White Privilage


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Look at all the privileged whites trying to justify their privilege by saying it doesn't exist. Funny shit right there, especially all you indigenous people haters who say you are not racist while you put them down. Hypocrites!

When I sit at table with my wife and our common friends, I'm usually the only white guy there and we usually speak in her mother tongue, not mine.

Do I mind it? Not at all. so if I don't mind that, then why should a woman mind speaking to her husband and his friends in his mother tongue, or be the only Asian woman in the group among those friends?

Again, I'm not denying that racial discrimination exists, but the notion of 'white privilege' is way too broad-brush.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I think the anglophones suffer more from white privilege than Francophones in this country
An old post of mine and a true story.....
a true story....

When I was working...this guy comes into my shack (work station)
The guy working with me was Polish descent, but the millwright I was talking to, was francophone.
Since my partner Tony, was reading a book me and the millwright we were speaking french. We were right in the middle of a story when this other guy walks in. So we finish what we were talking about before turning to acknowledge him.
Well, when He starts talking to us, in stereotypical L7 fashion for this area, he starts tearing us a strip because we hadn't switched to english, the second he walked in.
When he was finished, I didn't care if he was a superintendant, I told him.....

Imagine that you and I and and this <isert pejorative>Polack over there, we are stuck in a mexican village of 500 people for a month.....
The first thing I will try to do is learn Spanish....Tony, he will do the same thing, since he was able to learn English as a second language and understands french because he married a french girl....but you....
What you will try to do is insist that 500 Mexicans learn to speak English.

He just walked out in a huff and didn't talk to me for two weeks.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Look at all the privileged whites trying to justify their privilege by saying it doesn't exist. Funny shit right there, especially all you indigenous people haters who say you are not racist while you put them down. Hypocrites!

Oh look... one of the biggest racist in CanCon is having a temper tantrum.


Council Member
Mar 4, 2016
Moose populations exploded in NW Manitoba around 2005. Now there are no moose to hunt and moose hunting once again banned thanks to Injuns.

I had a conversation with a wildlife officer in central Manitoba a couple of years ago about this. He told me local natives would typically get a large group together and set up camp in the park for a few weeks and basically kill anything that moves. Then they leave. there hasn't been much hunting in that area for years now... the moose and elk population has collapsed.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I had a conversation with a wildlife officer in central Manitoba a couple of years ago about this. He told me local natives would typically get a large group together and set up camp in the park for a few weeks and basically kill anything that moves. Then they leave. there hasn't been much hunting in that area for years now... the moose and elk population has collapsed.

Here is an article commenting on the messed up lives of Cdn natives- and exposing WHY it is that natives should not look to LIE-berals for aid! With some comments of my own in brackets):

The Great Game’ that betrays Canada’s First Nations

By Gordon Chong. First posted: Saturday, July 22, 2017 09:02 PM EDT | Updated: Saturday, July 22, 2017 09:13 PM EDT

Moving forward on aboriginal issues. Aboriginal affairs: Is it all just ‘a bloody farce’?

Too many of Canada’s reserves are plagued with unemployment, alcoholism, suicide, drug addiction, low income, substandard housing and issues with crime and unsafe water.

(WOW! Chong makes a sweeping statement that denies logic and reality! Natives are under employed because they see getting an education as “selling out to white men”. In a country where over 75 percent of jobs require post secondary education, only 25 percent of natives graduate from high school. Add in the reality of isolation from the outside world and no wonder there are few jobs for unskilled and too often belligerent natives!)

(And natives live in substandard housing because of THEIR behaviour. Govt ships them GOOD QUALITY pre fab houses- complete with waterproof siding- exactly the kind of housing many other Cdns live in comfortably and yet natives live in “tar paper shacks”! Watch the news media- lots of native houses are pictured with the chipboard sub structure- the NOT WATERPROOF sheathing- out in the rain and snow- SO WHERE is the waterproof siding that would GREATLY extend the service life of these houses? Has it been sold for beer or drugs? One news media report says a 24 case of beer costs $125.00 Cdn after being flown into a certain reserve so we may guess what happened to tbe badly needed waterproof siding?)

(IN other news-CBC tells us a “boil water advisory” has been lifted from three reserves out west- AFTER one of the local kids graduated from high school and then went to college to learn how to operate the water purification machinery that has stood IDLE for over twenty years- just waiting for somebody who knows how to turn it on! A typical isolated reserve is such a pest hole that educated people generally do not wish to live or work there- at any price!)

(In other news- LIE-berals prove they do not give a S++T about natives! If they saw natives as anything other than a batch of stupid voters to be bought then LIE-berals would NOT have canned the Conservative mandated obligation of native govts to post their expenses ONLINE so auditors can see at a glance if band councils are spending responsibly! Such an obligation would limit the ability of corrupt band councils to waste money on trips to the Carribean, on fancy cars, on wild salaries, on trips to the casino etc.....and would ensure that all tax money was used honestly for the benefit of the entire band! But LIE-berals see no benefit in eliminating endemic corruption!)

The chosen antidote to these intolerable and chronic issues has, in part, been growing government intervention and an increasing reliance on Aboriginal traditional knowledge.

(IN other news, Aboriginal Knowledge has UTTERLY FAILED to deal with modern technology! Consider the case of a Manitoba native family of ten- living in a house full of sewage- either they clogged to sewer pipe and it froze and ruptured, or the builders of the house failed to insulate the sewer pipe properly where it passes through the floor into the crawl space under the house and then connects to the septic system. In any case the sewer pipe froze and ruptured and now every time a toilet is flushed or somebody has a shower- ALL the waste water pools under the house- with disgusting results!)

(A native house full of sewage demonstrates sheer stupidity! If it already reeks then WHY add to it? Why not take a pail into the bushes and do your deed AWAY from the house so you can eat dinner without gagging on the reek from the mess under your floor? Why not have your shower at the local rec centre while you wait for spring and for the mess under the floor to dry up? And once its dry then shouldn’t somebody crawl under the place- maybe on a sheet of plastic so as not to get FILTHY while working to PATCH the old pipe? But aboriginal “Knowledge does not cover patching ABS pipe so it cannot be done? And apparently the average reserve is such a pest hole that the only place to get ABS pipe patching equipment is an airplane flight away in some white town? No wonder natives drink? Stupidity is a bad business?)

To any reasonable observer, neither is working particularly well.

In a 2008 book that received too little attention, Professor Frances Widdowson (a Metis and faculty member at Mount Royal College in Alberta) and her husband, Albert Howard, who has worked as a consultant for government and native groups, offer a compelling, if not troubling, argument for the perpetual woes afflicting Canada’s reserves.

In Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry — The Deception behind Indigenous Cultural Preservation, Widdowson and Howard meticulously expose the new “Aboriginal Industry,” an increasingly powerful “amalgamation of lawyers, consultants, anthropologists, linguists, accountants and other occupations that thrive on aboriginal dependency.”

(These are the sort of people that some Toronto Sun writers refer to as “pverty pimps”!)

In short, there are a lot of people who make a lot of money from the misery of the ordinary people living on reserves. This legion of interdependent freeloaders is, for the most part, hidden from public scrutiny. They operate behind closed doors, unless they are in court.

(In other words it is typical LIE-beral style business as usual! Any bad thing that happens as a result of LIE-beral policy is ALWAYS- so LIE-berals insust- a one off accident- such mistakes are NEVER admitted to be part of an obvious pattern of LIE-beral failures! LIE-berals accuse anybody who contradicts their position of being racist!)

Even then, they use atavistic arguments to justify present day policies that perpetuate poverty and dependency in Aboriginal communities, ad infinitum, at a cost of approximately $8 billion annually.

So much so that “The activities of the Aboriginal Industry, in fact, are cynically referred to in bureaucratic circles as ‘The Great Game,’” the authors write, a characterization that’s broadly present in government.

The most direct and caustic criticism in the book came from David Crombie, a former Toronto mayor and former minister of Indian and Indigenous affairs between 1984 and 1986.

Crombie, a Progressive Conservative, who is still frequently asked to take on leadership roles, is not known to have a short fuse. However, he exploded in a scathing condemnation of the despicably venal “Great Game”.

Hardly naive, like Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien before him, Crombie nevertheless “thought he could transform aboriginal policy during his tenure in the department.”

This is some of what the usually restrained, Crombie said, quoted on page 20 of Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry.

“You get a whole bunch of obfuscation, meeting after meeting, word games, magic shows of all kinds. And that’s why so much of Indian Affairs is a convoluted process of negotiation, meeting, consultations. … There is a consultation industry, and that means work for politicians, lawyers. It means money for Indians. It means everything but getting on with the task at hand.”

The juggernaut that is the Aboriginal Rights Movement is now in ascendency and its objective is to remain largely segregated from mainstream society, even if it means its constituents — the often powerless community members who are not connected to the leaders by kinship or other ties — continue to live in abject poverty, with little education.

“They reveal the arrogance of many Aboriginal leaders who reject financial accountability for public funding, trivialize spousal and child sexual abuse, and defend their personal and kinship privileges,” Widdowson and Howard wrote.

(The TRULY UGLY reality is that if you erase the name “Aboriginal Rights Movement” and replace it with “Black Libes Matter” then you will have EXACTLY the same level and style of condemnation! LIE-beral multicutural policy is an utter failure!Even worse, LIE-beral;s are now setting up the same Reserve style ghetto for the Muslim refugees they have brought here. After a year- about 90 percent of govt sponsored Muslims are still un-employed! LIE-berals are creating a social and cultural disaster with their policies!)

There are many legitimate issues facing First Nations communities today that will require a firm and consistent political will to resolve.

The incarceration rate of Indigenous people is a national shame and youth suicide on reserves a national crisis.

(Sun writer Bonikowski wrote an article a decade back explaining that in any legal case where there was a choice of a fine or of jail time- natives were far more likely than white people to chose jail time!)

Decades of federal efforts, not to mention billions of taxpayers’ dollars, have done shockingly little to address these and other fundamental challenges facing average Indigenous people living on — and off — reserves.

So too with traditional measures, the diversion court system, and prayers.

(Sun writer onikowski also wrote about 2 burglars- one white and one native- and both got caught with the white guy doing 30 months in jail and the native being shipped back to his reserve for a “healing ceremony” in a sweat lodge! And natives want to whine about being treated unfairly? HAHAHAHA! All this is to illustrate that the LIE-beral hug a thug approach to crime has been a complete failure!)

Little is likely to change as long as Canadian governments and some First Nations leaders continue to prop up an Aboriginal industry that feeds on the misery of average people, instead of helping them.

(Oh....Cdn govts are ALL at fault? WRONG! Conservative govt of Harper had solid rules in place that would have brought some sanity to native life on reserves by eliminating the endemic corruption that is too often part of reserve life! Too bad LIE-berals gutted that legislation to placate POVERTY PIMPS!)


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Look at all the privileged whites trying to justify their privilege by saying it doesn't exist. Funny shit right there, especially all you indigenous people haters who say you are not racist while you put them down. Hypocrites!

Cliffy come on.

You cant allow a certain group of people the privilege to hunt unrestricted, without quotas year after year and call it sustainable under the guise of being traditional. The system needs to be overhauled because our conservation officers have no accurate number of the actual amount of animals being harvested when they dont tally first nation kills.

I said that areas such as Fort Albany, Attiwapiskat etc in the extreme north would be areas were year round hunting would be applicable because there is less infrastructure and the locals there would have to manage the wildlife in order to survive. The natives around the cities dont need to worry about management or quotas. Its with fishing too, why do they net an entire spawning run of pickeral, say its to feed their people but then 2 days later they are out selling it to non-natives?

There need to be controls and everyone who hunts in the provinces minus in the extreme north need to be under the same system and there is nothing racist about what i'm saying. The current method is not sustainable!

I think the anglophones suffer more from white privilege than Francophones in this country
An old post of mine and a true story.....

That describes Franco Ontarioans but not the Quebecois that i worked with who were just straight ignorant when ive worked with them in Ontario. Its funny they will be in a cafeteria in at a mine site just talking shit about everyone in the room thinking that no one understands them. I grew up around French and when people talk their language or any language amongst themselves i could care less, but then again i come from Sudbury which is super french so i grew up with it.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Cliffy come on.

You cant allow a certain group of people the privilege to hunt unrestricted, without quotas year after year and call it sustainable under the guise of being traditional. The system needs to be overhauled because our conservation officers have no accurate number of the actual amount of animals being harvested when they dont tally first nation kills.

I said that areas such as Fort Albany, Attiwapiskat etc in the extreme north would be areas were year round hunting would be applicable because there is less infrastructure and the locals there would have to manage the wildlife in order to survive. The natives around the cities dont need to worry about management or quotas. Its with fishing too, why do they net an entire spawning run of pickeral, say its to feed their people but then 2 days later they are out selling it to non-natives?

There need to be controls and everyone who hunts in the provinces minus in the extreme north need to be under the same system and there is nothing racist about what i'm saying. The current method is not sustainable!

That describes Franco Ontarioans but not the Quebecois that i worked with who were just straight ignorant when ive worked with them in Ontario. Its funny they will be in a cafeteria in at a mine site just talking shit about everyone in the room thinking that no one understands them. I grew up around French and when people talk their language or any language amongst themselves i could care less, but them i come from Sudbury which is super french so i grew up with it.

Here is a sample of the white privilege that LIE-berals and Hog allies want- FOR THEMSELVES! Consider:

Here is a nice story out of Spain which illustrates nicely why civil service Working family Hogs must not be allowed too much freedom! I include some comments of my own in brackets).

Spanish council failed to notice civil servant's six-year absence from work. Joaquín García, who was still collecting his annual €37,000 salary, was only rumbled when he was considered for an award for performing 20 years of loyal service!

(Reward for loyal service? This is on a par with Toronto Silly Hall giving Black Lives Matter reverse racists rewards for their “community building efforts”!)

By James Badcock in Madrid. 3:56PM GMT 12 Feb 2016. Telegraph News.

A Spanish civil servant who failed to turn up for work for six years was only discovered when he was considered for an award for loyal service.

Former public employee Joaquín García, who was still collecting his annual €37,000 (€31,000) salary, was on Friday ordered by Cádiz city hall to pay €27,000 in compensation.

He had been sent by the city council to oversee the building of a waste-water treatment plant in the southwestern city but records show that Mr García had not turned up for work since 2004.

Mr García responded by filing his own complaint with city hall demanding that councillor José Blas Fernández, in charge of personnel at the time, be disciplined for negligence for failing to notice his absence.

(I say: Hey-the Hog ACTUALLY has a point! A superior cannot be everywhere every day but surely once in a while one might notice a total lack of employee presence and make inquiries? And one has to assume there would be a notable absence of reports, progress reports and such from that employee and that might provide additional clues something was wrong!)

Mr García argued that if it is true that he was absent during all of that time, “it was up to Mr Fernández to make sure that this did not happen”.

(Gee, do we arrest cops for failing to prevent imbeciles from causing car crashes? So why blame the supervisor? Except that Hogs are so entitled they do not believe they can do any wrong? The truly frightening thing is that this is the world that LIE-berals will build for us if they keep sucking up to OUR Cdn Hogs! )

Mr Fernández took legal action against Mr García in 2010 after seeing his name on a list of employees due to receive awards for long service. Recalling that he had been sent to a post at Cádiz Water under an agreement between the council and the public utility in 1998, Mr Fernández visited the waterworks to find that Mr García’s colleagues had no idea where he was.

“They assumed he had been sent back to city hall,” Mr Fernández said. An investigation revealed that the phantom civil servant had not clocked in to work for six years from 2004.

Mr García claimed that he had occasionally visited his office but that there was nothing for him to do. He said he was the victim of workplace bullying due to disagreements between the council and the water company.

The now-retired civil servant has asked the current mayor of Cádiz, José María González of the Left-wing Podemos party, to be excused having to pay the damages equivalent to one year’s salary.

The median salary in Spain is just over €19,000, while unemployment in Cádiz is above the national average at 34 per cent.


(And lest we Cdns get too smug re the behaviour of OUR Hogs let me repeat a column that appeared in the Toronto Sun a few years back!

(Toronto District School Board FINALLY got around to FIRING one of its employees for spending 3- 4 DAYS EVERY WEEK taking lessons in a judo school instead of working.)

(The job of the employee was to travel around to TDSB schools to check and adjust the thermostats controlling the heating systems at each school each day. But instead the dork was taking judo lessons and eventually got caught after his company van was repeatedly spotted parked at the Judo school by a disgusted citizen.)

(This sounds like something out of that Red Green comedy skit-but instead of golf luring the Hog, it was judo! So the Hog was warned and he walked the straight and narrow for a few months and then fell off the wagon and into judo school yet again! And was reported yet again. And was finally FIRED!)

(But there is a larger question here: WHY do we need a person to check the school thermostats?)

( The thermostats in our homes are automatic and don’t require daily adjustment so why do those in schools? We pay school principles excellent money to care for our kids-are principles too dull witted to notice if the heating system fails and icicles are forming on the frozen noses of our kids?)

(Or is it something more sinister? Are school heating plants and operating equipment so antiquated and unreliable that it takes a master mechanic to adjust them?)

(Something is rotten here and it ISN’T just the work ethic of civil service Hogs!)


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
It's interesting that our stalwart Canadian manly men will be first out of the gate to claim that the children of the rich (like Justin Trudeau) receive unearned benefits in life, but utterly reject the notion that they could possibly be the beneficiaries of societal unfairness.

I rather suspect Mr. Prime Minister would also assert that he earned everything he has.

He might, but only Harpercons would believe him.

I find the notion stupid, not because I don't believe that people of other ethnicity had a tough time. I acknowledge that, but a blanket statement of white privilege is ridiculous. I didn't grow up with any special privilege. I could trade anecdotes with people who grew up in similar circumstances.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
He might, but only Harpercons would believe him.

I find the notion stupid, not because I don't believe that people of other ethnicity had a tough time. I acknowledge that, but a blanket statement of white privilege is ridiculous. I didn't grow up with any special privilege. I could trade anecdotes with people who grew up in similar circumstances.

Exactly. There's a difference between statistical reality and personal reality. How is the homeless man sleeping on the street supposed to care that most CEOs are men for example?


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
Sweeping generalizations are easy to apply but very hard to prove.

Sometimes impossible to prove. You only need to show one exception to disprove the generalization. That even one white might be homeless disproves the idea of white privilege.
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Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
They'll just call him a white privilege drug addict who threw it all away.

Right, because white parents don't abuse white children... er... somehow that puts an SJW in a conundrum. Are white parents better than coloured, or do they abuse their children too in which case there is no white privilege...

Short circuit!


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
I get nervous when the conversation has the "word" white in it.
Sooner or later, the word "racist" makes an appearance.

Just turn the tables around. If an SJW accuses me of white privilege, I can ask him if I'm white. If he says I am, I can then ask him for the litmus test for whiteness. For example, do we draw the line at fair skin without a Mediterranean tan? What about black hair and black eyes? brown eyes and brown hair? blue eyes? Green eyes and blond hair?

If he refuses to draw a line, then you keep pushing it. If he just says 'well obviously you'r white,' then call him racist right back at him. If he does draw a line, then call him racist for drawing such an arbitrary line. :)

I have often sat at table with my wife and our friends and I'm the only white person there. None of them treats me as somehow different because of my skin colour. As soon as I meet some white SJW though, it's only then that I'm suddenly so privileged.

Another solution: If an SJW accuses you of white privilege, just tel him to stop privileging you with his attention then. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Sometimes impossible to prove. You only need to show one exception to disprove the generalization. That even one white might be homeless disproves the idea of white privilege.

So, the generalization "men tend to be taller than women" is disproved by a single incident of a woman who is taller than a man?

He might, but only Harpercons would believe him.

I find the notion stupid, not because I don't believe that people of other ethnicity had a tough time. I acknowledge that, but a blanket statement of white privilege is ridiculous. I didn't grow up with any special privilege. I could trade anecdotes with people who grew up in similar circumstances.

Yet, for some reason, non-whites in the U.S. make less money, have less education, are more often unemployed, are victims of crime more often, are more often sick, are arrested for drugs more often (despite similar use rates), and die younger than whites.

Must just be all one big coincidence.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
So, the generalization "men tend to be taller than women" is disproved by a single incident of a woman who is taller than a man?

No, because you're pointing to a tendency. To take another example. Men commit suicide at a higher rate than women. But we only need one female suicide to prove that suicide is not a men's issue. In the same way, we only need to show one man raped by a woman to show that rape is not a women's issue.

The same applies to white privilege. Do whites earn more than others on average. Perhaps. But the fact that some non-whites earn way more than some whites show that there is no 'white privilege' in the SJW sense of the word.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
No, because you're pointing to a tendency. To take another example. Men commit suicide at a higher rate than women. But we only need one female suicide to prove that suicide is not a men's issue. In the same way, we only need to show one man raped by a woman to show that rape is not a women's issue.

The same applies to white privilege. Do whites earn more than others on average. Perhaps. But the fact that some non-whites earn way more than some whites show that there is no 'white privilege' in the SJW sense of the word.

So, you've decided that "white privilege" is an absolute law rather than a tendency, and now you're putting those words in "SJWs'" mouths?

OK, thanks.