Where's the Thread on "George Floyd" ????

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I've been tied up for several days, but whenever I hear any news that isn't about COVID 19....it's about "George Floyd." There are riots in at least nine different US cities over this murder and CNN is going 24/7 on this....& I can't find (so far) anything about it here on the Forum.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
I've been tied up for several days, but whenever I hear any news that isn't about COVID 19....it's about "George Floyd." There are riots in at least nine different US cities over this murder and CNN is going 24/7 on this....& I can't find (so far) anything about it here on the Forum.

I posted something about it in the “jogging while black” thread and there is a thread about the riots in the US section.

Btw, why the small font?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Protesters took to the streets across America over the death of George Floyd on Friday night.

Some of the protests have been peaceful, while others have been destructive. Here are the cities where protesters gathered:

California: Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Sacramento, San Jose, Oakland, San Francisco
Colorado: Denver
Georgia: Atlanta
Illinois: Chicago
Iowa: Des Moines
Indiana: Indianapolis, Fort Wayne
Kentucky: Louisville (Related to the death of Breonna Taylor)
Louisiana: New Orleans
New York: New York City
Massachusetts: Boston
Michigan: Detroit
Minnesota: Minneapolis
Nevada: Las Vegas
North Carolina: Charlotte
Ohio: Columbus, Cincinnati
Texas: Dallas, Houston
Virginia: Richmond
Washington, DC

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
George Floyd autopsy found 'no physical findings...of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation'
'Underlying health conditions,' intoxicants, police restraint 'likely contributed to his death'


Probably why the DA only charged the cop with third degree murder.

Neither one of us are medical examinators, etc....but in your opinion, if the above didn't happen, would this George Floyd have died minutes later?

Research has suggested that restraining a person in a face-down position is likely to cause greater restriction of breathing than restraining a person face-up. Multiple cases have been associated with the hogtie or hobble prone restraint position. Many law enforcement and health personnel are now taught to avoid restraining people face-down or to do so only for a very short period of time.

Risk factors which may increase the chance of death include prolonged (particularly resisted) restraint, obesity, prior cardiac or respiratory problems, and the use of illicit drugs such as cocaine. Other issues in the way the subject is restrained can also increase the risk of death, for example kneeling or otherwise placing weight on the subject and particularly any type of restraint hold around the subject's neck. Research measuring the effect of restraint positions on lung function suggests that restraint which involves bending the restrained person or placing body weight on them has more effect on their breathing than face-down positioning alone.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I've been tied up for several days, but whenever I hear any news that isn't about COVID 19....it's about "George Floyd." There are riots in at least nine different US cities over this murder and CNN is going 24/7 on this....& I can't find (so far) anything about it here on the Forum.

Oh dont worry - it is the usual cabal of media whores making selective choices over what sort of ideas and facts


LIE-berals usually DELIGHT in talking about and MANIPULATING any situation where cops or white society looks bad!

However - our media whores are PAINFULLY AWARE that some imbeciles often GO TO FAR!

Look at Ferguson Missouri - where an "unarmed black man" got shot and killed a few years back!

He got shot right after HE ATTACKED A COP who was trying to arrest the guy for MULTIPLE PREVIOUS CRIMES!

Such as ASSAULT AND BATTERY - multiple charges!

Robbery - multiple charges!

Intimidation and extortion - multiple charges!

The "poor black victim" was so large and physically strong that he had ALREADY BEAT TWO COPS in a previous arrest attempt!

Thus that lone cop had NO CHOICE but to either SHOOT OR FLEE IN TERROR from the criminal!

Sadly as the cop was BACKING AWAY FROM THE CRIMINAL - the cop slipped and fell on his back as the "VICTIM"

KEPT ADVANCING - ready to administer YET ANOTHER BEATING to another cop! And the VICTIM GOT SHOT

for the IDIOT ACT of trying to attack an armed cop!

LIE-berals and their media allies are becoming sensitive to public mood - which increasingly states that if you are a criminal

IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO come along quietly when a cop orders it - UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE!

The public is FED UP with LIE-beral style hug a thug and catch and release CRAP!

Thus media whores DO NOT want to say TOO MANY INFLAMMATORY THINGS because it often provokes idiots to riot and PROVE

what I have said in the past - that "too many black people have no clue how to behave around cops"!

Just look at the most recent case here in Toronto - a black woman with well documented mental health issues

meaning she is a exactly the sort of mental patient that LIE-berals REFUSE to treat properly

got so agitated that her own family CALLED THE COPS - seeking help to control her!

Cops entered the apartment to speak to the woman - and we all KNOW how much black people enjoy talking to cops!

And in this case the woman ended up going off the apt balcony to her death!

And yet the family - that was OUTSIDE the apt at the time and SAW NOTHING!

CLAIMS cops DELIBERATELY THREW this crazed woman off the balcony!

And they know this HOW? We are not expected to question the verdict of dangerous radicals and distressed NON WITNESSES!

Apparently the family is almost as crazed as their daughter!

And it is maniac statements of this sort - utterly unfounded nonsense claims - that Trump is complaining about

with his critiques of the kind of crap that is posted online by white haters!

The SAD REALITY is that this case of the black woman is an EERIE IMITATION of the old Lester Donaldson case also in Toronto!

Donaldson was a large and powerful black man and day labourer - also with KNOWN mental health issues! His issues where such

that cops had detained him in the past and sent him for medical evaluation and treatment!

One winter day his mental state worsened to the point that his wife fled the apartment in terror - leaving behind her winter coat

and her wallet - and there she was - out in the winter cold with not a penny - so she called the cops asking them to help her out!

THREE COPS responded - since Donaldson was a BIG STRONG GUY - and know to be potentially violent!

The cops were in the hallway approaching the apartment when Donaldson stepped out of the apt and threatened the cops with a


In the usual SAD Story that we have heard so many times before - the cops COULD NOT DE-ESCALATE the situation because the

voices in Donaldson`s head were more compelling than any words from cops!

They backed away down the narrow hallway but Donaldson advanced swiftly on them anyway - and no surprise here

he GOT SHOT while raising the spade over his head to attack the cops!

And of course "The Black Community" blamed the cops for "murdering" the poor black victim!

And wretched self serving LIE-berals who so glibly release these crazy people onto the streets without real treatment or cures

slipped away from any blame yet again!!

Media whores are now aware that filling in too many details about the crazed and drugged and disorganized lives that

so called "victims of police brutality" often live - can BACKFIRE BADLY and produce a public mood that says it served the lunatic

victim right and that cops had no choice since LIE-berals REFUSE to offer adequate mental health care

that would keep the lunatics safe!

LIE-berals are trying VERY HARD to manage our opinions for their SELFISH REASONS!

And our media whores are trying harder than usual to AVOID BEING BLAMED for making radical statements that provoke


LIE-berals and their media whore allies want desperately to PROMOTE the idea that we are all "Systemic Racists"!

But they DO NOT KNOW how to manage the IRRESPONSIBLE RAGE that their FAKE NEWS Is provoking!
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Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
When a dude passes out while a knee is on the back of his neck how about we take the knee off the neck and check to see if hes okay.

Doesn't seem unreasonable.
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Atlanta mayor to vandalizing protesters: 'This is not a protest ... this is chaos'

Buildings Ablaze in Minneapolis as Protests Continue Nationwide

Another headline produced from someone not authorised to speak, before confirmation

Pentagon puts military police on alert to go to Minneapolis

After great length to explain what, where, why, this is written in as a downplay

Alyssa Farah, the White House director of strategic communications, said the deployment of active-duty military police is untrue.
“False: off the record - title 10 not under discussion,” said Farah in an email response. No off-record agreement was negotiated with The Associated Press.
The 16th Military Police Brigade forwarded the AP's questions to the Defense Department.
The three officials with direct knowledge of the potential deployment say the orders are on a classified system, known as the Secret Internet Protocol Router or SIPR for short.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
A walk back? More of a clarification of what Trump meant.

Trump walks back his incendiary Minneapolis 'thugs' post

After a bunch of bashing this is written

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” Trump had written in a tweet that was quickly flagged by Twitter as violating rules against “glorifying violence.” Trump later said his comments had been misconstrued. “Frankly it means when there’s looting, people get shot and they die,” he said.

And then went on to say

Trump, after hours of backlash, said Friday evening that he was unaware of the origins of the phrase. “But I’ve heard it for a long time, as most people have. And frankly it means when there’s looting, people get shot and they die,” he said.
Trump also revealed that he had been in touch with Floyd's family as he continued to denounce the circumstances of the man's killing, which he called “a terrible insult to police and to policemen.”
“I just expressed my sorrow,” Trump told reporters. “He was in tremendous pain, obviously, and couldn’t breathe. And it was very obvious to anybody that watched it."
Still, Trump called on protesters to keep their demonstrations peaceful.
“The family of George is entitled to justice, and the people of Minnesota are entitled to live in safety," he said. “Law and order will prevail."
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