Which Way is it?

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
An interesting although not encouraging angle is the effect of food supply in the northern Pacific from having millions upon millions of 'extra' Pink Salmon from so called 'ranching' efforts by Alaskans-look it up if you have the stomach for it.

And Yes the supply of Chinook Salmon in the Gulf of Georgia has to be seen to be believed-last year was the Best in living memory and this year is even better /much better if I do say so myself; it takes longer to get the boat ready then clean it up than it does to catch one's limit fish are fat & healthy too.

And Yes those are Whale Food except Orcas have been few & far between locally maybe they like the taste of US based fish more I dunno but it's been red meat eating Orcas all the way this year and they too are fat as hogs.


Note this is David Suzuki-who wants people to stop fishing for 'Whale food-on a trip earlier this year to a thousand dollar a day fishing lodge up in Haida Gwaii.