Why does Harper still support Saudi Arabia?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
This should be good.

Saudi Arabia is no ally against extremism

Stephen Harper was quoted in Rivière-du-Loup on Friday saying that “this is a deal, frankly, with a country (that) notwithstanding its human rights violations, which are significant, this is a contract with a country that is an ally in the fight against the Islamic State.”

This is a misleading statement by the prime minister given the role Saudi funding has played in supporting ISIL. In Yemen the Saudis are deliberately arming Yemeni tribes known to be sympathetic to Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (much to the angst of the U.S.) in order to fight the Houthis (perceived by the Saudis to be an Iranian proxy group). The Saudi support of Wahhabism is one of the main drivers of conflict and terrorism throughout the region and beyond.

The Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen over the past six months has provided AQAP with an opportunity to expand its sphere of influence within the country, which calls into question how Harper can label the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia an ally in fighting Islamic terrorism. There are also reports that the Saudis have deliberately refrained from bombing certain areas in Yemen – like Mukalla – where AQAP has effectively taken control of the city.

Since the Saudis began bombing Yemen six months ago, thousands of civilians have been killed and many thousands more have been injured, not to mention critical infrastructure being destroyed such as schools, hospitals, ports, airports, roads, bridges, etc. The Saudis also put in place a naval blockade that has restricted the flow of humanitarian assistance into the country – food, medicine and fuel – thereby further endangering a population that is already heavily reliant on imports to sustain itself.

The Netherlands (now there’s a clear definition of a Canadian ally!) introduced a resolution at the United Nations calling for the UN High Commissioner to “dispatch a mission, with assistance from relevant experts, to monitor and report on the human rights situation in Yemen”, and to look “into violations of international humanitarian law and gross human rights abuses committed by all sides in Yemen.” The resolution also calls for all parties to provide access for humanitarian aid, which is directly aimed at the naval blockade being imposed by the Saudis.

However, the Saudis, along with other members of the coalition, have been attempting to block the establishment of an independent investigation by the UN and instead wants to limit any inquiry into possible abuses by the Houthis only.

The question for Stephen Harper is: What is the Canadian government doing today to curtail the human rights abuses by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that are occurring in Yemen? Yes, the Canadian government did pledge an initial $11 million for humanitarian assistance in April, but what specific action has he or the Canadian government taken since that time?

While Stephen Harper likes to leave the impression that he talks tough with Vladimir Putin, what specific steps is he taking with his “ally” Saudi Arabia?

Grant Kippen: Saudi Arabia is no ally against extremism | Ottawa Citizen


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Yes, we are acutely aware that conbots think innocent civilians are terrorists.

They already think the same thing about innocent Canadians.


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Yes, we are acutely aware that conbots think innocent civilians are terrorists.

They already think the same thing about innocent Canadians.

So you're calling ISIS "innocent civilians?" FFS

You're definitely using Justine's talking points where terrorists feel completely excluded.. I guess we should give them a job?



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Let's see Israel, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia seem to be fighting ISIS... Wouldn't you be an ally with the countries fighting the same enemy? Just say'in

Also they aren't threating to kill you.
The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend.

Yes, we are acutely aware that conbots think innocent civilians are terrorists.
YEs, we are acutely aware that left-tards think terrorists are just misunderstood choir boys.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Like a good little minion in the international community he does as he is told, a long Canadian tradition in these years.

The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend.

YEs, we are acutely aware that left-tards think terrorists are just misunderstood choir boys.
They are not your enemy when you do things that is considered 'aiding'.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Like a good little minion in the international community he does as he is told, a long Canadian tradition in these years.

They are not your enemy when you do things that is considered 'aiding'.
Soooo Canada is now aiding ISIS?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
You aren't the sharpest knife in the fork drawer are you?

IDF allows first peek into secret Golan Heights field hospital | The Times of Israel

On Friday evening, Channel 2 News aired footage of the fenced Golan Heights facility, which has treated over 700 Syrian patients since it was established less than a year ago.
The hospital, staffed by soldiers in uniform, includes an emergency room, an intensive care unit, an operating theater, a mobile laboratory, a pharmacy and an x-ray facility. It treats Syrian patients who cross the border regardless of creed – or of where their loyalties lie.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You aren't the sharpest knife in the fork drawer are you?

IDF allows first peek into secret Golan Heights field hospital | The Times of Israel

On Friday evening, Channel 2 News aired footage of the fenced Golan Heights facility, which has treated over 700 Syrian patients since it was established less than a year ago.
The hospital, staffed by soldiers in uniform, includes an emergency room, an intensive care unit, an operating theater, a mobile laboratory, a pharmacy and an x-ray facility. It treats Syrian patients who cross the border regardless of creed – or of where their loyalties lie.
Yeah and? Allied doctors did the same for German and Japanese soldiers during WW2. Doctors of the various UN forces did the same for Chinese and North Korean soldiers during the Korean War. What's your point?


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Although it generated some heated discussion (link is external) during the election campaign, don't expect the $15 billion armoured vehicle deal the Harper government signed with human-rights-hater Saudi Arabia to be rescinded now that a new government is about to be sworn in.

Because the country is seen as a stabilizing presence in the Middle East and a source of jobs (link is external) in Canada, pragmatism will undoubtedly trump principle in a deal that no party exactly denounced as our votes were being courted.

Yet we should all be as familiar as possible with the devil Canada is trafficking with.

Readers may recall the case of Raif Badawi, the 31-year-old Saudi blogger who ran afoul of authorities for his criticisms (link is external) of the country's religious establishment:

Badawi was sentenced in 2013 to seven years in prison and 600 lashes. In 2014, he was resentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes.While it may provide him with cold comfort, his efforts yielded him the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought yesterday. It is unlikely that he will be released to receive the award, and, indeed, should the lashings be carried out in full, he will die.

However, Mr. Badawi's plight may seem mild compared to what is facing young Ali al-Nimr (link is external), also a Saudi citizen who was arrested at age of 17 for participating in anti-government protests. The government has said he attacked police officers and rioted, but the only known evidence is a confession apparently extracted under torture that left him a bloody mess.Now he is facing beheading and crucifixion:

His appeals following his court sentence for this grisly execution have been exhausted, so guards may lead Nimr to a public square and hack off his head with a sword as onlookers jeer. Then, following Saudi protocol for crucifixion, they would hang his body as a warning to others.International outrage (link is external) at his sentence appears to have had no impact on the Saudi government.

Last month, a group of United Nations human rights experts ... urged the Government of Saudi Arabia to halt the execution of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, who was convicted for a crime reportedly committed as a child. He may be executed at any time.

“Saudi Arabia may so far this year have executed at least 134 people, which already represents 44 more than the total for the whole of last year,” they noted. “Such a surge in executions in the country makes Saudi Arabia a sad exception in a world where States are increasingly moving away from the death penalty.

”The lash and decapitation seem to be expressions of a worldview that can only be described as medieval and barbaric. In the country considered to be our ally, there are at least 16 'crimes' (link is external) that warrant the death penalty, including murder, adultery, gay consensual sex, apostasy, consumption of intoxicants and sorcery and witchcraft.

To embrace and sell armaments to such a benighted nation says, perhaps, more than we would like to consider about our own country and principles, doesn't it?


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
So the Libs continue the CONs path.......

Unreported in Canadian media was last week's "eleventh session of the Canada - Saudi Joint Committee" (link is external) - where the "importance of the private sector in the two countries" was agreed upon. It's a yearly thing. (link is external)

A representative from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development of Canada discussed challenges and difficult times in the region, requiring "the two countries to work together to explore further opportunities for cooperation and economic partnership."

In another Riyadh report on "the importance of this meeting being the first under the new Government of Canada", Trudeau was described as "more open" (link is external) leading to "hopes for the Saudi business sector and Canadian senior government support in terms of the development of economic cooperation and business partnerships between the two countries."

As Global Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion explained to the Senate a month ago (link is external), if we were to cancel the Saudi arms deal :

"what would surely happen is that the equipment in question would be sold to Saudi Arabia by a less scrupulous country, and the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia would not change one iota."

Meanwhile Steven Chase at the G&M (link is external) reports on the difficulty of getting any info from Global Affairs on Saudi contracts with three more Canadian *defence* companies.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Steven Chase reports (link is external) on the Libs' deceptive attempt to dodge responsibility for approving the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia.

Neil MacDonald points out (link is external) that there's no difference at all between the Cons and Libs in their determination to push military exports at the expense of human rights.

And both Michael Harris (link is external) and the Globe and Mail's editorial board (link is external) tear into the Libs for their hypocrisy and dishonesty.

You seem upset that trudOWE is looking after Canadian manufacturers by ensuring they can export their products which supply real jobs mostly in Ontario.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Steven Chase reports (link is external) on the Libs' deceptive attempt to dodge responsibility for approving the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia.

Neil MacDonald points out (link is external) that there's no difference at all between the Cons and Libs in their determination to push military exports at the expense of human rights.

And both Michael Harris (link is external) and the Globe and Mail's editorial board (link is external) tear into the Libs for their hypocrisy and dishonesty.
Has Analfloss seen this?


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
You must be confusing me with someone who would defend the Liberals over this.

I actually posted the story on how the new boss is just like the old boss on this matter.