Why is the U.S.Pharma lobby sponsoring a conference on Canadian Healthcare?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Trump campaigned on getting outrageous drug pharma price gouging under control.

so he cut their taxes and regulations.



OH HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOUR LIES ARE FAILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump and any promises he may have made to corporations HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR OTTAWA LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump HAS NOTHING TO DO with SHAMELESS LIE-beral efforts to save gravy for themselves by rationing our health care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump has NOTHING TO DO with the shameless GREED of our civil service union Hogs as they try to create two tier health care-

where they get FINE CARE as a UNION PERK.....................and the rest of us struggle to pay for a lousy bottle of aspirin out of our

LIE-beral carbon taxed and LIE-beral DEBAUCHED pay cheques!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yeah best looking shrouds in the business.


POOR STUPID LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping DESPERATELY to distract us from their vile and discriminatory Two Tier Medicine SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THERE IS A PRICE for LIE-beral style health care rationing - AND IT IS HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider the fate of this Cdn- LEFT TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn`t it nice that our LIE-beral overlords are spending OUR money on a series of costly commercials telling us what a great job they are doing with our medical system-but they cannot FIX crap like that described below-presented along with some comments of my own in brackets):

First his leg was amputated, then CCAC cut off his therapy.

By Kelly Egan. First posted: Thursday, December 08, 2016 05:21 PM EST | Updated: Thursday, December 08, 2016 05:28 PM EST

Paul Pelletier had part of his leg amputated earlier this year. He's been recuperating with the use of a vaccum pump that keeps the wound dry and clean. It comes from the CCAC, who had a 10-week limit on the use of the pump. They want it back, but his surgeon says he needs it to recuperate or may have to be re-hospitalized or have more of his leg cut off.

OTTAWA - It’s been a tough year for Paul Pelletier, scarred by scalpels, then the system.

The 51-year-old truck mechanic had his right foot — then part of his lower leg — amputated in two stages in March from the effects of diabetes. He returned to hospital in August, and in September had two further operations on the wound, just below his knee.

To help with healing, he was sent home with a special device, called a vacuum-assisted wound closure system. It consists of a special sponge inserted in the wound cavity, then connected to a drainage hose. The whole area is sealed, kept clean and drained by means of negative pressure created by a device worn around the neck.

“It’s a magic thing man,” the Carleton Place resident said Thursday.

To help with wound care, he was visited every second day by a nurse arranged through the Community Care Access Centre, the network of home care providers that serves all of Ontario.

Then came the shock.

Just as the healing was progressing nicely, the CCAC has demanded its “VAC unit” back because there is a 10-week limit. He could keep using it, sure, but it would cost $90 a day, or $2,700 a month, for a man on a monthly disability of $1,100. Otherwise, he was cut off.

“It scares me,” Pelletier said. “I believe it is a big part of the healing of it all. I’d hate to see a setback for another six months.”

Pelletier and his sister tried to reason with the CCAC, even enlisting the support of his Ottawa Hospital surgeon at the 11th hour.

“I feel that discontinuation of the VAC dressing will jeopardize all the hard work gone on to this point to salvage his below knee amputation,” the surgeon wrote in a Nov. 30 email.

“We would like to request an extension of his VAC therapy to avoid the need to readmit him to the hospital for continued appropriate wound care and to reduce the risk that he will be required to be converted to an above knee amputation.”

Some of the words were underlined and in bold type.

(Yeah-its $2700.00 to rent the machine for another month-and HOW MUCH to re-admit the guy to hospital and saw off more of his leg? With the added bonus that IF they save most of his leg he may be able to walk better and return to work-but if they saw most of it off he becomes a permanent ward of the state because he is crippled? Just WHO is running our medical system? Doctors with best patient outcomes in mind? Or LIE-beral friendly union Hogs who want their endless list of entitlements filled- at the expense of patients and the general public?)

The CCAC was unmoved. A care co-ordinator thanked the doctor for his email and reiterated that the unit would be removed Dec. 5. “I understand your concern related to this client and appreciate your follow up. At this time, CCAC is not able to extend the provision of (the unit) past 10 weeks,” the reply continued, “and we kindly ask that you provide updated conventional dressing orders.”

The surgeon replied within minutes, a seven-word answer that could not be mistaken in meaning or directness: “My orders are for continued VAC therapy.”

Still, CCAC didn’t bend.

At the urging of a hospital official, Pelletier appealed to area MPP Randy Hillier, not a step the mechanic is used to taking. “I’ve never called an MP in my life.”

Hillier, who detests over-regulation in government, immediately got on the phone and wrote to Health Minister Eric Hoskins.

(Regulation is one thing-govt MUST have control over operations and finance-but tight ass regulations that DAMAGE a patient that would otherwise recover more fully and faster and at less public cost is brain dead LIE-beral bullshit!)

“Minister, I find this alarming for a number of reasons. First, I find it unorthodox that the CCAC would have the authority to enforce a quota or limitation to services over the wishes of a physician; secondly, that a patient’s well-being and recovery would be hindered and possibly hampered by limitations on access to a comparatively inexpensive piece of medical equipment.”

(Any idiot-except a LIE-beral can see it’s a LOT CHEAPER to loan the guy the machine than to return him to hospital for more surgery!)

Pelletier said he was told there are 23 patients on a waiting list for a VAC unit, which he uses 24 hours a day.

(In other words-LIE-berals are AGAIN spending OUR money on THEIR gravy INSTEAD of on needed medical machinery-AND buying those commercials to BOAST and LIE-beral about it!)

Of the 23, he is sympathetic. But his great worry is that if the wound does not heal properly, he’ll need a further amputation above the knee, affecting his mobility for the rest of his life. His hope is that he can be fitted with a prosthetic in the spring and return to the trucking industry soon after. “I just want to get back to work.”

Pelletier estimates he needs the unit for another three or four weeks. The wound is largely healed but still has a small open section.

It’s been quite a saga. Diagnosed with diabetes at age 31, he lost a couple of toes about five years ago, then endured a long period of hobbling until his foot became too diseased. (Diabetes can lead to nerve damage and restricted circulation, especially in the extremities, and even minor injuries can turn into difficult-to-treat ulcers. Pelletier suspects a foot injury about six years ago triggered his problems.)

Pelletier is meeting with his surgeon Friday. They will deal with his wound, of course. Who fixes this broken system?

(Looks like Doug Ford will have a chance to cure our health care! IF ONLY he can fight off GREEDY civil service union Hogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
However fiscally foolish it may seem, no one is denied coverage in the Canadian system.
That's not entirely true. My step-son was run down by a hit and run driver earlier this year. He was sent medical bills in the mail. Why? Because when a motor vehicle is involved, the driver's insurance covers the costs of some of the medical care. But since this was a hit and run and the driver was never caught, the system the Ontario Libtard's had in place decided that a 27 yr old disabled person on ODSP should have to pay for getting run over at a crosswalk instead of OHIP.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
That's not entirely true. My step-son was run down by a hit and run driver earlier this year. He was sent medical bills in the mail. Why? Because when a motor vehicle is involved, the driver's insurance covers the costs of some of the medical care. But since this was a hit and run and the driver was never caught, the system the Ontario Libtard's had in place decided that a 27 yr old disabled person on ODSP should have to pay for getting run over at a crosswalk instead of OHIP.

Well, truth be told, the idiot you were responding to knows very little about Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh, you managed to find one.

Now we'll find the 200,000 or do a year that are denied treatment by your private insurers because it impinges on their profits.

Well you can thank Obamacare for that.

Jinentonix had one.

Seriously though... we both know there are more.

Like this....

Canadian Disabled Man Denied Care but Offered Euthanasia


Stories like this are so easy to find.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
That's not entirely true. My step-son was run down by a hit and run driver earlier this year. He was sent medical bills in the mail. Why? Because when a motor vehicle is involved, the driver's insurance covers the costs of some of the medical care. But since this was a hit and run and the driver was never caught, the system the Ontario Libtard's had in place decided that a 27 yr old disabled person on ODSP should have to pay for getting run over at a crosswalk instead of OHIP.


Oh my........................ while I am always pleased to see any evidence proving the LIE-beral greed and stupidity that is reaching epidemic

proportions in Canada...........the story of your step son is one for which we should offer sympathy!

And of course we can thank Wynne-bag LIE-berals for that NASTY "STRETCH GOAL" of saving us 15 percent on auto insurance - while slapping us with fifty percent reductions in benefits to those who are severely injured in a car accident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for the LIE-beral SNAKES who think two tier medicine is a good idea - this little tale by Jininotex ought to be A WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are most happy to SCREW YOU when you are at your weakest and least likely to fight back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Poor little George knows very little about anything .


Ever notice that "Free Thinkers" are usually the most determined to grab money from other people????????????????

And civil service union Hogs really ought to be careful what they wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If they do get two tier medicine into Canada they will regret it as it will cause CIVIL WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody recall that piece of security camera video from Aurora Ontari-owe a couple of decades back?

Local school trustees had just voted themselves an EIGHTY SIX PERCENT PAY RAISE and some old guy decided he had endured enough Hog robbery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So there he was on camera..........walking into city hall with a five gallon can of gas and a box of matches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should have seen the civil service union Hogs scurry like COCKROACHES as the flames shot up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a genuine reason why Toronto city hall- and others are installing ever tighter security protections!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Hogs are increasingly AFRAID of the genuine RAGE of those they govern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And in 2019 we will have the chance to express that rage - fully, completely, and in an honest way and democratic way, in the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay- everybody now can sign that old Trooper song for our idiot LIE-berals:

"Just a three dressed up as a nine...........

You are only.....wasting my time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Say what you wanna say................

Be what you wanna be...............

You can suit yourself baby............

But you dont suit me"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are in MAJOR TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Yankee propaganda for consumption by your gormless countrymen.


Poor stupid gormless and NOT SO Curious Cdn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sick guy BEING offered euthenasia LIVES IN ONTARi-OWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That`s right little moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The guy has a brain disease and has about a year to live- so the doctors say.........and he is sick enough to need round the clock care for feeding and bathroom and pretty much everything- up to and including getting somebody to hand him a glass of water to wash down his pain killers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the hospital wants him to GO HOME and die there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Problem is the guy is afraid he will DIE SCREAMING - thanks to the home care givers he has been sent IN THE PAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He cites an array of problems- like care giver FALLING ASLEEP with the stove on- fortunately the guy managed to wake up in time and scream for help before things got too badly SCORCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he complains about the quality of food- his care givers have several times given him FOOD POISONING due to serving him rotten crap well past its best before date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Food supplies are a problem if nobody drives and stuff is stockpiled in a fridge with little attention paid to best before dates!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He also cites a fear of INJURY as his care giver is usually a women- who cannot handle his weight and he is thus at risk of being DROPPED and injured while being moved to bathroom and etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My aged mother broke her leg when the kindly Filipino care giver could not handle her weight and was not string enough to catch her when Mom slipped!!

A hospital setting is costly........AND SAFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this is why the guy is refusing to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the LIE-beral solution is to OFFER TO KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quick and cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals wonder why Cdns sneer when LIE-berals start talking about caring and compassion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
