We Should Transport as Much Oil as We Can by Pipeline


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
It isn't like China and India wouldn't be there to gobble up the extra or are they to be on permanent rations while we underdeveloped our products to make sure they remain as 3rd world as possible. That may work in the short term but news gets out sooner or later.
Who is going to suffer more, the west that is energy self sufficient or the east with iced over ports and no oil coming in?
The people in the east should move west rather than trying to prop up a place that has way too many people for the available resources.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Anytime you attempt to create economic activity there will be someone that will protest it. At one time they were called Luddites. Now mostly they are called welfare bums.
In BC we have a great many idle rich that moved here after making their money and think they want a wetcoast lifestyle. They protest everything progressive. Only problem is the "lifestyle" they are looking for has nothing remotely relative to the westcoast that I grew up in. We log, fish and mine. The only reason to live here is because it was a good place to earn a living. Things these newcomers want is no industry to interfere with their playing. We are supposed to be happy mowing their lawns, washing their cars and serving popcorn to tourists. Oh and changing their diapers.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Perhaps you should learn to adapt rather than get it developed so far and then pulling the plug as it is 'perfect' when underdeveloped is the reality. Fishing could be ramped up by creating more egg beds on the rivers, forestry is supposed to be renewable which mean easy access to the plots of land that is used. So far BC has been living off what was there before people came in high numbers and next to nothing has been put back. The 'share' concept only counts when it gains you something you have no actual right to in the first place.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
I don't object to the pipeline. I object to repurposing a 50-year-old gas pipe that's already blown out three times locally - twice at Englehart and once at Martin River. Shortcuts aren't the best solution


New Member
Dec 23, 2011
I don't understand how train transport could be safer. The pipeline sound more economic to me but I'm not for investing in such structure when I know that the oil demand could reach almost nothing anytime. Anytime from my information.