What's up with Immigration in the US?


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
Jim - I am closer to this problem than anyone. Half a million Mexicans protested in the streets of my city. They have taken over our state, the one our ancestors built -- mostly Europeans and blacks.

No one has addressed the tantamount problem - there are TOO MANY OF THEM. TOO MANY. They breed like rabbits. Being the good Catholics they are, they start putting make-up on their daughters at ages 8-9. I see them sitting in the malls, like merchandise. Mexicans have too many kids to take care of them properly. Few get through high school, much less college.

The girls are used to raise the young children and then married off at 14-15. Then they start the baby machine again. I'd go for a wall, but I'd also go for BIRTH CONTROL.

The other undiscussed problem that most people are afraid to address is this: We don't want them here. They are not wanted.
Do you get it? It's time to deport the illegals, and then put a cap on immigration from Mexico - no more Mexicans. Zip. Period. Full up - go home. <psst - I can see in their eyes that they know they are unwanted>

How about putting a block on money being sent to Mexico from the US? No American dollars flowing down to Mexico-way. That money should be respent in the US where it was made.

If nothing else, your wall idea would be symbolic. I like it.


I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: What's up with Immigr

darkbeaver said:
If the United States had not destroyed the aspirations and self determination of central and south America over the last hundred years they would not now be suffering the mass migration of latinos into continental America, the sustinance
stolen from them in the first place would have kept them in thier own lands. They are in a very real sence following thier own looted assets. This is another problem inherant in the form of capitalism entrenched in the US, America has allowed the corporations to systematically drive the unit cost of labour down below what is necessary to live the American dream. Big money's not going to allow any tampering with the virtual free labour offered by slavery,
America is trapped by it's own greed and there is no way out, none.

Are you including Cuba in your rant? Just curious.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Immigration to the US, has always been the cornerstone of growth. During the last decade, between new arrivals and adjusted immigration status, on average, we have had between 800,000 and 1,000,000 immigrants each and every year.

This country was founded based on immigration, it has expanded economically, technologically and culturaly all based on immigration. In October we are due to have a population of 300,000,000 people.

Keep them coming.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
RE: What's up with Immigr

In every country there are malcontents ITN, they will leave for supposed greener pastures regardless, do you think you got the cream of the Cuban's, Ithink not.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: What's up with Immigr

darkbeaver said:
In every country there are malcontents ITN, they will leave for supposed greener pastures regardless, do you think you got the cream of the Cuban's, Ithink not.

What do you define "cream of the crop", is that a racist comment?

Jo Canadian

Council Member
Mar 15, 2005
PEI...for now

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Re: RE: What's up with Immigr

darkbeaver said:
Cream rises to the top ITN it has nothing to do with race and you know it.

Really? Sounded pretty racist to me. Is it because they flee the "socialist paradise" and makes the free fringe left look like ....uhm.....idiots?


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Darkbeaver, I wish you understood better the primal
forces of nature that drive market economies.

It's not some artificial fiat by some distant CEO.

Often it is the CEO that reacts to, rather than leads
the price of labor.

And none of the CEOs call each other up on the phone
and agree worldwide what pay each strata of society
is to receive.

Also this thread started by asking about immigration
policy in America.

To be honest, settling this issue, and deciding policy
is like herding cats.

I'd like to repeat a 5 point solution and hear
some discussion on it.

1. Build the Wall.

Is it practical ? No. Will it succeed absolutely? No.
Is it costly to maintain? Yes. But not to build it contains
even more cost. Not to build it, makes it so much easier
for illegal immigrants. Let them build their tunnels
and ladders. Let them work hard at it.

2. Forget about EMPIRE.

And what does it matter about Empires ? That's for the dreamers. People forget the Dorian immigration/invasion and other tribal and ethnic invasions that dominated the
Greek and Roman empires. Forget about the old
paradigm of dictatorships having WALLS to keep people
trapped or the New Paradigm of WALLS to stop people
coming. This is for ivory tower pipe smokers.

Only after the Wall and border security is reasonably
achieved. Welcome them. This is good for THEM.
And this is good for US. Why? THEM and US don't
want people living in the shadows, waiting for the
other shoe to drop. This is not good for any society.

Let's invest and build up Mexico. Let's hit two birds
(mexican immigration and Chinese competition) with
one very intelligent stone. These people are hard
workers. No American white kid sends money home
to the parents. Mexicans do. Third highest segment
of their GNP.

The whole Latino community is not one monolith.
It is fractured, fragmented by nationality, Americanized
socializing vs new non-socialized immigrants, hard workers and criminals. Let's have a little mercy for
those Americans who live on the border who have
to tote a gun to protect themselves while a very
desperate immigrant travels over a desert wasteland,
tired and hungry, and is possibly criminal in finding
a very lucrative drug trade.

Get rid of the stereotypes. This whole immigration
wave is of many colors and stripes.

This is the plan.

This is what we should do.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire

The Wall

Build it, it is not intended for keeping us in, nor is it intended for keeping people out, how many people visit the US swimming via the Rio Grande? It's intent is keeping out undesirables, by that meaning illegal immigrants.


Not only Mexico, but further South. But that one is going to be a mission and a half. It will be condemned as American corporate imperialism, slave labor and all that jazz. I have always been an advocate of help building up Central and Latin America. Pulling it off will be quite a feat.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
So ITN, I take it you are in agreement to this 5-point plan proposal?

1. Build the Wall
2. Welcome THEM.
3. Forget about Empire.
4. Make Mexico Manufacture King
5. Get rid of the myths.

Reread 2 posts above.

By the way, ITN, it will be condemned. Good point ITN,
but the naysayers won't
have any better practical solution. We ought to
open up this NAFTA and
make it work for everybody
for once.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire

Screw the naysayers, when confronted with hard data, they begin to nitpick. Between 1993 and 2003 the economies of the three NAFTA members increased by United States:38%, Canada:30%, Mexico:30%.

We are the largest free trading bloc in the world with over 400 million people and rising, why not add more to them? The biggest issue when NAFTA was created was the argument that businesses would move South of the border, instead, they moved across the Pacific. I have heard about CAFTA recently but I don't think that transpired, we should expand NAFTA further South. Latin American people are very hard working individuals, they can amke a bright future for themselves.

Mexico should do something and solicit American manufacturing from China to Mexico, I hae no clue what, but they should get the ball rolling. North and South America has a future is we play our cards right. That's the way I see it.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
RE: What's up with Immigr

JimMoyer why wouldn't you just make manufacturing an American activity, why in the hell would you give up manufacturing to mexico, if you rebuild a fence arround your capital I think you could solve some of the problems. You get what you pay for.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
RE: What's up with Immigr

JimMoyer why wouldn't you just make manufacturing an American activity, why in the hell would you give up manufacturing to mexico, if you rebuild a fence arround your capital I think you could solve some of the problems. You get what you pay for.


Apr 6, 2005
RE: What's up with Immigr


I am so truly sorry that you deem someone else's opinion bullshit. Particularly one that on the surface is pro-U.S. and sounds centre-right imho.

Having said that, the forums of late are getting a bit too snippy and out of control so I ask nicely that you play nice or keep quiet. One or the other, it's your call!

(ps - your post was reported which is why this is being posted)


House Member
Jan 31, 2006
Beav darlin the Cold Wars over, gone, dead, fini'. Canada nor the US will never be a commie state.