WE really need to get rid of this guy


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC

How Ottawa utterly botched Canada's COVID vaccine acquisition

Rejecting a private sector manufacturing plan in favour of a botched internal one

It’s now becoming increasingly clear that as the world mobilizes to immunize itself against COVID-19, Canada is falling seriously behind. At a time when more than half of Israelis have gotten the jab, Canada has only two per cent of its population vaccinated. Recent analysis by The Economist found that while virtually all of Europe will be fully vaccinated by the end of this year, the earliest Canada can hope for is mid-2022. And in one of the sharpest rebukes to Canada’s pandemic performance yet, the federal government has tapped into a global vaccine-sharing pool initially meant for developing nations.

The coming months will reveal much of the failures and oversights that allowed this to happen, but below is a primer on why you’re going to be vaccinated much later than if you were an American, Brit or even Serbian.

Betting our vaccine hopes on a deeply questionable Chinese plan first, Canada seemed to have vaccine-acquisition under control. The Chinese pharma company CanSino had developed what was then one of the world’s most promising vaccine candidates, and Ottawa struck a deal to have it undergo human trials in Canada, with Canadian laboratories free to reproduce and manufacture the shot.

But only days after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the arrangement, China shut off all shipments of the CanSino vaccine to Canada in what is believed to have been a spiteful retaliation for the continued imprisonment of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver. In hindsight, it may have been a bad idea to bet the country’s pandemic recovery on one of Canada’s top geopolitical enemies.

More: https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/cana...vaccine-acquisition/ar-BB1dpNFc?ocid=BingNews
But the grey in his beard means he's real mature and serious.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Why hasn't Canada applied for licensing of vaccines to be produced here? Astra-Zenica (sp) has already licensed 13 countries to produce their own vaccines - not Canada tho'. I guess it makes too much sense so the government decided against it (???). If we had our own production facilities, there wouldn't be a shortage and we wouldn't have to rely on other countries for the vaccine.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Why hasn't Canada applied for licensing of vaccines to be produced here? Astra-Zenica (sp) has already licensed 13 countries to produce their own vaccines - not Canada tho'. I guess it makes too much sense so the government decided against it (???). If we had our own production facilities, there wouldn't be a shortage and we wouldn't have to rely on other countries for the vaccine.
But there was it was granted to a Montreal company that is now over budget and past schedule, in cooperation with a Chinese company that backed out

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
We are a post national country who needs the pre loaded stimulus locked up in old folks assets to restart the globalist banker's economy, I guess.
Which means that if you were fortunate (i.e. frugal) and managed to save for future expenses and/or retirement, you can kiss your savings goodbye. I sincerely hope that doesn't happen but it's being talked about, that's for sure. Freeland has mentioned it already and I'm sure as a former "reporter" she has all the expertise required to pull this off!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And if the Forum removed the capitalization of WE, here it is again.

WE really need to get rid of this guy. I am of course referring to MVP of strike three in the ethics batter box, none other than Justin Trudeau. But hey, he's real sorry, because, "He (sniff) should have recused himself. And what of his number two man, ahem, er, person?

No, not Chystia Freeland, she doesn't actually do anything except cut bad deals with washed up reality show clowns plagued by mental health issues. Oh, and take hard questions the Prime Minister is incapable of answering without having panic attack. So, she serves a purpose.

But I speak of Bill Morneau, the finance minister, in terms of importance. The finance minister is far more important in the scheme of things, than the deputy prime minister. Something else the finance must have an understanding of is "finances and accounting," after all he does draft the country's federal budget covering everything from healthcare to infrastructure to pandemic spending. So, my opinion, the two most important people in a sitting government are the leader and his finance minister. Those two guys call the shots. Now, with Justin it is pretty clear that he is the spoiled rich kid who didn't have to abide by the rules, so I get the psyche of entitlement. But Bill Morneau runs the country's finances and if you believe him when he says he didn't notice $41,000.00 in travel expenses, you are either obtuse or you just don't give a flying banana loaf about your country anymore. Funny how he suddenly remembered to pay it on the day of his testimony?

The Prime Minister and his finance minister knew exactly what they were doing. They won't admit it, because to do so is to pull back the red curtain and expose the contempt they have for the people of Canada. Your political preferences shouldn't play into this, whether you think the Liberals are golden gods should be irrelevant because there is something much larger at play. The future of Canadian politics and the culture of corruption we are seeing with this government will set a standard for future governments left or right. They will know that voters of this country no longer hold elected officials accountable for their actions. This WE scandal is a bigger deal than Ad scam, because it runs directly into the office of the prime minister, touching him, his mother, his brother. This may end up being the straw that broke the camels back.

I hope so.
And the third important member is the Atty. General/Minister of Justice...............Jody Wilson Raybould back in the day when Justin abused her trying to get her to ignore the corruption of S.N.C. Lavalin. That Gov't should have fallen the day he dismissed her and the learned doctor.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
And the third important member is the Atty. General/Minister of Justice...............Jody Wilson Raybould back in the day when Justin abused her trying to get her to ignore the corruption of S.N.C. Lavalin. That Gov't should have fallen the day he dismissed her and the learned doctor.
Dismissing cabinet members - rightly or wrongly - is not a valid reason for a government to fall, JLM. What should have brought the government down was the SNC Lavalin scandal itself. Dr Philpott was a victim of her own innate loyalty when she staunchly stood by her friend. As for the former AG, I lost respect for her when she took it upon herself and in total disregard for the office she held to speak out on the Colten Boushie case.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Often it isn't the crime, it's the cover up - which would fall between where both of you are in the last couple posts.
I had hoped lavalin was going to bring him down - it didn't, and then and I thought the cover up was going to take him down, and it didn't, but instead now, we have white people labeled as terrorists for opposing genocidal marxist terrorists.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Dismissing cabinet members - rightly or wrongly - is not a valid reason for a government to fall, JLM. What should have brought the government down was the SNC Lavalin scandal itself. Dr Philpott was a victim of her own innate loyalty when she staunchly stood by her friend. As for the former AG, I lost respect for her when she took it upon herself and in total disregard for the office she held to speak out on the Colten Boushie case.
From what I remember of the case, at the time I thought Bushie was the author of his own demise!
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It was damaging for everyone involved. It led to every piece of property in SK being posted No Trespassing or No Hunting. Rights were modified to protect property. All forms of law enforcement integrated from trucker cops, conservation, Reserve cops, city to RCMP. US style.