. PLUS, by doing it now, they get put up on a pedestal as someone who is now suddenly "brave" for pointing out something that happened years ago, when in reality, brave would have been doing something then. Whining about it now just makes it a whine.

Would you like some cheese?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
The boyfriend? She should have done that. And by punch I do mean to say extremely loudly so everyone hears "Take your damned hands off me." Nobody hands you your pride and dignity, you have to take it in yourself.

For me it was a perspective thing. I've been the boyfriend, but not the
one in the skirt getting the butt fondled, so I knew what my role would'a


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
For me it was a perspective thing. I've been the boyfriend, but not the
one in the skirt getting the butt fondled, so I knew what my role would'a

only problem being, you might have to deal with assault charges

luckily the world has changed considerably in regard to being fondled however, not completely as CBC has demonstrated, much is still quietly dealt with or ignored, but we are moving forward


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
For me it was a perspective thing. I've been the boyfriend, but not the
one in the skirt getting the butt fondled, so I knew what my role would'a

Oh I get it, lol, no disrespect to the boyfriend's intentions at all.

I don't blame women for the acts perpetrated against them, hell I don't blame anyone for the acts perpetrated against them by other people. But nobody makes us a victim, we do that to ourselves. And that's the message that really needs to be stated loud and clear.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
only problem being, you might have to deal with assault charges

luckily the world has changed considerably in regard to being fondled however, not completely as CBC has demonstrated, much is still quietly dealt with or ignored, but we are moving forward

Drunk freak at a company party with his hand up your spouses skirt?
I'm thinking assault charges would be at the bottom of his list once he
gets up off the floor. It's dice I'd roll, and the right thing to do at the time.
Who am I fooling though, as my girlfriend would'a already dropped him.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Drunk freak at a company party with his hand up your spouses skirt?
I'm thinking assault charges would be at the bottom of his list once he
gets up off the floor. It's dice I'd roll, and the right thing to do at the time.
Who am I fooling though, as my girlfriend would'a already dropped him.

Atta girl! ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Drunk freak at a company party with his hand up your spouses skirt?
I'm thinking assault charges would be at the bottom of his list once he
gets up off the floor. It's dice I'd roll, and the right thing to do at the time.
Who am I fooling though, as my girlfriend would'a already dropped him.

a quick turn, a leg raised and buddy would go down like a house of cards...

might spill a bit of the drink but meh, it's worth the spillage


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
When I was in Germany, my friend Paula decided to take a driving vacation around Europe. As she crossed into Italy, one of the border guards (this was before the EU) started giving her the old "belissima" come-on. After a few seconds, he stuck his head in her car window, clamped a hand onto her boob, and tried to kiss her. Now Paula, being a sensible girl and a career sergeant, displayed her anti-rape device, in this case a Colt .45 automatic, a couple of inches from his nose.

Funny part was he jerked back so fast he knocked himself out on the window frame. Paula enjoyed Italy immensely.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
For me it was a perspective thing. I've been the boyfriend, but not the
one in the skirt getting the butt fondled,
so I knew what my role would'a

Sure you haven't. :p

Since when does an apology mean anything from a sexual offender in the first place?

I mean this sort of thing is creepy and anyone who gropes without invitation is a jizzbag to begin with.

Sorry, but jizzbag seemed the grossest word I could think of and ****stick wouldn't beat the censor.