US to Host Anti-terror Summit to address Violent Extremists


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Buddhist radicals are the worst.. All that destructive meditating and praying and all

It's your primitive mind that limits this to religion/philosophy.

Why People Kill People Over Satire - Businessweek

Why People Kill People Over Satire

By Eric Roston January 09, 2015 2:56 PM EST

Don Emmert/AFP via Getty Images
A gathering in New York in memory of the people murdered in the attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris this week.

Many thousands of generations ago, the alpha male in a roaming band of pre-humans felt threatened by a beta male. He picked up a heavy stone to warn the beta away from his fresh kill. Then he turned his back to feast on the carcass.

The beta mocked the warning gesture to his companions, earning laughs, and then a fatal stone to the skull. In that moment, we became people.

The coldblooded slaughter at Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris this week -- now compounded by slain hostages and reports of more hostage-taking -- wasn't as surprising as it was repulsive. We've seen such responses to satire before, and we know the fascist impulse to murder free thought when we see it.

It wasn't surprising, but of course it should be. And as these attacks increase, they raise a basic but compelling question:

Why would anybody actually kill anybody over mockery?

The easy answer is that the killer is violent, self-aggrandizing, depraved. All true, but it skirts the question. The reality goes much deeper.

There are three basic traits involved here, which transcend nationality and ideology and touch the very core of who we all are. They are violence, religion and satire.

Violence was baked in at the beginning. Similar murderous impulses in humans and chimpanzees suggest that exterminating other bands to protect territory or food supply is an old instinct common to both.

“What is the chance of such tendencies evolving independently in two closely related mammals?” says Frans de Waal, professor of primate behavior at Emory University, in his 2006 book, "Our Inner Ape." He observes that “the human pattern most similar to that of the apes is known as ‘lethal raiding.’ Raids consist of a group of men launching a surprise attack when they have the upper hand -- hence when there’s little chance that they will suffer themselves.”

As for religion, the sociobiologists make a compelling case that faith has been central to human survival. Not because one or another faith holds the secrets to the universe, but because religion bound individuals together into tribes and communities against external threats, raising everybody's chance of survival to child-rearing age. It's not for nothing that the "lig" in "religion" is the same as in "ligament." They are ties that bind.

If reverence is essential to our evolution, how did irreverence come to play such a powerful role in the way we relate to each other?

We're told we respond to threats in one of two ways: fight or flight. There is a third response: the laughter reflex. That's our way of standing down without running away, or of standing up without really fighting. Greece had Aristophanes. Kings had their fools. France has Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie Hebdo does satire, and satire is weaponized humor. It's an evolutionary tool that people who are neither in power nor armed can use to reduce the stature of the mighty -- or, like radical Islam, the grandiose. It identifies something undignified, corrupt or otherwise low-status about the powerful or sacred, says Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at Harvard and the author of several popular science books.

As soon as that happens, laughter automatically ripples through those in the crowd who agree. Simply by hearing and reflexively understanding the joke, a listener acknowledges that the satirist's target is asking for it.

And that laughter doesn't mean just that the listeners understand the satire, Pinker says. It means they understand that everyone else understands it.

So it's an epiphany, instantly transforming the common knowledge that holds communities together, the foundation of social order. In a blink, the emperor has no clothes.

“That’s why satire is not always such funny business,” Pinker says.

In fact, good satire is funny because it can be read in two ways, as a joke or as a statement with a darker purpose. That’s what puts a small, vital part of the mind eternally out of the reach of dictators, torturers and zealots.

The dead of Charlie Hebdo join a tragic pantheon of writers martyred for humor, including, notably, the writers of the Soviet Union. They come to mind now, in connection with this week's mayhem, as Russian President Vladimir Putin tightens his own iron fist over dissent.

Daniil Kharms, whose absurdist prose became influential once the world was allowed to see it in the 1970s, dropped it and moved on to writing children's books before he was imprisoned and starved to death in the early 1940s. Isaac Babel chronicled life in the military and in Jewish Odessa in his stories, infused with ironies, and was executed by a firing squad at the start of that decade.

And then there's the comedian Yakov Smirnoff, who emigrated to the U.S. For his Reagan-era stand-up act, Smirnoff crafted an exquisitely funny, haunting joke about those natural counterparts, tyranny and comedy.

“Many people are surprised to hear that we have comedians in Russia, but they are there," he wrote. "They are dead, but they are there.”

Why People Kill People Over Satire - Businessweek
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Please put down the scimitar and try again.

The problem is radicalism.

What's more radical than a drone strike on a funeral Mr News? Forty or fifty women children and old men not out there far enough for you? I don't think you know radicalism from dog poo.
How about near total destruction of five countries in a decade, not enough evidence for you? Not the right suspects?

US to Host Anti-terror Summit to address Violent Extremists

If that isn't the stupiest thing printed in months. It might as well read Priests Convene to Plan Day Care activity.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I completely agree with the need to find out the underlying causes of violent radicals.

Religion. Now you know and don't have to wait for the study.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The with the biggest pile of spent casings is the enemy. (causing is the same thing)

I completely agree with the need to find out the underlying causes of violent radicals.

Religion. Now you know and don't have to wait for the study.
The better and more sure sign is they are the first to come up with a 'solution'.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
So Christianity is a religion.

Are you saying that it creates violent radicals?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Bombing the crap out of countries, murdering their women and children, invading them, destroying their infrastructure, killing their leaders.... leads to retaliation. GTF out of their countries and this so called terrorism will stop, because, to them, we are the terrorists.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
Please put down the scimitar and try again.

The problem is radicalism.
okay I'm going to go with this for the sake of's all about radicalism within the Muslim faith...let's make that a given

now two things...

  • why are these radicals all Muslim....there are for sure non Muslim who commit violence and they absolutely outnumber Muslims radicals by a long shot...thing is, I don't hear them screaming: "die in the name of Christ"... why is that?
  • next, have you ever been in a situation where someone does something that you disagree with but a part of you goes "yay" because I truly believe some Muslim believers although they would not themselves be violent...go "yay" another infidel dies
Now after that...what would you do with these radicals...kill them...given them a pass?


Bombing the crap out of countries, murdering their women and children, invading them, destroying their infrastructure, killing their leaders.... leads to retaliation. GTF out of their countries and this so called terrorism will stop, because, to them, we are the terrorists.
I believe that we need to GTF out of other countries, pay for the oil that we want fairly but I do not believe that will stop the terrorism Cliffy...that may well have been the catalyst...but we are way past that now, there are people who are hating us just for living in the West...they would kill you as look at you...I don't know the way back but we need to find it


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
okay so what do you think is going on with these radicals and what would your solution be?

The invented radicals act as wedges to move along policy in profitable directions. If we are to believe that money and power refuse to use radical terrorists tactics and haven't in fact a near monopoly on such utilities, expressly because of that overwhelming money and power, then we will never have any hope of stopping the brutal despicable carnage of privilaged hereditary criminal enterprise. Even in the time of the Crusades this time worn method of encitement was used with exactly the same purpose in mind. I'm not saying anything that is new or radical or novel. It's the way things are.


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
The United States said it will host a summit in Washington next month on preventing violent extremism, as European and American leaders call for stronger measures to monitor people online and at borders..."

The summit will be a Kabuki dance...stylized political posturing. Nothing of substance will be accomplished.

Violent extremism has existed throughout recorded history. Every group has had a spin at the wheel.

What matters to North Americans living in the current era is current violent extremism that affects us. In the current era violent extremism that affects us comes in the form of Jihadism perpetrated by Muslims claiming they are acting in the name of their faith and who are supported by hundreds of millions of their co-religionists.

As long as people in the West are unable to identify their enemy by name they will be unable to deal effectively with the threat posed by Jihadism. The longer this inability continues the more diminished the West will become.

Jihadists are aided by Fellow Travelers. Who are the Fellow Travelers? American Leftists who are blind to the threat of Jihadism because it runs counter to their world view in which all cultures are equal in the multicultural context.