Trump USA : 2020


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
OMG Antifa is real; they're thugs & misinformed individuals who have been brain-washed by the Left into thinking that Socialism is the way to go. I watched Hannity interview a Professor (a year or two ago) who (apparently) is one of the leaders of Antifa and he categorically stated that violence was a means to an end and he didn't have a problem with it. A PROFESSOR. Hannity made a comment stating that he didn't envy the parents of young adults attending his classes or even his University (the name of which escapes me). This Prof had no apologies for the actions of Antifa. Other individuals are likely taking advantage of the situation and may not be members of Antifa - just plain criminals. Between the two, they are destroying the communities that they say need help. How ironic is that? When asked about Socialist ideology, the Prof said that previous governments who failed under Socialist societies simply "did it wrong". Unbelievable! Ya, right. Human greed and power knows no bounds and and I'm sure those who profess to believe in a socialist society believe that whatever happens won't happen to them - just the "deplorables" I guess.

Then you have "Harvard Educated" lawyers throwing molotov cocktails at the cops - wow, that's impressive!! Way to put your education to good use! Their parents must be really proud. (Hope they lose their license to practice law).

I have some questions - why don't people like Pelosie, Schumer, the Mayors & Governors of these Democratic states (many of whom are Black) move into these communities? Why don't their kids attend public schools in those same communities? Why don't they give those same communities the option of choosing where to send their kids, especially since their schools are failing? Why didn't the Obamas move back to Chicago? After all he was a "Community Organizer" wasn't he?
What did he "organize" when he was in Chicago? Not much apparently.

Know why? Because first, it's beneath them and secondly, they don't want to see the poorer communities succeed by getting a decent education because then it might become apparent how their so-called "Leaders" are failing and they gotta keep 'em down so they can ensure control over their lives - and as long as it doesn't affect them, (gated communities anyone?) people like Sharpton can yell, and scream about how evil Conservatives (or Republicans) are when in fact it's people like him to are traitors to their own people. It's absolutely astounding the hypocrisy but you won't hear or see anyone challenging them.

Sharpton and his ilk are in it for the publicity and money and they have done absolutely nothing in the past 50 years to help those same communities because they are beholden to their favorite politicians who think the same way. Where can I get more publicity and how can I make more money so I don't have to go back to those same communities? And so it is.

Trump can be called all sorts of names and maybe some are deserved but he has done more for America (which surprised the hell out of me as I didn't like him initially either) than any President in recent memory. Unfortunately the China virus kinda put a damper on stuff but once things settle down, he'll continue to do well. I, like many others, don't particularly like the way he trashes some people but I do understand why - he's being trashed as well - however, he needs to rise above the trash-talk and simply talk directly to Americans especially since the MSM refuses to cover his policies accurately if at all. He's not perfect by any means, but I contend that he's what America (and the world) needs now because we're in the fight of a lifetime. If you don't think what happens in America won't be happening here, I have some swamp land in Florida you might be interested in.

Just sayin....
To bad they were Harvard lawyers , we wouldn’t have wanted to see what Georgetown lawyers can do .


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I watched Hannity interview a Professor (a year or two ago) who (apparently) is one of the leaders of Antifa and he categorically stated that violence was a means to an end and he didn't have a problem with it. A PROFESSOR.
Better put up a fence to protect yourself from scary 75-year-old Antifa terrorists with scanners coming to black out your equipment, Dix!
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

The Daily Show's »Trump's Best Words« 2020 - Extended

REPUBLICANS: Joe Biden is in cognitive decline
ALSO REPUBLICANS: We love our brain daddy


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Prog shit. Mueller was a big disappointment for progs.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Did anyone see Trump's "statement"?? It cannot be called a press conference.
He talked totally about Hong Kong. and left the podium. NO comment about all the actviity re: the protesting , the murder of an unarmed black man. or the charges laid. No comment after his violence inciting tweet.: When the looting starts, the shooting starts".
Another tactic of distraction. Yes, Hong Kong is NB........but the racist crisis in the US is hitting a tipping pint. As is the degree of police brutality against pigmented people.
No amount of technological advances can make up for the culture of inhumanity , inequality, and ugly racism.
Have folks become so used to racism that they just take if for granted now??
Trump fiddles, while the US burns in angst.
Wow. Mandarins want to get rid of Cantonese and the 6% non Han but it's not important because a black guy died.

7.451 Million unimportant Chinks right?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You.

The president is a racist, in his words and his actions.

Before you go clutching your pearls and extolling the virtues of “civility,” let me say this: put a sock in it.
This is not a new revelation, nor is it something that we can continue to ignore as though it were coming from a drunk uncle at the family barbeque. Bigotry is dangerous and, in the hands of our nation’s commander-in-chief, it can mean an inability to recognize individual humanity and a failure to act with moral authority in times of crisis. Every person talking about his clothes as he cheerfully bares his ass is part of the problem.
Sunday, he claimed that newly elected progressive Democrats “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and “the worst, more corrupt and inept anywhere in the world.” And he told freshmen Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar—outspoken Democratic women of color who have challenged the administration’s inhumane immigration policies— to leave the country.
Three of the four were born here in the United States. All are American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress.



Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You.
The president is a racist, in his words and his actions.
Before you go clutching your pearls and extolling the virtues of “civility,” let me say this: put a sock in it.
This is not a new revelation, nor is it something that we can continue to ignore as though it were coming from a drunk uncle at the family barbeque. Bigotry is dangerous and, in the hands of our nation’s commander-in-chief, it can mean an inability to recognize individual humanity and a failure to act with moral authority in times of crisis. Every person talking about his clothes as he cheerfully bares his ass is part of the problem.
Sunday, he claimed that newly elected progressive Democrats “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and “the worst, more corrupt and inept anywhere in the world.” And he told freshmen Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar—outspoken Democratic women of color who have challenged the administration’s inhumane immigration policies— to leave the country.
Three of the four were born here in the United States. All are American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress.
Total bullshit.