Trump not as dumb as some think! :)


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Drumpf's main revenu is building Drumpf towers, hotels. and he dose so at a very efficient cost. He understands how to negotiate by placing himself in a position of power.

A typical construction type guy. You guys are clueless.

Who's responsibility is it to be understood? Is it the person who listens or the person who talks?

If you are unable to make us understand what you are attempting to communicate lies, with you. being expletive about it is getting you nothing.

Drump's main revenue is lending his name and money. He really hasn't done the building or architecture. He's paid others to do it for him, so he's hired himself some extra smart peoplel. He's never had to claw him way up like you have.

Weird that you keep short changing yourself when say he is like you.

He has networked like nobodies business, fo sho. But nothing you say is going to make me think trump is anything but extremely fortunate.

You, I know were not.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Drumpf's not dumb. Trumpites are dumb

well...he's not brilliant. Stephen Hawking ain't got ta worry.

But he's not george bush dumb either.

He is almost as funny to watch though. LOL

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
Trump's main revenu is building Trump towers, hotels. and he dose so at a very efficient cost. He understands how to negotiate by placing himself in a position of power.

A typical construction type guy. You guys are clueless.
Doesn't Trump remind you of someone who has built and built and is tired of all this and has a new mission on building,which in a way can be a very productive thing or two,just what the world ordered,a determined crazy at the helm,no soft target!

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
No, Trump's not dumb at all, he just knows what dumb people want to hear. And by definition, half of us are below average on the dumb-smart scale.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
More like horrifying. I think I'd like to play poker with him, his tells are so obvious he'd never be able to pull off a bluff against anyone who understands how to play the game.
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Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Trump is a brilliant man, he didn't get where he is today by being just a normal Joe.

The other characteristic about Trump is that he is not swayed by Political Correctness

He got where he is today because he inherited a vast fortune. Pretty much every business venture he has attempted on his own has been a colossal failure.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
it means that a rabbi was there to "bless" the proceedings, no knives involved touched milk or milk products and non scaled fish or other non allowed foods were prepared in the same building.

Yeah, I was thinking afterwards there is a slang meaning for kosher similar to Hunky dory like "everything's kosher".

He got where he is today because he inherited a vast fortune. Pretty much every business venture he has attempted on his own has been a colossal failure.

So how does he keep 23,000 employees employed?

If Trump had a way to make every single American an instant billionaire, cure every disease and give everybody whatever they want those who don't like him would still criticize his every word and move. I think it makes them feel righteous.

You got that right, D.M. :)

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
No, if he were a normal joe, he'd be working as a second hand car dealer.

He got where he is because his father had money.

There has been no episode in history where a large group of 1 type of people moving to an area with a completely different type of people and it's been smooth.

Change is hard. Why anyone would think it would go smoothly shows lack of historical knowledge and lack of knowledge of the human animal.

Look how hard it is for the people here to accept the changes and it hasn't even happened to them personally. lol

You're being extremely naïve as are those who agree with you. We need to take seriously what is happening in Europe. We're lucky in that we have an ocean between us, quite frankly.

In Europe, simply the mass amount of immigrants have changed things drastically in a very short period of time and the immigrants/refugees that have arrived there are not willing to "integrate" or "assimilate" into the country that they've chosen to stay in. Calling your "host" country infidels et al isn't helping much either. The tension is palatable, no doubt. Sweden may not have had a terrorist attack but they're being attacked in other ways as has happened in the recent past.

Canadians need to be extremely careful because while nothing has happened yet, that doesn't mean we let down our guard. The Islamists have been quite frank about their intentions, not only for Europe, but for the UK and North America as well. While we carry on with our everyday lives, we need to be mindful of what they have publicly stated and also be assured they will do everything they can to destroy what we have built simply because of their medieval ideology.

It doesn't mean not letting any immigrants in but ensuring that those who come here are here for the right reason; I don't think there's a darn thing wrong with that.



Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
You're being extremely naïve as are those who agree with you. We need to take seriously what is happening in Europe. We're lucky in that we have an ocean between us, quite frankly.

In Europe, simply the mass amount of immigrants have changed things drastically in a very short period of time and the immigrants/refugees that have arrived there are not willing to "integrate" or "assimilate" into the country that they've chosen to stay in. Calling your "host" country infidels et al isn't helping much either. The tension is palatable, no doubt. Sweden may not have had a terrorist attack but they're being attacked in other ways as has happened in the recent past.

Canadians need to be extremely careful because while nothing has happened yet, that doesn't mean we let down our guard. The Islamists have been quite frank about their intentions, not only for Europe, but for the UK and North America as well. While we carry on with our everyday lives, we need to be mindful of what they have publicly stated and also be assured they will do everything they can to destroy what we have built simply because of their medieval ideology.

It doesn't mean not letting any immigrants in but ensuring that those who come here are here for the right reason; I don't think there's a darn thing wrong with that.


People really are naïve. Normal people cannot comprehend at gut level that others can be as evil as what the terrorists do. They just can't. Until it happens to them. Even then they tend to downplay it as an isolated incident.

What people don't understand is that there is no way of ensuring what an immigrant's/refugee's purpose is for coming here. They aren't going to reveal how they really feel about our society if they know it will keep them out.
Families who come here secretly hating our western civilization can raise their children to harbour the same hatred, grow up and commit terrorist acts. Attitudes get handed down from generation to generation.
When this happens, of course the conclusion is that the kids were 'radicalized' here by some outside influence.
When actually, they were 'radicalized' from birth by their own families.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What people don't understand is that there is no way of ensuring what an immigrant's/refugee's purpose is for coming here. They aren't going to reveal how they really feel about our society if they know it will keep them out.

Your wisdom (and Dixie's) far surpasses most on this forum! Kudos to you both.