Why canadians are proud of their country?

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Depends on who you ask. The Americans burned York (Toronto). And Laura Secord fed everybody chocolate or something. If you ask a Canadian, we won. If you ask an American, they won. In reality it was a mixed bag and probably a tie. No shootouts back then.

In the end, I believe both sides won. The British Empire retained all of its land of British North America and the Americans stopped the impressments and gained more sea rights.


Apr 6, 2005
The Queen is a figurehead that chooses not to excercise her reserved powers. She can disband Parliament and is the Commander of the Canadian Forces. That's alot of power for a "figurehead".
Now personally, I think Elizabeth has reigned pretty well. She's sharp. smart and overall not too shabby. It's the institution she represents that I dislike.

You never struck me as someone who likes to play the number games. So if we have 1% starving and you have .8% starving, everything is all fine and dandy? Point being, I see no purpose of the monarchy, as a matter of fact, I consider it a direct insult that someone attains that kind of position by sheer luck of the sheets. If it doesn't bother you, then good on you! But don't make it sound as if the best thing that ever happened to Canada was the monarchy, personally, I think it's the WORST thing that has ever happened, it has kept you from forming your own identity.

Well, you are correct... generally I do not play the numbers game simply because the numbers provided to us on a daily basis from one survey, earnings report or wotnot are so completely out of context they are meaningless. (ie. "abc co. 'lost' 5% from what they made last year" - of course they neglect to mention that the previous year saw a 40% increase etc etc etc)

No offence but I think you missed what I was saying... the original comment was the reason for ditching England back in '76 seems to not have been alleviated in 230years was all. I would expect to have seen more done when the amount of wealth generated is taken into account. Hell, for that matter I expect to see more done with my tax dollars here too.

The monarchy imho IS a good thing for us since it is one unifying, constant strand which has remained since our inception as a colony and later a nation... much like your constitution is the unifying factor (along with the situation which brought it about... civil war, independence etc) I guess the difference here is that our respective countries took alternate routes to the immigration issue we both faced. The U.S. held more to assimilation whereas Canada encouraged immigrants to keep the 'old culture'. In the long run it has left less for us to have as a constant in our history as we are a nation of immigrants (ok, technically all of us here in NA are but you get my point).

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Well that's the Canucklehead I know. Point taken. Look, in the end it's a matter of personal opinion in regards to the monarch.

I know you expected more of the US government, everybody does. That's a huge gap in culture. Americans don't sit around waiting for the government, we get things done ourselves. Sometimes we fail, and sometimes we don't. In the end, we learn and move on. All in all, I'd say we have come quite a long way in 230 years.

Phil B

Electoral Member
Mar 17, 2007

Elizabeth is one of the wealthiest women in the world, with a net worth of $818 million in 2004, according to Forbes magazine. This is the result of a nest egg put aside for her by her father during his reign as king. Other estimates put her personal fortune at more than $4 billion, or as much as $16 billion if the Royal Collection -- which includes the crown jewels - is included.
I stand corrected8O

The royal collection - crown jewels, palaces etc are owned by the British people rather than the monarch - which is the reason why she dropped from having a wealth of mega billions when I was a kid to the amount indicated now of ~£300M

She still has more than you and me combined I guess:p
May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
The royal collection - crown jewels, palaces etc are owned by the British people rather than the monarch - which is the reason why she dropped from having a wealth of mega billions when I was a kid to the amount indicated now of ~£300M

She still has more than you and me combined I guess:p

Yeah but what off all that mushroom biz they got into...i believe her and charlie got into that at one time....
ack ..i always like it when she speaks....I'm not that anti monarchy..just the part where......i typed it already...lol


Electoral Member
Jul 23, 2006
Pointy Rocks
No offence but I think you missed what I was saying... the original comment was the reason for ditching England back in '76 seems to not have been alleviated in 230years was all. I would expect to have seen more done when the amount of wealth generated is taken into account. Hell, for that matter I expect to see more done with my tax dollars here too.

You are wrong as to the reason that the US separated itself from the King of England. The reason can be found in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence. It was not about money or the equal distribution thereof, it was about governance.

Jefferson writes,
"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another....a decent respect ...requires that they should declare the causes that impel them to the separation.
"all men are created equal; they are endowed... with certain [inherent and ] inalienable rights; that among these are life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness... governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes."

In other words they did not reject the monarchy because they thought they all deserved what the king had but that the king was not living up to his responsibility to support the life liberty and happiness of the goverened and the governed refused to follow any longer.

In Canada we chose to stay with the crown and our history is what it is. I personally believe that eventually the monarchy will be replaced. One more bad king or queen should just about do it. It is in large part due to Elizabeth II's excellence and honourable reign that we still have a monarch.

If a Canadian is so disgusted that we still have a queen then that person should have the guts to leave Canada and find greener pastures elsewhere.


Council Member
May 24, 2006
Great Satan
I can understand why americans are proud of their nations, but i was talking about it the other day with a rellative, what is seriously the point of being a canadian-loyalist to the queen?

I really tried to understand why canadians should be proud of their country, but withouth succes, please help.

I am not bithing or whatever, just trying to understand.

This is the funniest post I've seen in a while.

There is so much wrong with Logic, I'm not even sure where to start.

But at least he belongs to you guys.:p

Phil B

Electoral Member
Mar 17, 2007
Yeah but what off all that mushroom biz they got into...i believe her and charlie got into that at one time....
ack ..i always like it when she speaks....I'm not that anti monarchy..just the part where......i typed it already...lol
Yeah but then the bottom fell out of the mushie market in the late 70's and the move into ecstasy occured in the second coming of the summer of love in the late 80's, acid house and the rave scene - me I prefer my cocoa:lol:


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
I love Canada because it’s my country and it is a country that has dealt fairly with her citizens.

A country that generally keeps their promises they have made.

We got rid of black slavery decades before the Americans.

In America it took a civil war to do get rid of slavery.

The former slaves were allowed to own land, run businesses and get elected as part of our government

In America former slaves had to suffer under white rule for another hundred years before they got those same rights and it took and uprising to do that.

The Americans decided to break their treaties with the Aboriginals where Canada decided to honour the treaties and now Canada is in land claims negotiations and there have been lots of settlements including the creation of a third territory in northern Canada called Nunavut.

Our healthcare system covers 100 percent of our citizens where the American healthcare system covers only 85% of their citizens.

I was watching this doctor who is in charge of the University Health Network in Toronto on BNN which is the Business News Network and he said that America pays 15% GDP for healthcare while Canada only pays 9% GDP on healthcare.

He also said that the Americans would pay lots of money for equipment that they never use.

The doctor gave one example that the was some hospitals that bought Da Vinci robotic surgical system that the doctors don’t even use and a lot of that equipment ends up on Ebay.

The doctor also said that the insurance premiums in America are rising at a dramatic rate were the average American is having a harder time to afford healthcare.

When you look at it America has more that two hundred million people which means that 15% of the people or 30 million and growing people in America do not have health insurance.

America treats her own citizens in this manner.

The irony in this is that America was formed because they refused to pay taxes to the their king but no where in American law does it say that their citizens have to pay income taxes but the Americans are paying it.

My question to the Americans is how come you are refusing to dump the equivalent of American tea into the harbour.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
The irony in this is that America was formed because they refused to pay taxes to the their king but no where in American law does it say that their citizens have to pay income taxes but the Americans are paying it.

Sixteenth Amendment;

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

The rest of your post stems from your national inferiority complex and its certainly not worth addressing.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
I respect and admire both countries. Each developed in it's own way, not necessarily one better than the other. It's when myth turns into history that gets my blood boiling.

Apparently the problem is you don't understand history. We burned your whitehouse to the ground because WE WERE BRITISH.

Duh. We get to claim our part of Empire history(even though before confederation), or do you not consider the pilgrims part of your history? or Jamestown? (and I call shenannigans if you even try and pretend you don't).

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Apparently the problem is you don't understand history. We burned your whitehouse to the ground because WE WERE BRITISH.

No, you were not British. You were British subjects and jolly old England made sure of that and constantly reminded you of that fact everytime you wold get a bit twitchy. BUT, I've had this conversation with a myriad of Canadians and each time I get a different answer.

a) You were British
b) You were Canadians
c) I don't know.

Duh. We get to claim our part of Empire history(even though before confederation), or do you not consider the pilgrims part of your history? or Jamestown? (and I call shenannigans if you even try and pretend you don't).

Really? You think it's that cut and dry Z? Perhaps it's a matter of persepctive. Do we consider Pilgrims Americans you mean? Most definately we do not, hence why they are referred to as Pilgrims. Ever hear of colonialists or the colonial army? Ya, that was BEFORE the US Indepedence. That's where we draw the line.

Are they part of our history? Of course they are, but NEVER will you ever hear anyone refer to them as Americans.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
But since I now know what your position is (British), I can hold a conversation with you on the topic.

Yeah, if you consider yourelves to be British, then you burned down the White House.

Anything else?


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
No, though for not considering Pilgrims American's, I find it odd to watch you thanksgiving specials, which refer to them as part of "The first AMERICAN thanksgiving" , study of the pilgrims is part of "American History" courses.

Thus, I call shenanigans on you.

You also don't understand Empire history. Canadians were British Citizens. Yes we were subjects to the crown, but if that discounts us as British then no one outside the royal family was British, since every Scot, Welshman and even Englishman were also subjects of the crown.

If we follow your logic, then no one in Britain was British. Thankfully no one does.