Water is Life


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
North Dakota issues arrest warrant for Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman

Amy Goodman, host and executive producer for Democracy Now, has been criminally charged for documenting attacks on indigenous protesters.
Last week, a Democracy Now film crew captured footage of private security contractors hired by the oil companies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline attacking protesters with dogs and pepper spray. Video of the attacks went viral on social media, with Democracy Now’s story about the attacks garnering over 131,000 shares on Facebook as of this writing. WDAZ reported that Goodman, along with Cody Charles Hall, a media spokesman for the Red Warrior Camp, have both been charged with criminal trespassing.
Livestreamer Unicorn Riot, who has been on the ground in North Dakota documenting Native Americans’ unified standoff with the pipeline company, tweeted a photo of the arrest warrant issued for Goodman and Hall:

North Dakota issues arrest warrant for Democracy Now's Amy Goodman


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Didn't the leader of the Green Party in Amerika also get arrested?
She and her running mate have been charged with vandalism.

Why the Standing Rock protests are important:

Latest Louisiana Oil Pipeline Rupture

Yesterday, I flew over the latest pipeline leak on the Louisiana Gulf Coast and took plenty of footage to document the damage. The scene out there is pretty nasty and reminiscent of the 2010 BP disaster, though much smaller in scale. My flight was sponsored by SouthWings.org and piloted by the incredibly skilled Lance Rydberg.
South Louisiana continues to get ravaged by pipeline and other leaks. The latest came in the form of an estimated 5,250-gallon crude oil leak on Chenier Ronquille, a barrier island on the edge of Bay Long in southern Barataria Bay. The incident was allegedly caused by a contractor working on a restoration project aimed at restoring the effects of, well, the BP disaster. Apparently heavy equipment operated by Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. accidentally cut through the pipeline owned by Harvest Pipeline Company, an affiliate of Hilcorp Energy. You may recall that Hilcorp was responsible for another nasty pipeline leak just a few weeks ago in Lake Grande Ecaille, also part of Barataria Bay. It’s now being reported that at least 200 oiled birds have been spotted.


Yup, pipelines are safe... my azz.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
mongo alert, golf isn't a sport.

Try telling that to a Scotsman retard.
Do you just come here to prove that commies are idiots?

North Dakota issues arrest warrant for Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman

Amy Goodman, host and executive producer for Democracy Now, has been criminally charged for documenting attacks on indigenous protesters.
Last week, a Democracy Now film crew captured footage of private security contractors hired by the oil companies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline attacking protesters with dogs and pepper spray. Video of the attacks went viral on social media, with Democracy Now’s story about the attacks garnering over 131,000 shares on Facebook as of this writing. WDAZ reported that Goodman, along with Cody Charles Hall, a media spokesman for the Red Warrior Camp, have both been charged with criminal trespassing.
Livestreamer Unicorn Riot, who has been on the ground in North Dakota documenting Native Americans’ unified standoff with the pipeline company, tweeted a photo of the arrest warrant issued for Goodman and Hall:

North Dakota issues arrest warrant for Democracy Now's Amy Goodman
Nice to see the law actually doing their job. The Pipeline company has a legal right to build their pipeline. Anyone getting in the way is breaking the law and more imoportantly costing working people money and putting lives at risk.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Try telling that to a Scotsman retard.
Do you just come here to prove that commies are idiots?

Nice to see the law actually doing their job. The Pipeline company has a legal right to build their pipeline. Anyone getting in the way is breaking the law and more imoportantly costing working people money and putting lives at risk.
You really don't have a clue, do you?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
She and her running mate have been charged with vandalism.

Good. They should also be forced to pay full restitution for any damage and downtime.Then thrown in jail.

You really don't have a clue, do you?

Ya I do. It is you that is out of touch with reality. Peoples jobs are at stake here and you are supporting welfare bums.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hey Clitford. CHALLENGE ME!!!

She and her running mate have been charged with vandalism.

Why the Standing Rock protests are important:

Latest Louisiana Oil Pipeline Rupture

Yesterday, I flew over the latest pipeline leak on the Louisiana Gulf Coast and took plenty of footage to document the damage. The scene out there is pretty nasty and reminiscent of the 2010 BP disaster, though much smaller in scale. My flight was sponsored by SouthWings.org and piloted by the incredibly skilled Lance Rydberg.
South Louisiana continues to get ravaged by pipeline and other leaks. The latest came in the form of an estimated 5,250-gallon crude oil leak on Chenier Ronquille, a barrier island on the edge of Bay Long in southern Barataria Bay. The incident was allegedly caused by a contractor working on a restoration project aimed at restoring the effects of, well, the BP disaster. Apparently heavy equipment operated by Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. accidentally cut through the pipeline owned by Harvest Pipeline Company, an affiliate of Hilcorp Energy. You may recall that Hilcorp was responsible for another nasty pipeline leak just a few weeks ago in Lake Grande Ecaille, also part of Barataria Bay. It’s now being reported that at least 200 oiled birds have been spotted.


Yup, pipelines are safe... my azz.

Amazing photoshop. You aren't THAT stupid to see reality are you?


Council Member
Oct 18, 2015
Try telling that to a Scotsman retard.
Do you just come here to prove that commies are idiots?

Nice to see the law actually doing their job. The Pipeline company has a legal right to build their pipeline. Anyone getting in the way is breaking the law and more imoportantly costing working people money and putting lives at risk.
LOL, clueless IDIOT!

Scotland now hates golf after stupid bourgie clown Trump tried to destroy very useful Wind towers to build a nonsense golf course for rich people.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
She and her running mate have been charged with vandalism.
Good. They should also be forced to pay full restitution for any damage and downtime.Then thrown in jail.
Ya I do. It is you that is out of touch with reality. Peoples jobs are at stake here and you are supporting welfare bums.



The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
She and her running mate have been charged with vandalism.

Why the Standing Rock protests are important:

Latest Louisiana Oil Pipeline Rupture

Yesterday, I flew over the latest pipeline leak on the Louisiana Gulf Coast and took plenty of footage to document the damage. The scene out there is pretty nasty and reminiscent of the 2010 BP disaster, though much smaller in scale. My flight was sponsored by SouthWings.org and piloted by the incredibly skilled Lance Rydberg.
South Louisiana continues to get ravaged by pipeline and other leaks. The latest came in the form of an estimated 5,250-gallon crude oil leak on Chenier Ronquille, a barrier island on the edge of Bay Long in southern Barataria Bay. The incident was allegedly caused by a contractor working on a restoration project aimed at restoring the effects of, well, the BP disaster. Apparently heavy equipment operated by Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. accidentally cut through the pipeline owned by Harvest Pipeline Company, an affiliate of Hilcorp Energy. You may recall that Hilcorp was responsible for another nasty pipeline leak just a few weeks ago in Lake Grande Ecaille, also part of Barataria Bay. It’s now being reported that at least 200 oiled birds have been spotted.
Ok so a dredge operator hits a pipe but it's the big bad oil company's fault.

200 oiled birds eh? Well they can be cleaned unlike the hundreds killed by your precious windmills.

That isn't what the oil patch looks like dufus


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the hundreds of Native protestors who have joined them in rural North Dakota won a huge but provisional victory in their quest to stop the Dakota Access pipeline, as the U.S. government announced late on Friday afternoon that it was voluntarily halting work on the project.

The triumph tasted all the sweeter because it had followed so closely after a seemingly immense defeat. Mere minutes after a federal judge declined the Tribe’s request for an injunction to stop construction on the pipeline, the Obama administration made a surprise announcement that it would not permit the project to continue for now.

“Construction of the pipeline on Army Corps land bordering or under Lake Oahe will not go forward at this time,” said a joint statement from the Department of Justice, the Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Army. “We request that the pipeline company voluntarily pause all construction activity within 20 miles east or west of Lake Oahe.”

The Obama Administration Steps In to Block the Dakota Access Pipeline - The Atlantic

The fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline is part of a centuries-long indigenous struggle against dispossession and capitalist expansionism.
