What would you have done?


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
The point was that if he kept it, theivery on the behalf of the guards would be assumed, and they'd be unemployable in any job which required them to be bonded.

I understand what his point is Karrie, thanks though.


Electoral Member
Jan 13, 2008
I dream of the day that would happen to me..but.. realistically I would turn it in.sigh....the first time only though.... lmao.. you know when the cashier at Safeway gives you too much money back... I always spoke up.. but.. they do it so regualrily now and prices are soo high..I don't... lol


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I dream of the day that would happen to me..but.. realistically I would turn it in.sigh....the first time only though.... lmao.. you know when the cashier at Safeway gives you too much money back... I always spoke up.. but.. they do it so regualrily now and prices are soo high..I don't... lol

Sure....you have no problem "liberating" anything not nailed down in a hotel room.... but you'll hand in a sack full of money.


Electoral Member
Jan 13, 2008
Sure....you have no problem "liberating" anything not nailed down in a hotel room.... but you'll hand in a sack full of money.

lmao at 149.00 a night..damn right.those soaps, shampoos and hair nets are complimentary... means go ahead and use them.. just cause I used the for the kids to take to camp doesn't mean they didn't get used... lol


Electoral Member
Jun 4, 2005
Baja Canada
Honestly, I'd turn it in. It would bug me to keep it.

I'd have turned it back in. I'm with you, Karrie. Years ago, when the package boy brought my groceries out to the car, he said, "Look what you got for free." It was a mascara that had fallen through the slots in the buggy and lodged in a carton of Dr. Pepper. I didn't go back in and pay for it. I was exhausted after wrangling 2 little kids, it wasn't my fault, etc. ---so I told myself. And --- guess what? It has bugged me ever since.

If that store were still in business, I go back and give them the lousy $3.00 to get it off my mind.



Jan 6, 2007
lmao at 149.00 a night..damn right.those soaps, shampoos and hair nets are complimentary... means go ahead and use them.. just cause I used the for the kids to take to camp doesn't mean they didn't get used... lol

Plus, they get tossed between guests if they're opened... you may as well take them. It's the environmental thing to do.


Jan 6, 2007
I'd have turned it back in. I'm with you, Karrie. Years ago, when the package boy brought my groceries out to the car, he said, "Look what you got for free." It was a mascara that had fallen through the slots in the buggy and lodged in a carton of Dr. Pepper. I didn't go back in and pay for it. I was exhausted after wrangling 2 little kids, it wasn't my fault, etc. ---so I told myself. And --- guess what? It has bugged me ever since.

If that store were still in business, I go back and give them the lousy $3.00 to get it off my mind.


I once walked out of Wal-Mart with a pair of gloves.... went back and paid. I also accidentally took home a diamond ring when I was working in jewelery. It was in my apron pocket, and I just went home without checking my pockets. It was back in the case the next day.

The one thing I never went back over was a little toy chick my daughter had in her hand from a dollar store. I forgot she had it, paid for my other stuff and left. I never went back, and it still bugs me too.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Good bye pesky mortgage. I run a business delivering goods. I have been ripped off for enough TV's by other business men that I have adopted a no holds barred approach. If it's in my possession and you already signed for it, it is mine. Like you said Colpy mistakes happen. Too many people have capitalized on my misfortune for me not to be jaded. It's human nature. And as honest you all say you are now, maybe if you were on the poop end of the stick often enough you would just look out for yourself. Next time it will be you and you will think, 'where has my 20 years of honesty got me? I the damn hole due to thieves.' There are three people I would shoot now if I could.

So bottom line. Finders keepers, Losers weepers. It's the way of the world.


Jan 6, 2007
There are three people I would shoot now if I could.

Okay, I'm not arguing here, think of it more of a discussion across a table with a warm cup of coffee between us, because I'm interested in your view....

If this is the way you think of people who've lifted material/money off of you, why would you want to become one of them?


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Okay, I'm not arguing here, think of it more of a discussion across a table with a warm cup of coffee between us, because I'm interested in your view....

If this is the way you think of people who've lifted material/money off of you, why would you want to become one of them?

Being honest has not protected me from them. There is no protection. Why should I protect the very people who rip me off? Of course there is no proof, as a matter of fact unless you catch someone red handed then you are out of luck. So calling the cops is out. They didn't even show up when one of my transport trucks was stolen. Just took a report over the phone. It was an empty truck so they just didn't have time for it. If I really wanted to be dishonest I would be retired now. Instead I'm Mr Honest with a clear conscience and a big Visa bill.


Jan 6, 2007
Being honest has not protected me from them. There is no protection. Why should I protect the very people who rip me off? Of course there is no proof, as a matter of fact unless you catch someone red handed then you are out of luck. So calling the cops is out. They didn't even show up when one of my transport trucks was stolen. Just took a report over the phone. It was an empty truck so they just didn't have time for it. If I really wanted to be dishonest I would be retired now. Instead I'm Mr Honest with a clear conscience and a big Visa bill.

It still just doesn't make sense to me though, because they usually wouldn't be the ones you'd be taking from in what you consider a fair bit of turn around. I can see being jaded, I can see protecting your investments, property... that is a side of self interest I totally understand. I'm not about to roll over and let someone take my stuff if I can prevent it without risking my life. But to take from someone else because someone took from me? I don't follow the rationale, because it turns you into them, victimizing someone else.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.

He'll do ok. May find his business picking up.

Did the right thing.

Cheap reward...........ah well........

You have to live with yourself. When I was a kid.........(here he goes)............I used to cut the lawn for an ol biddy across the street. Freakin lawn was about half a block square, and she gave me a quarter, and bitched about it. She used to stiff the paper boy. Turned out the lights on halloween. I found her "change purse" on the sidewalk and gave it back, money intact. She never even said thanks..............What's my point???

When she died, know how many were at her funeral....................right..........0

I compare her to the banks, and I'd still turn in the money. Me dear ol granny would come back to haunt me, and that was someone you did not piss off!!



Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
lmao at 149.00 a night..damn right.those soaps, shampoos and hair nets are complimentary... means go ahead and use them.. just cause I used the for the kids to take to camp doesn't mean they didn't get used... lol

Save some of that soap for Gerry's mouth. :angryfire:
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House Member
Oct 8, 2007
I guess it's my turn now to reveal what a low-lifer I really am!!

I would have kept the money!!! Fate wanted ME to have it! Don't argue with fate, accept what's handed to you! Be a woman!!!:p
Then I would have asked Beaver to come with me on a world tour!;-):lol: If he was still chicken about it, I might ask Durka!8O:cool::lol: