Why are some trying to turn life into one big hate-crime?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The 'hate-crime' figures are another part of that growth industry of pressure groups now intent on proving that Britain is the world’s most vile and intolerant country. Not content with claiming that we are a nation of racists and ‘Islamophobes’ they have also decided that we are homophobes, probably misogynists and doubtless kick people with guide dogs too...


Why are some trying to turn life into one big hate-crime?

10 October 2016
The Spectator

After voting for Brexit earlier this year did you come over all homophobic? I mean after you did all the obvious stuff like beat up a few ethnic minorities and burn a Torah. A piece in the Guardian at the weekend explains that ‘Homophobic attacks in UK rose 147 per cent in three months after Brexit vote.’ It claims that this shows how ‘toxicity fostered by the EU referendum debate spread beyond race and religion, new figures suggest’. None of which makes any sense. Who would decide, after voting Brexit, to attack the gays? I suppose it is possible that some people thought Ian McKellen spoke for all of us (as he himself appeared to think) when he said before the vote that ‘Brexit makes no sense if you’re gay’ and that all gays must therefore vote Remain. But it seems a push.

More likely is that these figures are another part of that growth industry of pressure groups now intent on proving that Britain is the world’s most vile and intolerant country. Not content with claiming that we are a nation of racists and ‘Islamophobes’ they have also decided that we are homophobes, probably misogynists and doubtless kick people with guide dogs too.

What we are, in fact, witnessing is a self-reinforcing cartel. Consider the following. The figures on which the Guardian have based their ‘story’ are from an LGBT anti-violence charity called ‘Galop’. According to them, hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people increased 147 per cent during July, August and September compared to the same period last year. Rather than everyone being so high from the referendum that they went around beating up gays, what is most likely is that the official encouragement to report hate-crimes means that more and more hate-crimes are being reported. The numbers go up year-on-year because the reporting goes up. Which is not the same things as the attacks going up. Indeed it might be something quite else. Because while ordinarily the police or some other authority would try to persuade the media and charities to stick to the facts, with the hate-crime business everyone has different compulsions for being in on the fact-allergic action. Not least the police.

Allow me to give an example. A while ago an acquaintance of mine was on a late night train when some strangers tried to pick a fight with him. He was smartly dressed and this appeared to be the root of the ‘problem’. In the end the police were called and detained the attackers. They also discovered that the victim was gay. At which point the officers apparently spent a considerable amount of time trying to pressure the victim to say that the incident had been motivated by ‘homophobia’. He didn’t think it had been, not least because nothing about being gay had come up. He insisted on this and succeeded in stopping the hate-crime charges being logged, although it apparently required a lot of persistence to stop the police from doing so. For them, you see, that would have made it a better night’s work. Not just a mundane act of violence on a train, but a hate-crime. I would bet that the police are at this a fair amount. They have been told by their superiors to pursue this amorphous type of crime and so everybody of a certain sexual orientation, skin colour or religion will be encouraged to view and record things in such a manner. They will be aided by the fact that a lot of victims will understandably be more than happy to throw the book at anyone who has attacked them or been unpleasant in any way to them. Not everyone will hold out for the truth if the police themselves don’t see that bothered about it.

Of course this is the beast that will eat itself. Consider one amusing snapshot. The ‘Islamophobic’ hate-crime recorders at Tell MAMA have previously been caught misleading the public with allegations of an alleged spike in ‘hate-crimes’ after the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in 2013. You may remember that this effort managed to distract public attention from the brutal slaughter of a soldier in broad daylight onto mean things said online about Islam. The group’s founder, Fiyaz Mughal, subsequently tried unsuccessfully to sue that renowned knuckle-dragger Charles Moore. Anyhow, last week in the website formerly known as the Independent, we see that this hate-crime industry is becoming magnificently self-generating. Soon they won’t need the public at all.

It appears that Tell MAMA tried to organise an event at this year’s Conservative party conference. But their staff only applied for passes to the conference the day before their event. Anybody who has ever been to a party conference knows that you often have to apply for a pass many weeks in advance. There are, after all, well-known security concerns around these awful events. Anyhow, Mr Mughal and his colleagues had demonstrated as much concern with detail about their conference passes as they have done with the rest of their work. And so, sans passes, they turned up to the secure zone in Birmingham and were not let in.

When the security guards inexplicably stood near to Mr Mughal and his colleagues, the Tell MAMA crew complained that the security staff were being ‘intimidating’. Then, while the security guards were escorting the pass-less ones away, one of the group asked the security staff why they were following them. This Tell MAMA-ist ended up rather rudely accusing the security guards of picking on him, finally demanding ‘Is it because I’m gay?’

Personally, I would doubt it. In my experience there is rarely any shortage of male homosexuals inside the secure zone of the Conservative party conference. But if you’re in the hate-crime business who cares? Facts are for other people. Having been turned away from their Islamophobia event the Islamophobia-peddlers at least managed to squeeze a homophobia incident out of it and the corpse of the Independent wrote it up, thus ensuring it wasn’t an entirely wasted journey. Who knows, if Mughal and co had hung around a bit longer perhaps they might have squeezed a ‘Transphobic’ incident out of it while they were at it?

While such people try to turn the whole of life into one big hate-crime, the rest of us will just have to continue to try to insist on the facts. A task that would be made much easier if the police were on the same side as the general public once again.

Why are some trying to turn life into one big hate-crime? | Coffee House


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Britain is no more, no less racist than other countries. Racism is not a white 'thing', it's a everybody 'thing'. The worst racist I've ever met were not white. Lots and lots of racism I've experience in brown communities, but I've heard pretty bad racist remarks from Blacks, Chinese, Browns and Whites (but a lot less from whites frankly). If White people appear to be more racist, it is simply because they are mainstream in Canada, US, EU, so more visible. But anybody that has spent time in India, Somalia, Sri Lanka, ... I'm sure were shocked by the level of racism.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Lawyers make money off all of it....

It's a way for the Lefties to make eveyone in Britain - apart from themselves - look like racists and thugs, even if it means saying there have been hate crimes when there haven't been.

Britain is no more, no less racist than other countries. Racism is not a white 'thing', it's a everybody 'thing'. The worst racist I've ever met were not white. Lots and lots of racism I've experience in brown communities, but I've heard pretty bad racist remarks from Blacks, Chinese, Browns and Whites (but a lot less from whites frankly). If White people appear to be more racist, it is simply because they are mainstream in Canada, US, EU, so more visible. But anybody that has spent time in India, Somalia, Sri Lanka, ... I'm sure were shocked by the level of racism.

The most racist people in the world are black Africans. They're also unable to run countries properly.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
The "elitists" (aka lefties) are just pissed that they lost the vote and figure that if they play the race card, it'll make them feel better. Problem is that they are the true bigots/racists but refuse to even acknowledge that others aren't very much like them at all and that they truly are despicable individuals..



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
There are no racists right of center. All the racists are on the left.

The utterly crazy part is that y'all actually, honestly believe that.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Not possible. I am, by any sensible definition, right of center, so I can't be a racist.

Excellent work and congratulations! You were given a trick question and successfully provided the only acceptable answer.

... Too many lefties attempting to imposter righties, dontcha know.

I will be sending you the instructions to the secret handshake forthwith and your official decoder ring to follow (gotta get through a couple boxes of Cpn Crunch first)


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
It's a way for the Lefties to make eveyone in Britain - apart from themselves - look like racists and thugs, even if it means saying there have been hate crimes when there haven't been...

Don't be so silly. The lefties don't need to do that. They have people like you


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Excellent work and congratulations! You were given a trick question and successfully provided the only acceptable answer.

... Too many lefties attempting to imposter righties, dontcha know.

I will be sending you the instructions to the secret handshake forthwith and your official decoder ring to follow (gotta get through a couple boxes of Cpn Crunch first)

Near as I can tell, only folk that consider me a "lefty" are the kind of righties who insist that you can't criticize.

Let's tally up my positions on this here board:

Pro-gun (very)
Pro-death penalty (want it applied far more'n it is now)
Strict Constitutionalist
Oppose affirmative action
Oppose special treatment of any kind for minorities, including Indians
Favor all-or-nothing military policy, i.e., go to war or stay the heck out
Defended G.W. Bush on many things
Insist that private organizations are not subject to the Bill of Rights
Favor free trade
Favor an "everything" policy on energy with an emphasis on research and development of non-fossil
Agnostic on global warming, preferring proven anti-pollution measures to focussing on carbon
Prefer private solutions to government action

Sounds pretty center-right to me.

Reason I get tagged as a lefty so much, I do believe, is because I recognize problems that do exist in terms of racial and religious discrimination, economic inequality, education, and such. And I don't pretend that our previous leaders and people were cardboard saints, full of love and holiness.

So. . . um. . . dafuq?


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
In my travels, I have found six or seven people that actually like the British, but they were Muslims and had to be put down. I was genuinely surprised the number was that high!

But Mother Nature is turning them into Arabs, so we won't be hating them for too much longer.


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
It's a way for the Lefties to make eveyone in Britain - apart from themselves - look like racists and thugs, even if it means saying there have been hate crimes when there haven't been.

So why bother asking if you've already an answer in mind?

It's not a left-right thing anyhow. Only a hater would make it so....


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
So why bother asking if you've already an answer in mind?

It's not a left-right thing anyhow. Only a hater would make it so....

I didn't write the article, did I?

My answer is my opinion of what I think is going on as per the events written in the article.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
You typed the question into the subject line did you not?

Trump is better at evasion....

...and it's still not a left-right thing ... but thread is mostly rightie-tightie. Are you coming unscrewed?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You typed the question into the subject line did you not?

Trump is better at evasion....

...and it's still not a left-right thing ... but thread is mostly rightie-tightie. Are you coming unscrewed?
The Principle of Minimum Hypothesis would support my "Brits are retarded" explanation.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The author himself - Mr Douglas Murray - asked the question and then also went in to give what he believes to be the reasoning behind this phenomenon. We're all entitled to our opinions. My theory is the most likely.